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John Vere

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Everything posted by John Vere

  1. Why are you uninstalling everything?? that to me is a waste of time. Only logical uninstal would be Bandlab stuff. There's a lot more that would be needed to be done to achieve a clean install of Sonar. There's all sorts of folders and registry entries that are left behind. Just run CCC and bring everything up to date. Then install CbB. In your case first thing I would do is just bring CCC up to date and leave CbB alone. Just run the VST scanner once your done updating CCC.
  2. The thing is there's always 4 or more ways to do just about anything in Cakewalk. I use sort of what Chuck does no problem. record the first clip for how ever many measure. Right click and and select "Groove clip looping" ( CTRL L ) now I use the magnifier to zoom out to see whole song, drag clip to end or ?? Insert a new audio track and have at it.
  3. A lot of the issues from the X1 days are long gone and over. I was a huge " No Internet " preacher in the past. Now it's a none issue. W10 and it's default security systems seem to play smoothly with my DAW and because Cakewalk ( by Bandlab) was made and tweaked to run on W10 I never have issues anymore. A modern 4 core computer with 8 or 16 GB of RAM won't even break a sweat when running large projects anymore. Only thing I might get is graphics slowing down. It's of interest that this is still active, I just followed through and it worked. Home Studio 2017 is also free not that It would be as good as CbB but interesting for those who like free. Possibly the add ons are worth the time it takes to do this. http://forum.cakewalk.com/Free-copy-of-Home-Studio-m3718860.aspx
  4. It's never easy when trying to manipulate data in way it was never meant to be manipulated As Gswitz posted above. You generate the midi data for each kit piece and then you can put it where ever you want it to play in PVR easily. I don't even change the replacer assignments. Toms are a nightmare as drum replacer doesn't seem to pick out which tom ( hi. mid low) unless you closed miked them with gates. And crash cymbals will leak into the mix etc. It's a lot of editing one way or the other. What I do is use a blend of the audio drums and mix in with a bit of VST. I then use the VST to tighten up the timing and enhance the sound. Then use volume envelopes to get rid of out of time hits from the audio tracks. It's a lot of work... But worth it in cases like mine were the drum tracks are very old and the drummer is long gone down the road. This one particular drummer had a very dark tone which I never liked much. And his timing was sloppy. There's only 5 audio tracks which is limiting.
  5. Ahh, but look at that help module screenshot I posted... ,,,see ... it tells you this. exactly what my point was.
  6. This_ There have been many posts with this topic. And your best off to go this route as you'll otherwise be facing a lot of fussing about. Splat takes up very little space itself. I rebuilt a Laptop and this was more or less all I had to do. Clean Computer: Install Command Center and sign in. Run and Install Platinum and then all the extras I wanted. Authorize Melodyne and XLN. run updates etc. NOW, install Bandlab assistant and Cakewalk Next install all my 3rd party VST's and authorize etc. Tip- I make sure they are all pointed to the Steinberg VST folder. Cakewalk CbB on opening for 1st time scans and all my plug ins are present and accounted for including Session Drummer 3.
  7. One thing that many fail to do when learning software, and I used to fall hugly under this category, is take some time to explore your GUI. We tend to race towards getting the feature we want working and carry on sometimes for years without having a clue about what all that other "stuff" does. Making my tutorials forced me to explore Cakewalks GUI in depth. Showing my friend how it all works made me stop for a moment and ask " Just how many ways are there to insert a soft synth?" ( I found 4 so far) . One of the overlooked features is the HELP MODULE. Open it up and start hovering you mouse over buttons and menu's. It will explain what most of these things do.. Here's a screenshot what it says when you hover the Track Control Preset Widget. And thanks John for giving it an official description.. See, I learned something from that. I didn't know what they were called... I guess Mr SLIP has been hanging out on other forums were comments like that are par for the course. But please folks, that style has never won friends on the Cakewalk forums.
  8. Thanks Larry, That only re enforces how much I don't know about movie jargon !!
  9. Hopefully someone with a Mac can help you but on a PC there is normally ASIO,WASAPI exclusive and WASAPI shared, WDM and MME. Is that an on board sound chip? It is best to use an Audio Interface if you are recording audio, even on a Mac.
  10. I agree with most of what you are saying Someguy, regarding the vast majority of instruction videos are sort of long winded and most are never to the point. And ya, it's funny the audio is so bad, I just discovered I can use a lot of my hi end VST plug ins in the effect bin of Vegas Movie studio. But youtube seems to do something as the audio is perfect when I play the movies I make. I know all about how to take audio to the max. But once uploaded to b youtube the audio is always at a lower level and distorted. So I'm having to read up on this and it's a whole new ballgame. I'm almost tempted to purchase the Nugen mastering plug in. It has a setting for Youtube. As I make my tutorials I try to keep them at 4 minutes and pick a single topic. It's hard to do. I think I still prefer using screen shots. Then you can have the best of both worlds,, the picture and the text. But videos are easier to make and you do have the advantage of including the sound which is important sometimes when making a point.
  11. +1 to Tezza's observations.. I now use my SHure beta 58 for all my vocals. I tried a half dozen LDC mikes and they all make me sound terrible. The room, the sibilance, plosives, snorting, breathing and yes distortion... yikes! I could never find a good input setting on my Scarlett, I even bought a Joe Meek pre amp and that didn't help much... I just about gave up singing. My Beta 58 with a cheap windsock I get in close and touch it and back off for my power parts. Works.. sound good to me. I just add the BBE Sonic MAximizer to crisp it up a little.
  12. You can easily record material off the internet even with ASIO drivers. It just a matter of choosing a routing. And you can most certainly still use your on board sound for other apps. Most audio software lets you pick your sound source. I use Gold Wave to record sound from the internet webinars etc. I now subscribe to Google Play music and it lets you download in high quality any song on the planet. I used to have to lift songs from the uTubes. The bottom line with on board sound is the chipset is worth about $6 including the little cheap jacks. It's a shame to put a lot of work into playing a part and run it through low quality gear. I still use WASAPI and an on board sound chip a lot with my laptop, but I'm only working with MIDI at that point. You can do a LOT with WASAPI, but you still require good quality connections and A/D convertors to record audio properly. I would NEVER use MME mode. All modern on board chips support WDM and WASAPI. I'm not sure why it did not work for you. I used to use asio4all which is also a very good "on board sound" driver but WASAPI made it obsolete. Below is a screen shot of a loop back test. It clearly shows why ASIO works best for recording overdubs. Other mode will be out of sync and require manual offset adjustment. You can see that MME mode is the worst.
  13. Yes that's because 6i6 and upwards all use the Mix Control and have different firmware etc. They updated the Mix control software for the 2nd gen. It probably works on the lowest 3 models because they didn't really change the hardware much.
  14. This was good advise. I see that the solution to not making a fool of yourself in front of clients/bandmates is to pre meditate a few set ups and save them.
  15. I was unaware that pressing the J key activated a scrub tool! I just tried it and it did play only the audio but boy is ever buggy.. It wouldn't respond after a few swipes ,, then it started playing a choppy part and held my mouse ransom for a good 3 minutes. I'll not be doing that again.
  16. Just watched the above video. It did explain clearly how to get the 2 different mixes to the 2 headphone and rear output jacks. I was unaware that the 2 HP jacks are tied to the rear outputs that way. In other words you have only 2 analog stereo mix options and they are cloned with 1/2 output to the left hand headphone jack and 3/4 output to the right hand HP jack. I always thought you could send these individually creating up to 6 mixes. Now at least I understand why I could never figure out how to send something different to the second HP jack. The 3rd stereo cue mix would be possible using the spdif but you of course need a device to send it to. I have the Yamaha 01v so I could achieve 3 stereo mixes easily. I think the 6 cue mix option would only be possible by using mono and panning. So Larry, do you have a way to use the SPDIF? I've heard of people using a DAT player or even some CD recorders ( remember those?) have the SPDIF inputs and a headphone jack. Otherwise you would only have 2 stereo mixes or 4 mono.
  17. If you take your recording of audio seriously an audio interface with proper drivers is the only solution. Here is my list of things to look for so you make sure you get the correct interface that meets your needs. http://www.cactusmusic.ca/Recording.htm#AI Shopping List https://www.sweetwater.com/c695--USB_Audio_Interfaces
  18. Hey Larry, You know I have never used the deeper parts of the mix control, in all the years I've owned the 6i6 I've rarely even opened the app. I just leave it alone. I have always used a little Mackie mixer to control my headphone mixes. And with the correct mixing board in the studio you can possible make this work for a whole band,, Forget those headphone amps,, they rarely offer custom mixes. So there's the hardware approach ( my pick) or fight the software. The other day I was making a tutorial for my bandmate and he won't have the mixer so I was pondering how to set him up. So I opened mix control and lo and behold I started to see how it worked. Amazing, It is ONLY for setting Headphone mixes. It has little to do with recording levels. The biggest problem is they use illogical terminology. Like DAW 1 and DAW 2??? I even posted the video I made for my friend on my web site but since then I've figured out a few more things. http://www.cactusmusic.ca/tutorial-videos it's on the right. I'll see if I can brew up a new tutorial this weekend. You might get buy for FREE.. my favourite price point>> Edit- whoops, the 6i6 is at my bandmates house so I can't even open Mix control.... I From what I understand... all of the software that comes with audio interfaces is just as mind boggling.
  19. You should really follow my tutorials on how to use midi with Cakewalk, That will get you up and running. You need to understand the basics first See my signature for the links on my web site. I just put up part I and Part II of the videos I'm making. There will be about 7 of them and once someone has viewed those they will be a "expert". http://www.cactusmusic.ca/tutorial-videos http://www.cactusmusic.ca/sonar-tutorials
  20. John Vere

    TASCAM 1608

    I would try borrowing a different Interface from a friend or music store and see what happens. It's certainly no fun wasting time with these sort of issues. I had nothing but trouble with a M Audio interface and I thought it was my system. I ordered the Tascam and it had issues at first but they updated the drivers and it's worked perfectly since.
  21. It is best to use a proper audio interface for any serious audio work, but if your only working with midi you can get by with on board sound chip. Try WASAPI shared or exclusive.
  22. I made a tutorial on how to open a midi file and then replace the instruments one by one. http://www.cactusmusic.ca/sonar-tutorials By default if there are no midi outputs selected in preferences, Cakewalk opens midi files with TTS_1 and the song can be played. It is important to now save the song as a CWP file first before you muck about. Then it is supper easy to insert your favourite synths and simply point the midi tracks at them. If you prefer instrument tracks just drag the midi data after you insert the VST. Takes 10 minutes to upgrade a song from TTS-1 to better stuff. I do a LOT of this.
  23. Thanks for your support on my tutorials, I just checked again today and I now have 30 people have looked at them,, I guess I can't expect more than that as the only way anybody would find them is if I post it here. My text Based MIDI tutorial has been well received and is very focused on just a few things you can do in Cakewalk with midi. It made for total beginners but a few long time users have PM'd me with positive feedback. I set my bandmate up today with the laptop and he's very pleased I made the videos, even if they are not professionally done they are very straight forward. I didn't post those as they were very specific to our projects. To do a professional job I would need to write out a script and stick to it. I find it's easy to wander off topic because Cakewalk has so many tangents. And as I was demonstrating features often something would not work properly ?? The new Export button decided to go hide and I still have no clue why I did that. I ended up then having to show him how to customize the upper task bar..geeze. Making the videos made me explore Cakewalks options as I went along. I think I doubled my Knowledge after this was over... One of the issues was setting him up with just the one screen. I haven't suffered that in a long time. I must have learned over a dozen new things about the multidock and how the workspace can be manipulated ,, like double clicking the Multi dock makes it jump full screen. And I think I finally have wrapped my pointed little head around screensets and lens ( after how many years??)
  24. I think I remember a thread in the old Cakewalk forum talking about your unit and the driver issue. See if you can find it there. WASAPI is a OK driver when you don't own an interface. The best performance will always be with ASIO. If you use WASAPI make sure you figure out your offset as you will have out of sync tracks. ONLY ASIO reports system latency to Cakewalk. All other driver modes do not so you need to make the offset adjustment manually. You do a loop back test like so.
  25. John Vere

    TASCAM 1608

    I assume you mean the 16x08. I own and use a us 1641 which is almost identical. There's really nothing complicated they work like all interfaces. First go here and download the drivers and the manual. https://tascam.com/us/product/us-16x08/download Install the latest driver for W10 Make sure to follow the prompts carefully, you need to wait before plugging in the USB cable,, always use the same port afterwards. Use USB 2. Open CbB and go to preferences and set your driver mode to ASIO. Make sure the Tascam is the only device checked and is your timing master Now the Tascam will show as your inputs and outputs
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