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Everything posted by craigb

  1. @Rain - C'mon man! Don't leave us hangin' here!
  2. Only if it was programmed to count! ?
  3. Thought I'd POP in to see if this topic would MOV me, but nothing registered with me, so I'm just going to PUSH on and LEAve. ?
  4. Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Ayuthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit! Well, at least it looks easier Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch! ?
  5. 168 characters??! Wow... And here I've always just shortened it to "Ow!!!" ?
  6. Before returning to their home town of Islkdjfwelitrjunvoijblseijselliclbknlkdnlslienlnklsknldijofisjdlinmkcmnxlcknbliksoeifjlsjnlinkdknlsjhoilinel! ?
  7. *Pfft!* Nowadays, I see a similar message floating above my bed when I wake up! ? Your Life Must Be Reactivated within 10 day(s)!
  8. LOL... Therapy is now cheaper than going to the movies! Guest - "I'll take the large popcorn." Snack Employee - "Excellent. Please fill out these second-mortgage loan documents..." ?
  9. I hear they have a very tall library! Many stories...
  10. 20??! She looks and acts like a spoiled 13-year-old!
  11. (CakewalkForumAdminBot) - [Internal discussion] Let's just get this guys stuff hidden on page 32... Fire off our usual secret weapon! (BapuBot) - Ready for a post frenzy! (CakewalkForumAdminBot) - Bless his heart! ?
  12. (Hapy2Help) - I'm understanding that your problem is that your pitch is flat. Try adding 100 cents to make it sharp. ?
  13. Unless Kylie was doing it, roight? ?
  14. Actually, I'd have to disagree with that. If he had truly been on acid, he probably would have performed far better than normal! (As long as it was clean acid that is!) ?
  15. This lass has a sister that makes ASMR videos too (which is how she ended up in my YouTube feed). I watched a couple but, apparently, I'm just not getting the full effect... Oh, well... ?
  16. I think I can see the appeal... ? (And Kenny was never heard from again! ?)
  17. Siri: Got it! Buying a new car warranty using your saved credit card information. ?
  18. He was a good guy around here! ?
  19. Back on topic? Knowing what I know now... I'm staying the hell out of small submersibles!!! ?
  20. I'm more than a little disappointed at not finding any! I know Danny from the old forum (Danny Danzi - another member I wonder what happened to!) gave me a few that were nice, but I have no idea where they went to... ?
  21. Really? ? Well, I guess I'll just have to watch it again but with the sound on this time! ?
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