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Everything posted by craigb

  1. That's how much this one is worth. Fully custom. The body style comes from a Les Paul Double-Cut I liked, the scale length matches PRS's 25", the fretboard is modeled after a Music Man Axis, the pickup configuration starts as a Fat-Strat, adds a Wilkenson tremolo, the pickups are custom wound from Bare-Knuckle Pickups in the UK and there's a lot of special wiring in there that give me a LOT of options (see Tone Options ). Then there's the wood (including the Master's Grade, beyond 10-top curly maple top), attention to detail and well over 12 coats of stain and clear coat (with hand sanding done between the stain coats). This is currently the only guitar I have left (I lost everything during the 2008-9 credit crunch amongst a lot of very illegal banking actions - two houses, a vehicle, my music studio and over $830k). I had two other customs based on the same design and feel that covered other ground. My luthier is keeping one (the raspberry one which has Line 6 Variax guts hidden in it) until I can afford to build my studio again and Space Cowboy (a member at the old Coffee House) bought one (the poorly pictured blue one below). So, besides what I mentioned above, what makes a guitar worth $7k? I used to have 17 different guitars. They all did different things, they all felt and played different too. These three replaced all of them and provided me with at least three times the sonic options I had with the 17, plus they all felt and played the same (except for some rather extreme weight differences!). Kind of like when you have decent golf clubs.
  2. "The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side." ~ Hunter S. Thompson
  3. Here you go! What a bargain!!! ? (Can't believe you don't get free shipping at that price though...) The link I took today (April 6th).
  4. Intel knows everything is safer removed from Windows! ? (Good luck with it!?)
  5. I loved hardware synths and ROMplers! I could control them with my Korg N5, MS2000 or MIDI keyboard and save all of my CPU's processing power for real-time effects. That said, the next DAW I create will be as beefy as I can make it so I can add more software synths.
  6. I couldn't even play that on my air guitar... ? (My fingers can't move that fast after I broke my arm...)
  7. craigb


    An oinkment (specifically becan ? ) is best. ?
  8. My landlord/roommate gets up at 3:30am. I'm sure I'm in agreement with the neighborhood that we all he doesn't adopt this approach! LOL! ?
  9. NI and S are holding out for stiffer punishment? ?
  10. craigb


    Maybe. Could be gas though... ?
  11. craigb


    That's very the Nice of you to say??? ?
  12. craigb


    Depends on which of "us" you're referring to, the "smart" one or the "smart-ass" one. ?
  13. Hey, I know people like that! ? But, more on topic, it's always a good thing to narrow down what, exactly, is the part that's failing. In a few decades of doing IT, I've seen it all!
  14. Sorry, thought you were trying to make a record. My bad. ? It looks like you're getting some really good advice now though. ?
  15. Ha! Just found the exercise in a video!
  16. We all know lots of vocalists use exercises to prepare their voices for singing, but I've always used the following exercise back when I was a DJ (1980-83) and before I did any voice-over work: It's called the "King Kong" exercise. Basically you say the following three phrases (in any order really) with the goal of stretching your vocal chords so you can have a lower pitched voice. "King Kong!" (at a comfortably low pitch) "Ding Dong!" (at a lower pitch) "Bing Bong!" (at an even lower pitch but where you extend that finally "onnnnnnnnnnnng" lower and lower) I like to run through it a few times varying the order of phrases. Works great!
  17. When I heard that was coming out I tried to earn enough to buy one (I mean, 64k??! Wow!). But, by the time I had enough money, all sorts of new stuff had come out so I continued waiting. Until then I had to make do with Trash-80's and the first Apples ("Ooo!!! Color!!!").
  18. Here ya go Bill! I found you another special to take the place of Walmart's failure. I grabbed a really nice one! ? (But I had to put it back later... Wrong color. ?)
  19. Or, combine the last two suggestions! Doom-metal covers of Beach Boys songs off the Pet Sounds album using a baritone sax, an according and a bass harmonica with beats on 1 and 3!!! ?? (Not sure if adding a vuvuzela will help though...?)
  20. What? Are you nuts???! ?‍♂️
  21. Refilling the coffee maker? Putting paper into the copier??? ?
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