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Everything posted by craigb

  1. craigb

    Celestial Oblivion

    That ending though... Did a comet hit? ?
  2. Yes, he did! (And don't think I didn't notice what you did there! Stellar indeed! ?)
  3. craigb

    Celestial Oblivion

    REALLY liked that orchestral intro! ?? Another good job guys! Worth the wait for Dave's contribution! ? (Is the bass done by AI??? ?)
  4. That will help! Because, after awhile, you won't be able to afford to run the A/C anyway. ?
  5. Here's the video I was thinking about. When I used to see Walter there were always fish jokes going on long before Samantha!
  6. Just saw that the hidden posts were deleted again instead of shown. Um, why? ?
  7. Almost posted one with Walter Trout and Samantha Fish, but it had some others in it (including Joe B. shown above) so that would have watered down the joke... ?
  8. Here's what I wrote. Remove the dashes: "B-ob, sea-rch f-or a ph-one num-ber t-o tr-y!" Not sure what is the problem there!
  9. Holy WTF??!!! I just put a shortened version (eight words) and it was hidden as well! What is wrong with this forum software???
  10. Wow... I just had another post hidden! But there's nothing in it that should warrant hiding it... WTF?
  11. AI can't improve on my album of John Cage 4' 33" covers! I play every instrument too!!! ?
  12. https://www.facebook.com/reel/3485244475099759
  13. Not so much where he's moving, but we just had some sightings a couple of miles East of me near some friend's houses here! Cougars and coyotes are common too.
  14. Wow... Instead of unhiding actual helpful information... They deleted my post! Go figure. ?‍♂️
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