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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Met a nice, new lady recently and while at her place we were letting Spotify play different bands. Like Pandora, it tries to play bands that are similar to the original band requested. I ended up finding a few that I liked and thought I'd share since I'd never heard of them! Note that I like a LOT of genres, but these all fall into a Joy Division / Cure like vibe. First up: Twin Tribes I'll add the others once I figure out which albums seem to illustrate each best! ?
  2. Since I tend to have some of those extras around, maybe that's why I like 'em? ?
  3. But, if it's the last post, it's probably lonely, ya? ?
  4. Could this be the last post? ?
  5. As entertaining as that was, I couldn't help but be reminded at just how incredible Annie Lennox's voice is! I also didn't even recognize Sinead with hair! ?
  6. craigb


    Yes. (Fyxed! ?)
  7. My head didn't need to be shaved, but it was given a good cleaning!
  8. From the main screen I click on the star (on the left of the screen) and it takes me to the last post I read with a line and all unread posts underneath. Or, if I click on the name of the person who lasted posted (on the right of the screen), it takes me to the last post.
  9. You be jammin'! (Just buttering you up. ?)
  10. So, Bruno, do you have Yoko's Greatest Hits album too? ?
  11. Let's just say that topic has an old history here and leave it at that!!! ? (Yes, that's a young Bapu in the picture along with Beagle. Credits/demerits are probably for Strummy. ?)
  12. Ironically, the more modern Engelbert, who is still alive at 87, stole the name from the composer who created the opera Hansel and Gretel (who died in 1921).
  13. That's just not fair! The guy who stole the clock got time off!!! ?
  14. I'm still on the old version...
  15. It's well known that when they let her sing on stage, her mike was always muted! ?
  16. I don't either, but it was probably something I gave a like to! ?
  17. I still think the best cover for Yoko would be two tons of sound-proofing material! ?
  18. It had me too! So I figured I should just get the confusion out of the way!
  19. Do you believe? Go ahead, try and debunk this video!
  20. My favorites are from Miss Monique (look her up!).
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