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Everything posted by craigb

  1. @Shane_B. - Hey, no need to inform me that you don't know how to spell Doodoo! ?
  2. Just like what you take off to get to the candy, he's not what you want, he's just a (w)rapper. ?
  3. Just chuckling that "ot" could mean either "on topic" or "off topic!" ?
  4. Interesting. So, does Ludicrous' new haircut look bowie? ?
  5. What's in your wallet? pantry?
  6. I've always looked at "music education" like a many-legged table where each leg is an aspect of the learning. If all you do is learn how to play an instrument, but not why or how to maintain said instrument (for example) then it's like one leg is long while the others are too short and your table falls over. I think you need to learn some of one part, then some of another, etc. before you go back to expand your knowledge on the first part. Depending on just how far you want to go, you've got music theory, perfect pitch & relative pitch, harmony, instrument knowledge, instrument playing (which is different), instrument maintenance, amplification, gear (& effects), mixing, recording, how to gig, and how to integrate with other musicians. Note that when I say "instrument" that could include your voice! (Or a turntable if you're a DJ like Zo! ? )
  7. Most of the Bauhaus guys minus Peter Murphy.
  8. I'll keep that train going! I still play this song a lot. ?
  9. Does the rain in Spain fall mainly on the plains???
  10. Oh fine. This will probably get the thread removed now! ? (You forgot to add that the only thing you're supposed to put in your ears are your elbows.) ?
  11. I hear that extra finger is an Alembic... ?
  12. If a different set of headphones doesn't help, you might consider a cheap headphone amp. Something like this:
  13. I figured I'd leave Elvis (et. al.) for someone else.
  14. Indeed! Here he is. Has a bit of a Bapu look to him, doesn't he?
  15. For those of us that don't know Italian! ?
  16. LMAO! Did you see what happened at about 1:07? ?
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