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Everything posted by craigb

  1. I think I still have my original Cakewalk v1.0 on a 5.25" floppy still... ?
  2. Just like the old George Carlin skit... "Well, there not in the freezer, maybe I should check the microwave!"
  3. Heh, "Amberlight" sounds like a beer. ? Some very cool images there Cookie! ?
  4. But can you wash your turkey with your socks and jeans???
  5. It definitely IS the stuff that goes into the user folders that will be different but, as ien pointed out, that includes a LOT of things! If you ever went the dual-boot route, I'd suggest putting each OS on a different hard drive, but I don't think you need to do that here - just two different user accounts.
  6. Wow... The most important thread in the Coffee House lingering on page 3! I still want to know how Bapu ended up keeping his 86,000 posts while I lost almost 42,000 in the transition! Guess I'll have to get to work... NOT!
  7. Was that when I bought your CD? LMAO! ?
  8. Just thought of this... Since you're going to use this monster for multiple reasons, I'd also create a "music only" user along with a "gaming user" (then just log out of one and "Switch User" to get to the other). This will keep things as clean as possible for both.
  9. That's about a year for some people I know. ?
  10. I'd install the non-music stuff to a different hard drive (which could always be another SSD of course!).
  11. Remember that you can (and I believe should) map your library folders (documents, pictures, movies, etc.) to another drive to keep them off of the OS drive. Just right-click on the folder (e.g., Pictures), select Properties, and then select the Location tab to change where this folder resides. Next, I highly recommend getting Glary Utilities to keep things lean, mean and running smoothly. It's just like the good parts of the old Norton Utilities, but without the A/V or bloatware that came with Norton. We use the one-button cleanup with our clients. You only need the free version too. Just remember to go to Settings and turn off things that will cause it to start when you reboot, sit in your task-tray or notify you (you'll want to say no to sample submissions too at install time). It not only will clean up broken registry items and links, but it will remove a ton of temporary files off your OS drive. It wouldn't surprise me if your OS drive only takes up about 100 GB after you do the above tips.
  12. 'Tis the problem right there! I typically was doing it without the manual.
  13. Are there any left you don't already have???! ?
  14. *Kenny wanders off to grind some beans...* ?
  15. Kenny's preparing to start a ZZ-Top cover band! (I would totally go to watch it too! ? )
  16. Getting a root canal via a colonoscopy?
  17. That could have been the problem. I know I rarely posted in the Techniques, Software and Hardware forums, but I definitely read them - especially when I ran into a problem. They might have based their subforum creation on posts, not reads...
  18. If you put your tape mesaures with your turkey basters (and who needs more than one of those anyway???), then you might have some other, more pressing, issues to look into! (Just sayin'! ?)
  19. Whenever I see something like that I like to imagine the guy sitting there hurriedly trying to write down what's flowing in his head before he loses it.
  20. There's getting to be too many useful and productive topics in the Coffee House! Hard to find all the buffoonery. ?
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