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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Darth Faper? Finding yourself bored with all the free time in isolation there Ed? ?
  2. The biggest disappointment with this video is that it doesn't show him playing!
  3. Paulo's real name is Tim Storms! ?
  4. Heh, yeah, I watched a few of Vitas' videos last night. That is one weird dude! A better question might be would Dimash even want to try that? ? Then you have this weirdness: I really like her singing in the beginning, but I just can't stand the other parts (from either S ex!).
  5. Wait... Who snuck onto Strummy's account and posted Culture Club??? Do you really want to hurt me??! ? ?
  6. I do like that "glide" Vitas does, but is that his only trick? I'll have to see if I can find another video of him... (Wait? Somebody drunk in Russia? No!!! ?)
  7. An extra octave of range? From what I'm reading, only two guys have a six-octave range: Mike Patton (of Faith No More, Mr. Bungle fame) and Damish. Mariah Carey tops the females with a five-octave range plus a few notes (Whitney Houston was also five-octaves). I just saw one (singing in a different language) where he (Dimash) was all over the really low notes. Damn... I still haven't found him singing in English yet.
  8. Holy f****** range Batman! ? A 6-octave range!!! I read he can sing 12 languages too. I'm off to see if I can find something in English...
  9. Hehe... I don't know why, but I wanted to find a way to post the Cure song above and, Voila! A perfect way. Thanks Nigel! ?
  10. Just had to drag in his relatives, did ya Gregy??? ?
  11. That would be a big "Nope!" from me too! ? Loved this thing. Direct recording too.
  12. My TD day not-withstanding, it's been a while since I posted this one. DAYUM is this entire song and video mesmerizing!
  13. We've got a 5-watt BlackStar here that can easily get too loud. I've also used a wonderful 5-watt Egnater that I wish I had now!
  14. Today is officially a Tangerine Dream Day for me! I've been up and working since 4:30 am but, by the time I finally go to sleep late tonight, I will have only dented my collection. LOL! ?
  15. I never thought I'd see the day where Reason was mentioned (favorably) in the same sentence as Pro Tools! ?
  16. 16 drive letters left Rooooooo! Get on it! ? S.L.I.P. would probably recommend P for Pron (and the others are probably just subcategories!). ?
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