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Everything posted by craigb

  1. In my v-drum picture, you'll notice that I have a sampler right in the middle (good for wood blocks, gongs, chimes, etc.). Can you guess what setting #97 was used for? Yep! ?
  2. What??! Do you expect to only live for a few months more??? I would have said "This will more than likely be the last computer I buy this decade" instead!
  3. Haven't seen either of those for a long time. I don't mind replays (if they're good)! ?
  4. Now THAT'S the Bill I remember! ?
  5. Without a fourth octave this is useless!!! ?
  6. Me thinks you've run afoul and are fishing for replies. ?
  7. I really enjoyed mine. Awesome stress relief too. Just realize that he will NOT be satisfied with the basic kit! That's how mine started out, but I ended up expanding it to the max.
  8. Kirlean photography is awesome, but are you referring to Aura-imaging?
  9. Have you seen his modular setup? You HAVE to be able to figure things out to own one of those!
  10. I wouldn't mind having a few of those in my studio! (Some of the synths too! ?) *Goes off to find some Mike Oldfield in my collection...*
  11. Best business plan I've heard today. Heck, I started with nothing and still have most of it left! ?
  12. Cool! Here's a picture of me playing in my huge, CJ-style studio with the lights off! Damn I look GOOD in front of those full-stacks, don't I??? ?
  13. Steve looks annoyed that some old guy is trying to butt in on his action! ?
  14. Um, there's printing on each that tells you? ?
  15. Pro-Cakewalk Tip: Save your money up and have Jim create a kick-ass DAW for you Andy! ?
  16. Or, we are just part of the Source (as is everything else!). ?
  17. "But they all have true bypass!" ~ Proud Owner probably
  18. Some people are unclear on the concept! ?
  19. Wow! I didn't realize how many went last year... Jim Dunlop Dies (Plus a list of everyone who passed away last year.)
  20. Wait... Just found the torrent... (I'm kidding!!! ?)
  21. To answer the title, I'd go with "Yes!"
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