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John Vere

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Everything posted by John Vere

  1. In the old days we finished songs in a few days tops. All depended on side players coming by to play or sing parts. Now we can call on just about anybody in the world to collaborate with but it's not the same somehow. The 90's to me were my golden years of recording. I have never really gotten anything to really sound 'better' since then? And that was 8 tracks and an Atari for midi when needed. You got that right. Now people seem to have hard drives overflowing with musical dribble that if it ever sees the light of day.. oh well. I'll say one thing is I entirely love spending time in the studio puttering about with my stupid old songs and for the most part I'm trying to recreate what I did 30 years ago. I can barley play a C chord now , my thumb has arthritis. But there are legal ways to kill pain now and I've got all day!
  2. You can choose where the file is stored. Go to preferences Folder location / Wave files and set a path. If you look there it will show you the default pathway where your exports have been going. Otherwise just use the standard windows browser in the export dialog.
  3. I use the Master mix default originally but changed the bit depth to 16 for CD burning. If you go to FILE / Export it will open a dialog box. The default works perfectly for me ( other than bit depth) as far as duplicating what I was hearing in Cakewalk. Notice it says "entire mix" and all mix enables are checked. .
  4. Ya Scarletts were on my list for sure. It's kinda weird . I always have checked for the latest drivers for my interface. The Tascam us1641 was a long time ago 2014, It is still an awesome interface for recording 16 tracks live . I can work on just about anything and it is solid as a rock- but the RTL is very high. For $199 bucks I certainly got my money's worth and then some. It must be well over 10 years old. I will keep it as a piece of vintage gear. Then my Scarlett 1st gen sat without an update for a long time so I gave up. Today I checked and lo and behold there was a new driver from 2019? I guess I missed that one. Anyhow I installed it along with the updated mix control and WTF, I went from 27 ms RTL down to 9ms wow. That's using 44.1 Hz. Looks like Focusrite has come a long way and is now among the good guys in driver improvements. They certainly didn't start that way when I bought mine I had many driver issues. I dislike the pre amps and stupid peak level system on mine. I have to use the 3/4 inputs and other pre amps. This is another reason to give the Motu a try, better A/D and pre amps ( I hope) The Motu 4x4 was a better bang for the buck than the Focusrite 4i4. The Scarlett 4i4 is $ 339 can. And the Motu $290. So $49 dif. The motu has a few better features like the 4 real meters ( Yeah) And tandem RCA outputs, and small things like switches for 48 volt for each channel . The only thing missing from both is no SPDIF. But then I have the Tascam if I need that ( Yamaha 01V ) Also my 6i6 has 2 headphone outs sand I'll miss that too, Hmm, Mabey I just keep it M Audio Fast track Pro- Only good with W7 terrible drivers. Boy is it old but still kinda works OK. Gathering dust. Tascam us1641- 6 year old drivers and huge RTL but will keep forever for multi channel live recording. Scarlett 6i6- Still good I guess, but not happy with pre amps. Keep or sell? Motu 4x4 - well see how much better it really is than the Scarlett. Soundcraft Signature 10 - Handy USB mixer with very good ASIO drivers. But takes up a lot of room. Our live mixer now gathering dust due to Covid.
  5. You got that right , RME was my first choice until I looked at the price! I don't even own a guitar worth that much. Motu seems to be high on a lot of peoples lists of brands with good drivers. I also like the metering on the front. Something both my currant interfaces lack. Friggin blinking little tiny itsy bitsy light?? I just ordered it last night and it's on it's way. I freaked out at first because all the Canadian suppliers were showing out of stock. I found one at Long and Mcquade in Victoria were my son just happens to live. So now I'll see if someone want's my Scarlett 6i6 1st gen around here. Certainly nothing wrong with it but I've always lusted after a better interface.
  6. Sorry about that , No I was confused by the actual OP not responding and was wondering if you were the OP or a user with the same issue? That happens sometimes. And then trying to follow the thread had me totally lost. No big deal. Please don't let me turn away your offer to help. That would suck.
  7. The driver from M audio is from 2015. That's getting old. I wouldn't rule that out. Do you have a second interface you can try? Music stores will let you demo some models. I just upgraded to a new Motu 4x4. Mostly because I needed the better up to date drivers, both my old interfaces are just fine feature wise but performance is not great. You can only get so many years out of hardware and if the company doesn't update drivers audio interfaces quickly become paperweights.
  8. I guess with the TTS-1 you would have to have it set to output all 16 tracks to automate the audio. But Seems Dave figured out why the midi didn't work. Good to know as I never have used 11.
  9. You set the note duration in the menu bar. Pretty visible on my screen. Look up, see the notes? The smart tool draws notes no need to change to the pencil. For me when I hoover the PVR the pencil tool is what I see. Left click and it enters a note of the duration I set and will snap to grid if that is also set. I use only the smart tool for everything. Look it up and learn it's different functions , you'll need this to get anything done.
  10. This thread is Confusing, The OP never responded but Mr Frazee is responding like they were the OP?? Hard to troubleshoot issues with old OS and old versions because of the many stability upgrades that have happened since to both Windows and Cakewalk. You say if it ain't broke? For most of us it was, and now it ain't.
  11. This is the funny thing about coming from the old 8 track days as I still tend to think of my projects as only needing very few tracks to sound good. It scares me to death to read about folks who have 120 tracks on a rock and roll song! At most I think my highest track counts are 20 and a lot of that is midi most times. If it's real drums that adds 6 tracks right there, but most of those are still well under 20. I'm big on not keeping bad takes. I delete whole tracks if I make more than a few mistakes. I tend to play through the song, delete, re take, delete and over and over until the entire track is right. You play the track better and better each time anyways. If I suck that bad I give up and leave it for a better day or come up with a part I can actually play I do this for everything including midi parts. There's no bad takes lurking in my audio folders.. About the only thing I use a extra tracks on is guitar. Bass is always 1. Vocals will have 1 lead track and then 1 harmony track. I use take lanes sometimes but mostly I do the big delete as I work my way through in segments. I like my vocals to be in sort clips. This is also handy if you find a clunker and resort to Melodyne. Melodyne loves short clips. I like to have about 5 or 6 busses, Drums, Bass, Guitars, Keyboards and midi, and Vocals. Then usually 2 effects busses. Reverb, Delay.
  12. You probably just nailed the reason why the OP is asking the question.
  13. I just purchased the upgrade to M Assistant 5 and the process was more involved than you are doing. See if your experience differed from mine. I received an Email baiting me with a discounted upgrade from Essentials 4 to Assistant 5. The link in the e Mail took me to the Celemony site where I logged on to my account. After I paid for it they sent me an Email with the new serial number and the link to the download file. I downloaded and installed the update and I don't have iLock account with them but seemed to work without. I installed it to the default pathways which I think is the same as you are listing, I'll check later. I checked and my pathway is not in Cakewalk folder, the VST3 folder is under C/Programs files/ Common Files/VST3. I have no VST3 folder inside of Cakewalk VST folder. Did you try to re install M5 and keep default pathways? I then opened Cakewalk and grabbed a small clip and applied melodyne. When it opened it asked for the new serial number and away we go.
  14. It's driving me nuts! Anyhow I deleted the Squirrel and all it's nuts and even the tree they were in ( containment folder) . I then went to Bandlab Web site and, as reported above, I downloaded the version posted there and it opened and said there's a update , so I did that and then logged on and then I updated Cakewalk and then I checked in Windows Apps and now there is only one version and it is the correct 6.3.0 so thanks to the squirrel I now for once have a clean running Bandlab thing happening. Let's see how the next 6 months unfold.
  15. Another buggy issue is, and I just did this myself to check, When you look under Windows settings Apps, there is 2 versions of Bandlab Assistant installed. One says version 5 and the other versions 6. When I clicked on version 5 to uninstall it unistalled versions 6?? When I try to delete version 5 you get an error When you look in that location this is all there is When you click on the "updater.exe you get this and nothing else . Squirrel??
  16. This is the heart of the matter. With software we often get it in our heads that things should work the way WE want them to work. This is rarely the case as the developers are computer geeks and some luckily are real musicians who get into music software for this very reason, dreaming of software that works for you. So that person develops the software that works for THEM. They release it and then get 1,000's of requests for updates to make it work for others. If your lucky one of these people will grant your wish in a update that many requested. If your the only person asking for some specific upgrade it will likely never happen. Bottom line is most times we pick the DAW software that works the closest to our way of working/ thinking. For some this takes years of demoing a lot of stuff! I'm lucky I just happened to pick Cakewalk because I would have probably ended up using it anyways. So we use the best parts of it and avoid the buggy poorly done stuff like Playlist, Staff and Lyric view and move on to what works for us. Obviously most Cakewalk users are happy to either use a real or virtual notepad. You can bug the developers to give the lyric view some love, but unless a lot of other support this they will probably spend time on more interesting things.
  17. So is what your saying is when you draw a fade out on the Instrument track ( audio, not midi) it is there, but the instrument does not respond? Here's an example. I drew a fade out in both a midi track and an Instrument track. The midi track I used the W and the track fader, The instrument track I opened the envelope lane and drew 2 nodes. Interesting the midi track envelope doesn't show in the event list or the PVR under CC7? But both move the corresponding track faders.
  18. I tend to not want to paint myself in a corner by committing to any "mix" of instruments that I cannot undo. I cannot think of why I would bounce 2 tracks to 1 in multi track audio since I stopped using my 8 Track . I combine guitar tracks all the time but I simply use a Sub mix bus. This way I can apply things like global effects to the Guitar bus. I find this works best for me as I often will return to the tracks and tweek EQ , volume or compression of just one of the guitar parts. The more options I have during final mixdown the better. And I love having instrument sub busses. So easy to listen to a mix in my truck on the highway and go " I need to turn up the guitars a hair and just bump that buss up. If it's a guitar solo or fill, then you return to that track and bump it up but leave the sub bus alone. I can think of dozens of ways to accomplish this goal without bouncing the audio. I guess that's OK as long as the originals are still available in the audio folder.
  19. You have the audio cables connected to monitor system? Midi cables do not transmit sound only data. The files you downloaded are instrument definition files so that Cakewalk will display your patches and banks correctly. This box looks like it works the same as using the TTS-1. You should try that as well. If you do have the audio cables hooked up then you need to turn the headphones or monitor knob up. If your using inputs 3/4 on the back those are controlled in Mix Control. Open Mix control check nothing has been changed . Re set it to " restore Factory defaults" under File, if you don't have a handle on how it works. ( it's complicated)
  20. That's an interesting tool. What it's showing me is I'm generally 1.2 db too loud. Youlean has a similar drag and drop analyzer on the web site and if you purchase the unlocked version, which I did today because Black Friday special, it does this with more detail. Just drag a audio file into the GUI and it spews out the Loudness and peak details for your file. Very handy tool well worth the $39 Can. Interesting story behind it's development too.
  21. I think the upgrade is free if you have M4 essentials I do think I upgraded from the free Sonar version to Essentials a long time ago for cheap. They just sent out a Black Friday deal to upgrade to Assistant for $99 and I fell for it. I really haven't used it much. But this winter I will spend some time to really learn how it works.
  22. If you update to Melodyne 5 this issue has been corrected. The metadata is now stored in the WAV file. I just upgrade to M5 Assistant and took some time to read the update release notes.
  23. I think so My understanding is as long as you are logged into the assistant you can update Cakewalk. I was hoping we will only have to update the assistant 2 times a year now instead of the way it's been. But updating the assistant has almost always involved this: Go to website and download latest version. Before you install make sure no other version is running- this is what causes hangups. You can even check in Windows settings "Apps" and see if there is 2 versions installed. This happens a lot too. It doesn't delete the old versions. As I said, it's a POS software and has needed someone to work the bugs out from day one.
  24. In the pro version of the Youlean meter ( and others too) there is a preset for the different formats including Spotify. This to me is a lazy mans way of proofing your mixes for different outputs. Just keep adjusting your limiter of choice until your right on.
  25. I think you answered you own question when you said " Two other interfaces from another brands restart normally after overload, but not the Apogee One" Your's is not the first post with issues with this brands drivers. Too bad as it was on my list of interfaces to think about when I upgrade. My guess is it works flawlessly on a Mac. Cakewalk seems to be picky about the ASIO driver. it needs to be perfect??
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