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Everything posted by craigb

  1. And, a tip on how to nail that snare drum sound! ?
  2. That one was borrowed by the drummer and needed to be washed... ?
  3. Of course, that wasn't the actual reason Caroline was banned! ?
  4. I'll let my buddy Walter 'splain it to ya! ?
  5. #2 As I was being arrested from this place about 3.5 miles away from my house... Apparently, the name is misleading... ?
  6. Well, Mickey said she was f****** Goofy! ?
  7. Guy 1 - "She's a butter face!" Guy 2 - "What does that mean?" Guy 1 - "Everything about her is awesome, butter face." ?
  8. *Sheesh!* Does Kenny even belong here? ? I mean, he actually KNOWS how to play! ?
  9. It may be small, but it has a BIG sound! ?
  10. Now THERE'S a connection you don't see every day! ?
  11. That's another strike against you Bob. ? (Sounds like those pin heads could use a reset! ? )
  12. Sheer > Shear > What do you shear? Sheep! ?
  13. Just like it does in this forum! ???
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