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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Should anyone need high-quality sensors, my friend (and ex-business partner) is a main contact for Fraba (he was previously with Baumer and Parker-Hannifin, who we were strategic partners with, back when we had an alternative energy start-up). Hit me up for details! ?
  2. Just means bird crap in the hand too! ?
  3. I'm overrated. (Even at already low standards! ? )
  4. I wonder if anyone else has ever had this idea (and acted on it!): - Make a YouTube playlist of the top-40 for each year in descending order That would be cool! (I'm just too lazy to see if they have right now! ?)
  5. I'd reply but it's obvious Dave hasn't been on the forum today... ? (I also hate it when you know the driver is running late so he skips a few deliveries as "Not at home!" I have laminated signs I put on my door that say "[Delivery Service] I AM Home! Ring the bell!!!" )
  6. Faked me out! At first I was like, "Who is this?" then I saw "Hawkwind" and made the connection. ?
  7. I owned the DVD and now you have me wondering if I still have it! All my concert DVD's are stored in a bin out in the garage. While I've gotten rid of most of my old life, I still have many of the concert DVD's I used to watch... I'll have to go look for it (and see if I can record it to my computer!).
  8. $1 bills are practically worthless now-a-days! ?
  9. Poor Kenny! He must have missed... Option E Topics, All of the above! ?
  10. They say a Pole Shift is coming. Are you worried Ed??? ? ?
  11. Gee Ed, have you ever considered doing other covers? Maybe some Jethro Tull perhaps? ? (?)
  12. That whole Ronnie Scotts concert was awesome! I'm not certain, but I think that's the concert that introduced everyone to Tal. I love how Jeff just watches her in wonder. ? I hope this is a good playlist (there were a few to choose from!):
  13. As long as this winds up in the correct Cover thread you'll be ok, ya? ?
  14. Well! If it's already been "Mooch Approved!" then I'd better listen to it! ?
  15. When I had my studio, I had (at least!) three mixers: A main Mackie, and two others that fed into it (one was digital which used D/A to the Mackie as well as straight in as digital, the other gathered all of my "toys" together, like v-drums, synths, non-guitar modelers and romplers, etc.). I would have at least two incoming lines for the guitars, one dry, and others that came in from mic'ed cabs or tapped into the back of something (I used a lot of rack units like the Mesa Rectifier Recording Preamp for example). Needless to say, this could sometimes cause problems since splitting/duplicating the signal might not allow you the interaction with the amp that you want (and, obviously, not all amps have a dry out channel so I had to split it using other techniques - my custom Variax had the floor pedal do this natively, so that helped!). Then there was the whole complexity of how things came back out! Besides the ability to go to the mixing monitors, I had dedicated outputs to my PA speakers (to play the backing tracks for everyone or just me to play along with) as well as my headphone amp (my way to give everyone their own mix when needed). Add wireless to both the inputs (vocals and guitars, bass players were required to remain tethered into a child-safe corner ?) and even the headphones sometimes, and I could play with friends. It took a lot of initial planning (the spreadsheets used and abused are huge!), but totally worth it for me! ?
  16. Will listen later once I find some ??? ?
  17. I misread the thread title as "The Second Arraignment" and thought someone had gotten busted again! ?
  18. I was soooo hoping Albert had a middle name that began with "C!" That would have been the perfect side-joke for A C E, but... he didn't even have a middle name! Oh, well.
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