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Everything posted by craigb

  1. I see a lot of confusion between the terms "spell" and "grammar."
  2. Poor Strummy! He forgot to let Kenny know about the missing comma after "In my case" as well! ?
  3. So YOU'RE the one the girls at the parlor were telling me about! (No happy ending for you!!! ?)
  4. I just found some, but thought it was traceable and left it....
  5. (What else were you expecting??? Duh. ? )
  6. I'm surprised that Martha didn't force some poor kid to clean up all that sand before she laid down on it! ?
  7. Did any of you check out my friend's last live stream that I posted on here: He uses a lot of AI generated video although he plays all the music himself.
  8. Judging by what I've seen of the so-called Popular music lately, AI can't produce songs dumb enough to chart very well...
  9. Note that I think Melodyne might be able to fix that so it's not as flat...
  10. Besides, we know this was your old car! ?
  11. I DO hope that was just a joke and didn't really happen to you Ed. Note that someone Slashed my tire too!!!
  12. Fun story (if I may!)... My friend growing up ended up working as the manager at Sherman Clay Organs & Pianos down in the area made famous by Zappa's Valley Girl song. He was the top salesperson in the Nation three years in a row which also tells you how annoying he was to be around at times! ? Anyway, a lady approached him and said that her husband had recently passed away and that he had an organ kept covered in a special room of the house that she claimed "he loved that thing more than me!!!" so she just wanted to give it away. My friend goes to her house to see what it was and it's a B3, not just any B3, but one that was used by the Rolling Stones (with all the provenance)! So my friend says there's no need for her to just give it away in spite and offers her $2,000 to which the lady is head-over-heels happy about. Needless to say, my friend turned around and sold it to a Japanese investor for $120,000 within a month... ? Note that this was in the mid-to-late 1980's, so $120k was a LOT of money!
  13. What do you call a brunette in-between two blondes? An interpreter.
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