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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Good, good... Ya just have to drone on about it, don't ya? ?
  2. Are you using a Virtual Private Network (a VPN)? VPN's create a private tunnel through the internet and help with security because, if someone attempts to access anything in the tunnel, the VPN software basically drops that tunnel and creates a new one). Of course, they can also mask the IP you're using which is why they're so popular with the bit torrent kiddies (who don't realize that their signup information is usually fully available to law enforcement anyway - lol). A bad tunnel could also reference one illegal immigrants dig under a border wall but find an underground water source instead... ?
  3. DNS fixes can take 24-48 hours to propagate to all the servers. That might be the issue too.
  4. Wow... Only 49... But didn't want to stick around.
  5. This poor girl doesn't even understand how to use a mic, and yet she's still very popular. Strange how that works, ya? ?
  6. I'm having flashbacks... In the late 70's and early 80's I only used Super Slinky's, but a special version called "Doc T's" 'cause Doc T was the owner of the music store we used to hang out in all the time. LOL! (Side note: Elixers suck for pick slides. Just sayin'... ?)
  7. Synkrotron's wife found out how to block URL's. ?
  8. And, the updated version for everyone who suffered through the coverage of the FIFA World Cup nine years ago.
  9. I'm sorry, but my Karma ran over your dogma... (Hey, this IS the Coffee House, so I'm allowed! ? Plus, it gets even better when you read the definitions for those two words. ?)
  10. The REALLY sad part here is that there's actually 23 clowns in that casket... ?
  11. Until someone else figures out how to monetize it. Simples!
  12. Can it do Gregorian Chants too? (Disclaimer: Serious question - lol!)
  13. Still not sure what this has to do with becan though... ? Please, carry on! ?
  14. Hmm... Well, I can see something you'll want to address. It's obvious you need a larger monitor (or a few). Here's an example from one of CJ's studios. Note that you can't see the tower hidden behind, ya? ?
  15. I've got the tab for this if anyone needs it...
  16. It doesn't look like it will hold enough... Maybe he should get an external NAS to go with the system? ?
  17. Did the full tower come with its own taunting Frenchman? ?
  18. Unlike the similar sounding wastes of flesh that start with a "K" and should all be sent on a one-way trip into a star somewhere! ?
  19. Well, Tahiti is a magical place! ?
  20. We were just talking about this and I stumbled on this cartoon. ?
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