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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Pretty much my life in a nutsack nutshell! Except my friends can't understand why I seem healthy and happy! ?
  2. Still LMAO! ? https://youtu.be/wx8Xf50x1_c?si=FWptfbs7sZgXNAaw
  3. I see an opportunity to move the desk in front of the window and completely fill that blank wall with a modular synth! ?
  4. *Waits for Bob to finish his sentence...*
  5. That looks much nicer that what I have which I haven't even tried to pull out of storage and see if it still works! It was last used about 23 years ago! ?
  6. Since I no longer have any physical instruments, what is the best inexpensive interface for working with this? I keep watching Luke (aka Synth Seeker), known to a few here like Andy (Synkrotron) and Wookiee using Ableton with a Push interface which is quite different than anything I've seen. However, I'm not ready to shell out those kind of bucks just yet! (About $1,600 for the Push with Ableton Live Suite! ?) Oh, and an Audient EVO 4 is on it's way here for me to try. I was going to wait, and probably should have! Oh, well. ?
  7. Confession: I have never heard of this guy! And, no, I don't mean I've vaguely heard the name but know of nothing he's done, I mean I've never even heard the name before this thread! Other Friedman's like Marty, yes, but not this guy. RIP none-the-less!
  8. I doubt it's planned... Still terrible today too! Threads take forever to come up, I posted a reply and the submit failed a few times...
  9. His brother Jose climbed the flag pole at one of Rodriguez's games to watch him, but was surprised when everyone stood up and asked him "Jose, can you see?"
  10. Here I am thinking of making a new studio "in the box" and you're busy about to make a studio by taking everything out of boxes! ?
  11. This will be a fun one to follow! ? Talk Talk - Talk Talk ?
  12. To buy more plug-ins? ? Duh. ?
  13. We'll wait and see if this one holds up well.
  14. Congrats on a successful trip! I'm currently in hiding because my June allergies are going crazy, but I think you'll love the nature out here. ?
  15. Another Adele cover! ?
  16. I was laughed at tonight when someone asked what the chemical formula for water was and I answered HIJKLMNO! I thought everyone knew it was H to O! ?‍♂️
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