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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Most of the real issues has little to do with meat or no-meat and everything to do with what has been brain-washed into people as "healthy." The notion of breakfast being the most important meal of the day (nominally consisting of tons of grains and sugars with the grains turning into sugars as well) is completely wrong. It originated with an advertiser in the 1920's. There's a lot more than this of course, but I had some serious gut issues and removing almost all grains and drastically lowering my sugar intact solved them. It's basically a war between the "good" gut bugs and the bad.
  2. Hey, maybe that's your life's calling??? Even better, that would give Strummy something to do too! (Follow you around and recommend grammar corrections.?)
  3. craigb


    *Waits for Strummy to correct Kenny's post...* ?
  4. craigb


    Was it cute? (Sorry, should have resisted, but couldn't! ?)
  5. I'd like to see a vegan ask those questions to a tiger...
  6. I think that's a complete disgrace! I mean, not a strip of becan to be seen!
  7. I hear they just got a subscription to Band in a Box... Coincidence?
  8. It's ok Paulo, we even accept people like you over there! ?
  9. Wha??! You mean to tell me that this won't be fixed until NEXT YEAR??!!!
  10. I sure hope we're not discussing under-aged Gouda in here!
  11. Well, I did live with the Wong girl for several months...
  12. That second one just makes me want to have Asian tonight. ?
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