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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Nice monitors, but what I'm currently having is studio-envy. That looks like a really nice setup!
  2. To be fair, I never saw that since I played the video inside the thread. All I saw for a description was: So, remaster that puppy! ?
  3. There's only a suggested retail price so that some people think they're getting a $49.95 discount! ?
  4. I haven't used Blender for over 15 years. Looks like it's come a long way since I last played with it! Good job Andy! My only critic is that it might be a little bit too dark since there are points with nothing but a black screen... Works well with the music though! ?
  5. Well, I certainly enjoyed it! (I wonder if I should try it with the mute off next time??)
  6. When you're hoping a band does NOT do covers...
  7. No. This is unacceptable! The only prudent action is to buy all of us one so we can provide a group opinion! ?
  8. I'm sooooo tempted to put up something by Roger Waters just to see Pragi's "**** Roger Waters!" reply! ? (Or U2! Although I don't think it makes any sense to knock the music of an artist or band just because one or more of the main members is a d0uche nozzle, I definitely can't stand it when they use their assumed audience to preach politics!) My favorite U2 one: During a concert in Ireland, Bono holds up his hands and demands quiet. Then he starts to slowly clap his hands above his head while he announces to the crowd "Every time I clap my hands, a child dies in Africa!" to which someone near the stage yells "Well then stop fooking doing it!!!" ?
  9. Ah, I posted before taking that link! A couple comments about sustainers (sussed out when my one custom had one - it definitely got replaced!). First of all, the Sustainiac is a much better choice than the Fernandes version (which is actually just a licensed older model Sustainiac!), however you are now stuck with that humbucker for all non-sustainer use. That is, unless you get what they now are calling a Model C! When I get back into spending major dosh on music gear again, I will definitely be getting one! I loved the sustainer I had originally (just wasn't happy with the normal tone), so a clip-on version is the best of all worlds. Not only can you have the pickups YOU want, but you can move it from guitar to guitar. Ok, I'll admit it does look pretty fugly, but I'm not Steve Vai and was only using it (as well as an eBow) strictly in my private studio. ?
  10. Of the Schecter's I've owned or played, they mostly only had one issue: For some reason, the input jack needed work! It was either loose or, in one case, needed to be replaced. Sure, easy stuff, but c'mon!
  11. Wait... My favorite didn't make the list??? ? (Man, nobody gives Notepad any respect... ?) ?
  12. I was going to post a few puns about unemployed people, but none of them work...
  13. I saw this play a lot closer to your neighborhood than mine! July 4th, 1981 at the Piccadilly Theatre. I believe that counted as the "cultural" part of our 31 days in 15 different countries! ? Ok, back to it... Yep, Detroit is still the Motor City (even if it really isn't anymore).
  14. That's exactly why I like to keep reposting my favorite colab efforts like THIS and THIS! ?
  15. They both have a guy holding a guitar in the image! Duh! ? (Ok, to be fair, I didn't get it either. ?)
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