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John Vere

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Everything posted by John Vere

  1. Good point. Next thing is someone will ask how can I make my note blobs look like that!
  2. Ample Bass does the same. I think the Basses in Dim Pro too, Because I can switch these 3 around without transposing.
  3. Please spend some time watching the Tutorial videos. There's a lot to learn and it's very well covered over and over in the videos and the Documantation. Cakewalk isn't a turn it on and use it software. It requires some time to learn the basics especially if you've never used a DAW. The tutorials are found Here. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/35-tutorials/ This guy has what I think are the best no bullshit tutorials https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCESNxzJHzDnCIuRO0RhQLeA
  4. We got it free with Sonar so if you run Command center you'll find it there. But your question seems sort of odd because it's pretty obvious where you'll find the software and the download. The company was very cool when Sonar was ditched by Gibson. If you sent them a picture of your Sonar serial number on the "about" screen, They sent a unlocked serial number. I have that stored on a long list with all my Sonar serials. It is also on the Overloud web site under my account. Don't ever loose those serial numbers for the freebies that came with Sonar. Back it up! They are worth thousands of dollars to replace. And if Command center goes down someday and you build a new computer, you'll loose them all. But if you have the executable and serials your good to go. Make copies of the Command Center download folder put it on a few back up drives and copy paste all the serial numbers to a document that is stored in multiple places.
  5. If you both have Nero installed you can easily accomplish what your looking for. Put the Wave files in a containment folder for the project. Put this containment folder in a common location shared by all computers in C drive. The pathway is going to have to match. Drag it to Nero to burn. After burning Nero will ask you if you want to save the project say yes and save the nra file ( to the same folder or? ) Get this to the client and make sure they put the containment folder in the exact location you used. They OPEN the nra file in Nero. Their CD will have the exact burning parameters as you set along with song titles, disk info etc. The nra file is sort of like a Cakewalk CWP file in that is needs the associated audio path to be correct. Most people never dig that deep into what Nero can do but it's very good at what it does and has a lot going on under the hood. I see on it's list of burning options is a CD ISO but that is not a Audio CD. ISO is an image but I think audio CD are exclusive format so they will play in consumer devices. ISO only will play on a computer drive.
  6. You will just have to send them the Wave files. You can't really send a "CD" over the internet as far as I see, but the wave files are no problem. Put them in Drop box, I cloud, One drive, or Google drive. and share. Then they just burn there copy from that using Nero or??
  7. I try not to cheat and use Transpose button but sometimes it's a good thing. But If I don't shut everything off I often forget I did that.
  8. Tip- If you open the HELP Module found in views, it will tell you what things do when you hover the mouse. You can learn a lot about the Cakewalk workspace this way. This is a picture of a midi note blob and the tool will perform different functions depending on where you hold the mouse pointer. The green at either end drag the duration the red at top is Velocity and the orange you grab to move the note.
  9. OK I see. I just tried picking a couple of plug ins with ctrl and it works for me. Standard window behaviour. And for me on some VST GUI the Alt+0 nothing happens, It was this freebie Zither. But all my others work fine. It's just fussy.
  10. As I said, I have been seeking a good bass sound via midi since 1985! The Ample is the closest to my ideal so far. The free version is all I use but I want to purchase the full version someday but it's like $100. The free version only goes to low E and I play 5 string parts sometimes. Then I use the SI Bass For my serious higher quality stuff I do use my real bass. ( I have 4 of them) But for some clients and my backing tracks I play the bass part and drag the audio to a midi track. Melodyne does a pretty good job of conversion. I will still have to quantize and do some duration and pitch editing but the midi track is 90% good to go. Then I use the Ample bass and if you flip between the Ample and my audio track there's not a huge difference in tone. Tip-watch your velocity as it does a slapping or slide? sound above 118. I keep mine at 110.
  11. Yamaha will have a proper midi driver. Go to the support page for the keyboard and download and install. Window installed a generic driver
  12. It is only one set of samples a P bass. I find it very convincing and I’m picky because I’m a bass player Well I don’t actually play bass with a pick which is probably how they sampled this one
  13. Possibly the Juno has a Transpose function on the midi output? Cakewalks midi tracks also have a built in transpose but you'd have to have set it.
  14. You should buy the full version of the Youlean meter. Its well worth it and unless the sale has ended it was only $40 can. The paid version lets you drag and drop files directly and it reports the true peak and Luff etc. within seconds. This way you can drag and drop this reference track without hassle and then there's no danger of any settings or plug ins screwing with the results. it also unlocks the important pre sets for Spotify etc. The default free version are all TV broadcast standards and irrelevant. Also go to his web site and there's some very good info on this topic. I learned a lot last week when I did all this. Up until now I've always used Wave Lab to analyze tracks. It works great but it's much slower and involved. This is on the fly as you mix and then you can even drag and drop your MP3 copy and double check it's OK. Everybody who markets their music should have this tool. Another tip. That Loudness max is pretty good for a freebie I've been using it ocationally when in a hurry. But if you have a better quality Brickwall limiter like the BT Brickwall that came with Sonar try that. I also use the LP Multi Band as a way to push levels. It results in a more even spectrum. My Master bus bin is stacked like this when mastering for CD. LP Multi Band - Input 0 Output -0.4 Mastering preset. all bands default at +2.50 and then tweaked. if I need louder I can push the input( just a little) BT Brickwall set at -0.4 Span to check spectrum and extra input on levels Youlean meter set to my custom preset with -14 and -0.4 true peak.
  15. To change a category these often are in the "uncategorized" folder. Example I just downloaded the MTuner. The Browser window is where I do this. Under Plugins Audio effects ( or Instruments) I right click on the FX- MTuner and a dialog opens, to the left. In the category box I choose the "tools" and then OK . Now the MTuner is in the Tools Effects folder. There is a Virtual Keyboard found in Views that opens a keyboard. it works for me if my focus is on the track view. that's the number 0 not an oh
  16. https://www.scribd.com/document/425712754/Johns-Audio-Interface-Blurb I made a list of things to think about when shopping for an interface. Funny I couldn't find the document on my computer but I've posted it so many times it shows up in a Google search now, cool. As far as mikles go, everybody's voice will record differently to different mikes. I use a Shure Beta 58 because of over 20 mikes I own( owned) it works the best for me. So buying a mike is a crap shoot. When people recommend a mike they are most likely recommending the mike that works well for them and there's a high probability it won't work the best for you. That's why recording studios have mike lockers with dozens of different mikes. If you show up to sing they will try a buch. We don't have much choice in a home studio so we take a chance and order what we hope will be the right mike. Over time you end up with a lot of mikes!! And cost means nothing these days. You are smart to shop the entry level stuff as it is mostly very good quality these days. Sites like Sweetwater have reviews and they tend to only list products that are popular for good reasons.
  17. Ah Ya not sure it has that I use the Jazz bass and tweak it. there are free bass vst’s out there you might try KVR and see. Fret less is a completely different sample set. If you have Dim Pro the acoustic bass is very good and you could jam it up with effects. It has that nice fret less rubber band at higher velocities. tts1 the bass sounds are like tuned farts. I use the Ample P bass lite for most songs
  18. And just to be clear here folks you can most certainly run some 32 bit plug ins in CbB. It's just not always stable depending on the plug in. I have a couple of 32 bit VST's that I use a lot and they never cause issues. But I have not always had success. Example is the Edrol Orchestral. It's a cool old 16 channel VST sort of like the tts-1 but will definitely freeze up a project if used. I have never had a problem fetching the Lexicon from Sonar 8.5. As said I just run the install of 8.5 64bit, and uncheck most of the stuff there. I think I keep Lexicon, true Pianos and V Vocal. It is best to do this before you install CbB but I've done it after the fact as well and no harm was done.
  19. If your Safire has 4 outputs then send your master bus to 1/2 and the loop back track to 3/4. Don’t send the master to 3/4.
  20. Before you go to all that trouble did you know you can customize the SI Bass and dial in better sound than the default. I find the SI bass sonicly miles ahead of tts1
  21. A better way for editing is highlight track and use the transpose found in process Otherwise you notes in PVR will be wrong
  22. Mute the master. If you still hear sound then your routing is wrong. You might have a hidden master bus. Check the Track Manager
  23. Try bypass all effects. Drop outs are caused by you system bogging down. Make sure you have optimized your computer google optimizing for audio. Set the Scarletts buffer for 256. That is a very safe setting look for a possible VST plug in that is crapping out
  24. Ok that look like the effects bin of the track. But I see you track is going to your on board sound card speakers. this might cause the issue if you’re export is not using the same output this is one reason why I would recommend a dedicated audio interface and a proper mike and cable. It would be dead quiet and the system is designed for professional results. USB mikes are meant for podcasts and as you are finding out pour quality audio. try this. Change to WASAPI audio mode. Send the track to the master bus and make sure the master bus is the source in the export dialogue
  25. Is the gate in the effect bin of the track or the master bus? Normally you would use a EQ with a narrow Q to get rid of hiss. That or melodynes d esser
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