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Everything posted by craigb

  1. What's "Mind Journey?" ? Is that similar to Midjourney?
  2. Morrissey - Everyday Is Like Sunday
  3. Like THAT would matter to Microsoft? ? (Or Google, or F***Book, or... ?)
  4. Next video idea: "The Problem with Having Zero Money for Gear..." ?
  5. (Poor Kenny needs to turn his on! ? )
  6. If I was ever to get a tattoo, it would look something like this, but on the back of my neck! ?
  7. I'm sure you know that the Earth is about 70% water, right? And almost none of it is carbonated, so... Technically, the Earth IS flat! ?? (I made these two images awhile back: Real science )
  8. Thomas Dolby - Europa and the Pirate Twins
  9. I think Roger Waters would last about 20 seconds here... ?
  10. Yeah... I self-moderated mine, but it just makes me so mad to see everyone falling for the mass-programming.
  11. I've been just reading about this: https://robertedwardgrant.com/precise-temperament-tuning/ When I get the time, I'll have to watch the video and see if they're similar!
  12. [Deleted] Nevermind. Nobody wants to know the real science anymore anyway. All the top-ranked search results show the BS answers that support the global agenda. (My PhD work was in neuroscience so if you want to understand how getting your amygdala triggered makes you susceptible to suggestions and turns off all critical thinking, just ask! ?)
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