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Everything posted by garybrun

  1. garybrun


    Love the intro Mark... get you hooked with the panning straight out of the gate. Nice verb too. Love your style of playing. These are just my opinions and we all paint very different pictures. Kick is a little to "flat" or "dampended" - I can hear the beater well. Unless that is your intention for the style. SI Electric could come up a little. When it got nearer the end I was feeling a little unbalanced as there is a lot of panning going on. My brain was trying to catch what was goin on but couldnt lock on (analytical listening).
  2. I have a few pair of headphone that I use through Sonarworks. DT880 Pro Avantone Pro ACS IEM Custom Encore Slate VSX I have a really good pair of Studio monitors (see sig) but I am really getting into the Slate VSX. Looking forward to the next software update for the headphones and some BigFoot emulations coming too.
  3. Luxury. DREAM... whats a dream? We never got any sleep!!
  4. Luxury A gnat ridden peat bog. We lived in slurry tank with bloody cow files everywhere.
  5. If you notice Rowan Atkinson (MR BEAN) is in it.
  6. Yes... you should be hung drawn and quarted for attention seeking!! ?
  7. So thats why your mixes are crap?? ? English sarcastic humour!! lol
  8. After a post in another thread one guy we know designed the computer keyboard for the Acorn Electron @Wookiee and it got me thinking. They say everyone has their time in the "Limelight" What is your call to fame?? Ill post mine later as I have a few!! ?
  9. On my monitors with no sub bass I am hearing 28-13182. I am 57 years old.
  10. I dont use it as I have a few very large NAS servers here at home.
  11. I had this Fostex 280 with an add on which would stripe MTC timecode too tape so I could use the midi sync. A zoom effects processor for reverb ?
  12. The ZX Spectrum for me was used to play games... think it was a text based adventure game... like the hobbit... cant remember. Then the famous Commodore 64!! wow that was a huge upgrade! Graphics and it could talk!! ?
  13. Was just going to say a version of Cakewalk... lol. I listened all the way to the end... and came to the conclusion I have been with Cakewalk longer than you!!!! Also used Coreldraw in those early days too. Was good to put a voice to a face. I was using a ZX81 with a 16mb ram pack... then moved upto an Acorn Electron with tape. Used to spend hours programming in stuff!! Then over to an Atari ST.
  14. I thought this interview was great. I was using Cakewalk before Noel joined... never knew that!! lol
  15. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this. I will study and get back to you. Cheers and all the best as always, Gary
  16. What can I say? You take care mate.
  17. garybrun

    Some arp fun

    Very nice ... but I wish you would stop arpin on about this stuff ? You have to be from the UK to understand the above slang ?
  18. Well done Jane. Thanks for sharing.
  19. Thank you John. That was explained well. Good job.
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