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Everything posted by craigb

  1. What??!! In the Coffee House??! No way!!! ? ?
  2. Would this have been close enough? (I miss my gear! ?
  3. Just tell them you identify as a fish then! ?
  4. Well, I'm sticking with Notepad!!! I've been using it for 40 years and I almost have a verse for my first song finished. Only about three million more ones and zeros to enter...
  5. Good thing you didn't ask at a Guitar Center! They would have taken you out back... ?
  6. Got a present for ya! Check your PM's... ?
  7. Automatic For The People was a good album! Probably not far behind my favorite: Reveal.
  8. Can't believe you even found a copy of that one! I used to have all their solo efforts on vinyl too... ?
  9. I've got friends that are still in Hawaii right now. I think I'm somewhere around eight states and 18 countries... Ok! Well, I'm off for a short vacation myself! I'll be gone until I run out of money. See you in about 30 minutes! ?
  10. I'm familiar with that Mexican cutie where I have no clue how she got here! ? (Her name was Margarita as well!)
  11. [Insert bass jokes here...] Sorry, that humor doesn't scale well. A real sinker. Even if it does hook a few that take the bait.
  12. I, for one, do not miss all the hiss and static, the short play times and having to replace the records often because I had played them until they were flat! As a DJ (late 1980 thru late 1983), we were required to hold each record and look at it across the grooves. If the surfaces was a dark and shiny black, we played it. If it was dull and gray, it meant the grooves were gone and the record was flat. Those were noted in our log (so the program manager could replace it) and tossed. Oh, and, yes, I could spin a record on my finger tip while fading in another with my other hand! It looked really cool for those looking into the DJ booth. ?
  13. Reminds me of the record store I used to go to called Licorice Pizza. Got to meet Terri Nunn of Berlin there! (The Interwebs says she's 5' 6" tall but, for me at 6' 4" she seemed around 4' 9"! ? )
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