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Everything posted by dubdisciple

  1. I'm on the fence.$49 gets me an exciter and another limiter I don't need. Where I still pause is wanting so support arturia. They have been very generous and every plugin they have given out, I have used.
  2. I have it too. I'm guessing they did one of their free giveaways.
  3. Worked for me just fine. I did it on phone
  4. Has anyone tried this version of dehumanizer? Is it capable of musical applications like singing or simply speech?
  5. Although some of the airwindows plugins suck in the usability department, some are simple (the console emulation ones in particular ) that they have no controls. Just insert and go.
  6. Toontrack rarely offers outstanding deals. More like different configurations to buy groups of their items
  7. I think Audiolens is free at the moment. I strongly suggest pairing them
  8. "The secret technique the pros don't want you to know revealed!"
  9. Dan Worrell made a better case. A video showing how things almost null is a somewhat nebulous argument. I think anything less than a total null leaves wiggle room. A pinch of salt makes a huge difference between bland , salty and just right . With that said, most of these products will knull but the time to do so may not be worth it. I am convinced that MAutodynamic EQ can be made to null with 99% of available software EQs but the perpetual question is whether it is worthwhile. Mturboeq under the hood is just the core melda eq broken into presets. You can literally achieve every emulation in Mturboeq in Mautodynamic, but who has the time and patience for that? I'm not saying we should all use just the stock EQ ( although that is my go to for basic tasks) , but we are all probably guilty of having too many EQs that are not actually making our mixes better. Thanks Larry and Bapu!!
  10. seems to work fine for me without reboot, bu tit may take more learnign curve than i feel like dealing with lol
  11. I have seen videos of it using other plugins
  12. Since Behringer's business model is about offering deals ( and some would argue thievery) I figured this kinda fits. This article brings up a point I never considered. Behringer is probably more blatant about taking inspiration from vintage products than anyone else. I'm not just talking about licensed products either. Some of the most popular products are modeled after popular products without official licensing. None of them get the flack that Behringer does. I am not here to defend Behringer's practices, but to simply share something I found interesting. https://www.musicradar.com/news/behringer-ubxa-best-selling-synth
  13. The difference for the most part is the level of control. I think the LE is kind of deceptive because terms like "LE" and "Lite" often represent versions that are somewhat crippled. In this case the LE versions are more akin to standard versions where the Turbo versions are on steroids. The LE version have totally functional controls that often go beyond the functionality of hardware units being emulated. On their own, with LE you have collections of emulations that are debatably on par with much costlier emulations of other companies. What the turbo versions offer is insane amounts of control that are barely usable to the average consumer. The advanced settings page is not even available in the LE versions, but when it is accessed the sky is the limit. I agree with Jordan that MTurbo Reverb is the single most powerful reverb vst available ..if you have the skill and patience. In summary, le can debatably replace almost every reverb you own and turbo can arguably replace every reverb you ever will own or even conceive.
  14. For Studio One users, RX Connect still does NOT work . This is so annoying.
  15. Someone else responded and i gave to that person. Sure i have another but have to dig . Pm if you still don't have one
  16. If you still need, I am sure I have multiple licenses
  17. Izotope accounts have been super confusing the past past couple of years. Even now, the description in my MPS lists that RX11 is included in 6.5 ( why list what's in 6.5 in 6.0 description?) I went and ordered at this price strictly in hopes that it utilizes ARA better.
  18. Works here in WA, but some don't consider us Americans either
  19. I think Scaler offers amazing value and flexibility. Yes, it does have a lot of features for the paint by numbers approach to production, but there is plenty for the advanced user to unpack as well. I think the updates have been excellent and will definitely purchase version 3.
  20. It was cool while it lasted, but I rarely used most of them
  21. Since it can often be had on sale, price vs performance ratio is probably a big factor. It also has a damn good reputation.
  22. I forget too but i figure if i am not reaching for the plugin to realize i forgot to scan then maybe i don't need it
  23. I turn off the scan until the next time i actually install
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