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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Dave's description sounds right up my alley (heck, I had Tangerine Dream playing all weekend!). I'll have to check these out soon (watching training videos now... ?).
  2. Wow... What a bummer! Notes was such a fun guy around here before he deleted himself!
  3. I'm partially ambiguous. (Or am I?)
  4. 340 Mbps down and 12.9 Mbps up actual on a 275 down / 10 up plan. For $25 more I can get 1.2 Gbps down and 35 Mbps up which would actually be even faster than that. This internet plus 220 channels of cable is about $200 / month. FWIW - 320 Mbps down is 2.4 GB per minute or 144 GB per hour (a tad quicker than Carbonite's 1.5 GB per hour, ya?).
  5. As a couple of you know, I just lost 1.3 TB off a 3 TB drive. I've used Carbonite for years (decades?), NO MORE!!! It took over 37 DAYS to restore that 1.3 TB's and... once I had it all back, the 10 TB drive I had restored to broke its connector (it's basically useless now - I'm trying to decide what to do). Carbonite wouldn't send me a disk and their download rate caps at a ridiculous 1.5 GB PER HOUR!!! I'm now using BackBlaze. It's cheaper, has unlimited storage, AND will use as much bandwidth that you can throw at it! Just use a NAS attached to your computer and BackBlaze will not only back up every drive IN your computer, but those attached EXTERNALLY to your computer!
  6. Q: What's the best way to know how many cattle you have? A: Count the legs and divide by four! ?
  7. "C'mon! YouTube doesn't censor videos!!!" ?
  8. I think I've figured it out! I checked out the tab for the chords you used... ?
  9. Missed my chance at Mr. Blue Sky by ELO so, I'll go this way!
  10. I doubt anyone here who tried to make a song on a four-track would disagree. ?
  11. Plus you no longer need to give 20% of the pay to someone who only did 5% of the work! ?
  12. Rumble is another YouBoob alternative.
  13. Forget the rest. You're now MY hero Byron! ??
  14. This question is unfair to those whose stomach is so large that their hands don't touch. ?
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