Maybe you need to social distance it to Ebm, then perform a lockdown with a capo?
A mask should also be used to ensure that none of the grooves are infectious!
Doctor: "Sorry Dave, but it appears that you have tested positive for KOKOL-20. I'm afraid that it is very contagious and will have a serious economic impact. Social distancing seems to only make the condition worse and isolation is only effective if it's between you and all of your electronic devices."
Dave: "Oh no! Is there a cure Doc?"
Doctor: "Here, take this vaccine."
Dave: "What am I supposed to do with this?"
Doctor: "Whenever you feel the desire to buy a VST, hit yourself in the head until the feeling passes."
Bapu has lots of VST's because he doesn't practice safe financial *****.
Oh, give me a flippin' break! Even the word "i n t e r c o u r s e" is censored??! (But bullshit isn't?)
F**, C**, MSN**,A**,N**,B**, etc. They're all the same. In fact, they WANT you to think that it's one side or the other when they're just two sides of the same coin.
Same thing applies here:
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