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Everything posted by craigb

  1. "All that lost post-count!" Bapu probably. 😁
  2. I bet the cartoonist had pebbles thrown at him too! 😁
  3. But Bob! If you HAD decided to write lyrics, you could have been in the 74% majority!!! 😂
  4. Hmm.. What thread are we in again??? 🤔😁
  5. I read this as having a better than 1 in 4 chance of making more than $10k a year! 😁
  6. Hopefully this doesn't get my own thread locked, but I've seen the actual Dominion code from 2020. 'Nuff said!
  7. Back when Keef was only 3,473 years old, ya? 😆
  8. A fun factoid: The Who never made a profit until Tommy! (I wouldn't be surprised if Pete's destroying of guitars and gear at most concerts didn't contribute though! 😆)
  9. (Another original! Take it or leave it! 😜)
  10. The original is now back to being the one and only... 😕 If you have to kick someone out, why can't you just lock their account? We've lost THOUSANDS of good posts which now make some of threads read even weirder than normal...
  11. Well, @Wibbles thanks to some 💩 you now have a secure lead and we've lost a lot of cool music that I liked to go back to (plus several other threads like the Random one)... 🤬😕
  12. A few thousand posts have magically disappeared from the Song Association Game thread??! 😮 Other things are going missing too... What the **** is going on here???
  13. Hey, I'm not a fan of their business practices, but these items are going cheap! Get whatever you may want now! https://www.sweetwater.com/dealzone/keyboard-synthesizer-deals?Brand=Behringer&Type+of+Deal=Price+Drops#dealzone-banner
  14. For over a year now, my joke has been that I identify as a 33-year old. What's interesting is that some out-of-town friends I hadn't seen in a couple of years came in for a visit and wondered what I'd been doing since I looked younger! Hadn't even noticed that I have far less grey hair and the bald spot is covered again! 😮 Now to try identifying as the millionaire with six-pack abs that I once was 20 years ago... Hmm... 😁
  15. Ha! I had the right answer typed in and didn't see my reply. Then I see it still in the editor unsubmitted... Oh well! 🤷‍♂️
  16. @Xoo So, do you have a day job? Just curious... 😜
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