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Everything posted by craigb

  1. What??! Do you expect to only live for a few months more??? I would have said "This will more than likely be the last computer I buy this decade" instead!
  2. Haven't seen either of those for a long time. I don't mind replays (if they're good)! ?
  3. Now THAT'S the Bill I remember! ?
  4. Without a fourth octave this is useless!!! ?
  5. Me thinks you've run afoul and are fishing for replies. ?
  6. I really enjoyed mine. Awesome stress relief too. Just realize that he will NOT be satisfied with the basic kit! That's how mine started out, but I ended up expanding it to the max.
  7. Kirlean photography is awesome, but are you referring to Aura-imaging?
  8. Have you seen his modular setup? You HAVE to be able to figure things out to own one of those!
  9. I wouldn't mind having a few of those in my studio! (Some of the synths too! ?) *Goes off to find some Mike Oldfield in my collection...*
  10. Best business plan I've heard today. Heck, I started with nothing and still have most of it left! ?
  11. Cool! Here's a picture of me playing in my huge, CJ-style studio with the lights off! Damn I look GOOD in front of those full-stacks, don't I??? ?
  12. Steve looks annoyed that some old guy is trying to butt in on his action! ?
  13. Um, there's printing on each that tells you? ?
  14. Pro-Cakewalk Tip: Save your money up and have Jim create a kick-ass DAW for you Andy! ?
  15. Or, we are just part of the Source (as is everything else!). ?
  16. "But they all have true bypass!" ~ Proud Owner probably
  17. Some people are unclear on the concept! ?
  18. Wow! I didn't realize how many went last year... Jim Dunlop Dies (Plus a list of everyone who passed away last year.)
  19. Wait... Just found the torrent... (I'm kidding!!! ?)
  20. To answer the title, I'd go with "Yes!"
  21. You can also watch it on YouTube for $2.99 apparently!
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