Well, Neil Diamond IS in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame as of 2011...
(He wrote "I'm A Believer.")
Gerry Goffin and Carole King are in as well ("Pleasant Valley Sunday")
I don't believe Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart are though ("Last Train To Clarksville")...
I recall it snowing twice in San Diego. A light dusting in 1967 and flakes falling but not hitting the ground in 1987. That's it. However, I've been in Las Vegas (for a dart tournament back in the 80's) when there was a good bit of snow.
It hasn't snowed up here since yesterday afternoon - lol.
Not sure there Bill! Water could be steam or it could be ice and, east and west? Those are all messed up! If you go east from the east coast you hit the west and, if you go west from the west coast you hit the east!
This is actually a link to a long playlist. All of Rick Beato's "What Makes This Song Great?" videos are awesome.
(Doesn't that guy above look like a complete doofus? "Want to drop 50 IQ points right now? Just wear a baseball cap off to the side!" )