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John Vere

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Everything posted by John Vere

  1. Hey,, I'm the one with a USB footswitch programed for R-W and spacebar... I love hotkeys! But I always seem to misplace that list I printed off.. You find out soon enough when you think your typing in Track name and it looses focus and you now have just hit the v-o-c-a & l keys by mistake.
  2. As said, you use the PVR and it takes a split second to move any note, groups of notes anywhere you like. Why would you want to open menus?? you don't like using a mouse ??? it's all about the mouse and the smart tool if you want to get any work done and gt it done fast. I guess a touch screen might also work.
  3. I live in the PVR. And as you probably figured out I mostly make backing tracks just like you for my solo and duo acts. I also write original songs and use midi for lots of the parts. I don't have a good drummer available anymore so have to use VST. . I've never been a good keyboard player so editing midi notes goes back to1984 Dr T KCS sequencer for me. That was all done in a event list environment. It's unbelievable what you can do in PVR with my shoddy keyboard performances. Manipulating the timing, the duration, the velocity and then adding more notes to create big chords from my 3 fingered ones. Lininging up the placement of notes on multiple midi tracks is a big one for me. Example making sure your Bass and Kick are tight. Last night I used a new trick where I'm adding new parts to an old bed track ( backing track) that I only have a stereo wave copy of. It's real drums, bass, rhythm guitar and a little bit of Korg Poly 800 I played live. It was originally recorded to a Yamaha MD8 track. I set the tempo as close as possible and layed down a hi hat on the 1/4 notes. This gives me a guide track to set all new parts in time to. I replayed the Poly 800 part ( I found a free VST) added a piano part and a zither kind of thing on the bridge. So now the track sounds HUGE. The new midi parts mixed in with the old audio recording works well for this song. I always wanted more FAT synth and now I have it. I will now re sing and add a lead guitar part. But this all involved about 5 hours inside PVR editing. I played a simple piano part then I added extra notes manually. When done it's almost convincing that I can play a piano! And the bonus is I now have a much improved backing track to use live. I can say with confidence that if I can use PVR,,,, anybody can... Ayy sound I have in my head I can usually create with midi if I work at it. .
  4. You use drum replacer to create the midi data then drag the data to an empty midi track and treat it like any other drum data. You don't want to use the supplied drum samples they are pretty bad. Then you and get rid of the drum replacer track and the Regional crap. point the track(s) at you favourite VST drummer and move on.
  5. Yes this might have caused an issue. As I remember a Type 0 file is the whole song in a combined track all channels mixed together,, very old sequence files...,, but you say when you open a type 0 file Cakewalk separates it into 1 channel per track?? Type 1 files will open with each channel in it's own track which is more or less 99% of the files out there. I'm not sure that opening a type 0 and saving it as a type1 would make a difference to editing however. But midi is midi and the Yamaha files should be 100% editable but be warned, Yamaha was the hold out and refused to use GM which was a Roland thing. So Yamaha sequences will use the Yamaha drum map. Once midi data is inside Cakewalk it should all be the same,, there can be no copy protection of the data. And no you do not drag the notes up using the piano keys. You do as you say, use the piano to highlight the whole row. Once a note is highlighted it can be moved. If it's not highlighted it won't move.
  6. When you click a piano key to the left in PRV that selects all of that note though the whole song. This is desirable for moving notes from a downloaded file that is triggering the wrong sound in a kit. Individual Notes are moved by selecting them one at a time with the smart tool and drag whereevr,,, up down sideways. Groups of notes you can lasso with the smart tool and right click drag.
  7. Do you mean just re install the program or start over with a new system drive? Re installing software "clean" to a old system requires removing a lot of stuff and takes a bit of doing. All those nasty little registry entries and hidden folders and whatnot. Starting fresh on a nice shiny brand new SSD C drive is sort of easier. I used to do this every 2 years in the old days but things seems to work better for longer now.
  8. Are you using the smart tool? My tutorial part II shows you how to edit in PVR
  9. Wow that was my first official studio recorder. I actually made a lot of money with one. But that was because it was new, and I kept it very clean, demagnetized and all that stuff. I also used only one type of tape which I guess was TDK but not chrome. Chrome tape was known to trash the heads. The DBX noise reduction was the big issue, It made vocals sound phazy. I certainly would not every use that again. If for some weird reason you think it will sound better forget that myth. Sure a 1/2 tape running at 15ips sounds cool, but anything done on a cassette?? waist of time. Now A Yamaha MD8 that sounds good!
  10. I recommend you try using a Wave editor for this sort of work. Wave editors are optimized for workflow when working with a stereo file. I have been using Wave Lab for going on 14 years. Elements is only around $100 and is all you need. There are also a few good freebies. The best I've used is Acoustica Basic. https://acondigital.com/products/acoustica-audio-editor/ I also use Gold Wave a lot especially for batch converting WAVE to MP3 files. Free to try, cheap to buy lifetime updates too. http://www.goldwave.ca/ With wave lab your task is as simple as drag the mouse across the dead space and hit delete. Done. It will automatically use zero crossing to join the material. You can also quickly do gain and normalizing or even apply a hi pass filter to a POPPed P Best of all is for workflow is that all tools stay open while you work. Drag mouse, click,,, done. Way faster. I just finished a video tutorial I made for a friend so I'm just uploading to Youtube now. Will be here when finished http://www.cactusmusic.ca/tutorial-videos
  11. I get something like this too. I can log on on my iPhone,, but not my iPad. It dead ends with a unresponsive page On my iPhone clicking the green bar opens the forum with me logged in,, On the iPad nothing happens. Tried 6 or so times.
  12. This has me pondering how you were recording. Did you insert a dozen audio tracks and overdub new parts to each track, I don't follow this "looping" and mixing from the end of a clip at all?? Reason I mention this is possibly your doing something weird that is making Cakewalk think too hard. Running 12 audio tracks side by side should not put a strain on any system for the last 10 years. Now if your trying to add 200 VST effects that's another story. If you are, what happens when you bypass the effects?
  13. Yes if you had said CbB was crashing I would not have answered the way I did. I can only assume when someone say's Sonar that they are using Sonar. And yes it hard to get used to calling it Cakewalk after typing the word Sonar for the last 12 years or so. That is why most of us have adopted using CbB as it's quicker to type. We used to always use Splat so people would see we were using Platinum and not Pro or Artist. Life is easier now with just having the one version. That is a common issue with controllers sending CC events. I had a old Roland that the joystick kinda crapped out and did that. VST's would play out of tune all the time. When people post with that issue first thing I say is unplug your controller and see if it goes away.
  14. Low Pass would be closer to the truth not Low Shelf. A Low Shelf filter would actually reduce the amount of low end going to the sub. The EQ term shelf is when you reduce all frequencies below or above a set threshold to a certain amount. They are still there to what ever amount you have chosen but sitting on a "shelf" at a set level. See diagram for a clear explaination. Pass filters Low or Hi Pass which will totaly cut off with a sharp curve all frequancies below or above the threshold. They are what would be used in a Crossover system And for a sub they would be lo passed meaning only the low frequencies would PASS the crossover all hi frequencies are filtered out. The Main speakers would then have the High Passed fequencies. It's very important if you work with audio and plan on using EQ to get this sorted out... The term Crossover is what is correct to use.
  15. The obvious solution is to update to CbB which for me stopped the random crashes I used to get with Splat. It is the #1 reason I was more than happy thet CbB came along when it did.
  16. Up until this time last year you could upgrade by using this From a Windows 7 or 8.1 device, go to the webpage entitled "Windows 10 free upgrade for customers who use assistive technologies." Click on theUpgrade now button. Run the executable file to install the upgrade. But I tried it in Febuary and it didn't work. You can always ask by using the Chat feature. I was thinking about it for this Laptop someone gave me which originally had W8.0. I had to install my crack of W7 to get it working again,, original OS drive was pooched. It certainly sucks to have to pay for something everyone else got free.
  17. The MT 32 was my "band" for a few years. The cool thing about that box was Jeff Koftinoff who worked for Roland grew up here in Grand Forks. He created the MT 32 editor which helped us take control of the box. I remember it loaded up first thing when I booted my Atari. A lot of this software is still found on Tims Atari site. http://atari-music.fddvoron.name/timidi.htm if you have an old XP computer you can run this stuff in STeam. The MT 32 is now found in a much improved state as the Cakewalk TTs-1. Everything that played through the MT 32 will play in TTS-1 either the same of much better. I still have a bunch of my old sound modules but they slowly gather dust. Hate to toss them out as it would seem someday some fool might want them as people pay money for anything that becomes vintage. My band is now: Ample P bass lite -Free Addictive drums 2 - was free with Sonar DB 33 - ( Organs) was I think under $50 and came with a whole bunch of other stuff in the AIR expand pack when on sale. Addictive Keys Demo- free if you have an account I also use Air Xpand for horns, the SI strings, Strum Session and TTS-1 for percussion and weird things.
  18. I just Bought the BBE Sonic Sweet mostly because years ago I owned the old Aural Exciter with Big Bottom. Anyhow it certainly sounding better if you use just a little bit. On sale right now cheap enough. Question.. are you tool copying your tracks to a wave editor or are you using Sonars normalizer? I always tool copy into Wave lab because I can then analyze the RMS level as well as ask what the peak value is before normalizing. Cakewalks Normalizer is sort of working blind for me.
  19. This is as good as any place to say Merry Christmas ,,,hope you all had a great day. Yes this is me at work the other day,,, I was singing Christmas songs dressed up like the big Dude,,, I had a little trouble with the beard fitting... Some of the old folks thought I was real..Some said,, Santa sings like Johnny...Best song of the day was "I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas ( Gayla Peevey, 1953, the year I was born) I also fell in love with Little Toy Trains this year. I like Glen Campbell's version
  20. This is the same as another thread. Answer is YES you could have saved any of the older exicutables if you knew how and had done this. I think I have a few that I saved still. But I doubt if this is the solution if you are having issues. As said you would have to go all the way back to the 2017 versions. CbB was based on 2017 Sonar and the features it came with are like Platinium with only a few 3rd party VST's missing. Most of the updates have been for stability and W10 users. I have the most up to date version running on both W10 and W7. The W10 computer never crashes, The W7 one does from time to time. The version of SPlat from last year also crashed from time to time on both W7 and W10. I am just happy they solved that one little issue. I don't expect it to be solved for W7 so I just put up with it. And there's no benifit I can see to rolling back as I really doubt that would help. It's just my mobile laptop system so not critical. If I had the money I would just buy W10 for it but I have better things to spend money on. W7 is going to be hard to run pretty soon. Even were I work, a large Health Care Authority with probably 10,000 +machines they are upgrading next year.
  21. 4. Add an indicator that shows I posted in a thread, like the old forum did. For me all threads I reply to have a star instead of a dot. •
  22. Thanks I'll go looking for it there, Might be a while as it's Family time for next few days Funny it came back as I havn't done anything with Cubase for over a year. I do use Wave lab a lot but in the past it never installed this driver or I would have seen it. Might have something to do with me trying to get OBS Studio screen capture to use my Tascams in/outs. I'm making Cakewalk Tutorials and was trying to get both OBS and Sonar running together using the Tascams Audio.. As it is, it works best if I use on board for OBS. I was also trying WASAPI shared but a no go.
  23. The thing is I do not think they is a limit on how many machines you can install your copy too. I myself have it now on 5 computers. I don't use them all but I like to have them for helping on this forum.
  24. You can even take this one step further as anything you can do with a mouse or keyboard can be also done with a USB footswitch. There are a few models with some as low as $30 from amazon. I bought the Stealth footswitch and it definatly the best quality. The cheap ones work fine but the stealth seems bullet proof. USB footswitches can be quickly programed with any mouse clicks or keystrokes. You can save them etc. Certainly a boon for guitar player keepping both hands on your guitar. I couldn't live without this for live gigs. https://stealthswitch.com/applications/stealthswitch3/ Picture above ..You will need up to 5 footpedals which it's best to get from them as they use 1/8" jacks not the standard 1/4" I have the Stealth set up to control playback of Win Amp,, But I could also re program it to run TH 3. https://www.amazon.ca/iKKEGOL-Control-Customized-keyboard-Multimedia/dp/B07553KW32/ref=sr_1_7/132-8856595-9537311?ie=UTF8&qid=1545682642&sr=8-7&keywords=usb+foot+switch Picture above. This is the one I use for Power point, It comes with good software and so far has lasted 2 years. A bit large. I got mine for $29 on sale. https://www.amazon.ca/iKKEGOL-Mechanical-Control-Action-Keyboard/dp/B01M998H36/ref=sr_1_8/132-8856595-9537311?ie=UTF8&qid=1545682642&sr=8-8&keywords=usb+foot+switch Picture above This one I use to control Cakewalk, Not very good software, had to load it using W7 but they all remember what has been programed into a static memory chip. An now one of the pedals is not always responding. Would not recomend. I have programed it with the R. Spacebar and W keys for footcontrol of Cakewalk. I have lost the W for now. Just do a search for USB Footswitches
  25. Thanks everyone. WIll try those. I did try searching for it but only item shows up is that Dialog box I posted above. Everything is working fine but I really don't want unwanted drivers lurking. I have a feeling it got installed with the Magix ( Vegas) Movie Studio Plat.
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