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Posts posted by MusicMan

  1. 1 hour ago, John Bradley said:

    That's a killer price, and I highly recommend grabbing it. Picked up my copy a few months back for $54 after a $25 voucher, and have been very happy with it.

    And I'm not even an EDM guy - never used the 'glitch' effect - but you never know when you'll want to animate a filter to give motion to a pad, or do a rhythmic gate effect on a guitar or what have you.


    This one is actually tempting me.. Although part of me would be then kicking myself for not picking it up for $25 with voucher including Audio Damage EOS 2 Reverb.

    But that aside, I've given it a quick demo and it does have some differences to some of my other tools and effects in that space.

  2. 2 hours ago, TheSteven said:

    $25, and they still do, just not with the impact they use to.
    Whether that with change back probably will depend on how well PA's subscription offering goes.  If it becomes a real money maker then they'll have little incentive to undercut it.

    Maybe, need tends to be a subjective thing...   I've been burned waiting for BF sales before, we've had a year or two not that long ago where the audio deals were fairly meager.

    BUT in reality most plugins are luxuries rather than necessities.  You could turn out master pieces just with the plugins that come with Cakewalk.  Heaven forbid I be the instrument causing you to pry the currency out of your wallet to ply your DAW with ephemeral objects of software construction causing your family to go hungry - that's Larry's job. 
    I was just stating my decision and objectives.

    Agreed on the $25 vouchers not having the same impact.

    I was more referring to the Mega Sale ones where they give everyone a few rounds of $20 vouchers with no limits. If these continue as they were, then there could be some good deals still. Like you, I waited on a couple of things for Black Friday sales and unfortunately they have increased their regular price! That is pretty uncommon though luckily.

    It's actually very true about having everything we need stock... but I like the other ones more.. Haha.. 

    That Larry guy does do a pretty damn good job at that! Could almost be his slogan.. "starving families around the world, one audio deal at a time" ? We are grateful of course though!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. DS Audio Tantra 2 - $19.99

    Turn any sound into a complex, moving rhythmic progression with this intuitive multi-effects plugin.

    This is a fixed price offer! The price for this product will not change if you add more plugins to your order. But you will get dynamic discounts of 20-60% on any additional purchase.

    Use voucher code during checkout! Flash Sale offer expires 11:59 pm PST on May 11, 2022. 



    • Like 1
  4. 32 minutes ago, TheSteven said:

    At this moment maybe the point of these sales is to encourage you to buy into a subscription.

    You look at these sales and their prices and think that's 2 or 3 times what the sub price is...

    PA is hoping that enough people will bite then forget or decide not to cancel their sub.

    I decided to join in to round out my collection and picked up Sculpt and in the coming months will pick up 

    • Black Box HG-2 MS
    • bx_console AMEK 9099
    • bx_crispytuner
    • and maybe Suhr SE100

    After that it becomes a hard sell to keep the subscription as I've been picking off the choice PA plugins as they've come up on sale over the years.
    If I forget to cancel I may end up with a couple of $1 coupons to hold incase something new & interesting comes out.  Or maybe that'll be a strategy like picking a Toontrack 6 pack even though there's nothing you currently want.
    But regardless - for me it's definitely going to be limited run subscription.


    I'm going to do absolutely.. nothing.. ?

    I'd put money on all of those plugins being $25 or less in the not too distant future. Keep in mind they'll still need to do something better for Black Friday, etc too. $20 vouchers could still play a part in sales.

    They've also set some new all-time low prices on them, which means we're likely to see them again.

    I'll be happy to wait and not help encourage subscription options. But I also have plenty to use, so there's no real need, or hurry ?

  5. 2 hours ago, Yan Filiatrault said:

    WUP is a Mac thing, don’t need on PC for Waves plugins to continue working for years

    In general it's much better than with Mac, but also not entirely true.

    If you have two PCs, or a DAW and laptop you only have two licenses with active WUP. As soon as WUP expires you only have one license.

    I believe you also need active WUP to be able to sell/transfer any Waves plugins.

    I have heard that you have no support without active WUP,  although I can't say for sure as I haven't needed to contact them for support, so don't quote me on that. But if you install an update and it breaks, or want to install on another machine and hit a speed bump you might have no support.

    Just some things to keep in mind.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Carl Ewing said:

    I've paid for WUP like one time in 6 years. What am I doing wrong??

    Using Waves plugins ?

    Joking of course.. they're not all bad.. although all WUP is bad, so there is that ?

  7. Pacific – Solo Cello Legato by Performance Samples

    A freebie built from unused Pacific recording sessions


    Pacific – Solo Cello Legato is a solo cello patch featuring slurred legato. Recorded in the same hall, with the same setup, as the forthcoming Pacific library.

    • One dynamic with espressivo vibrato (the vibrato isn’t controllable)
    • Three mic positions – CL (close), SC (section), and AB (spaced far pair)
    • 48kHz / 24bit
    • NCW-compressed, ~614 MB total
    • Built for Kontakt 6.6.0 and above – full, retail version of Kontakt required
    • Download via Continuata

    Please note that, like all other PS products, you can generate manual links (direct HTTP links) by inserting the download code you receive on the Continuata Manual Links Generation webpage.

    Performance Samples freebies can be used for commercial musical work — there are zero limitations in this regard — the freebies adhere to the same EULA that the paid products do.

    • Thanks 3
  8. 58 minutes ago, Brian Walton said:

    I caved and got ReAmp Studio.  I don't remember if I demoed GMII or ReAmp Studio when it came out.

    But ran the demo (again) and though many of the amps are just throw aways that I'd never use.  There are some surprisingly decent options in such a cheap package, including some low or mid gain options.

    The very low CPU usage pushed me to the purchase.  This is one of those that you need to demo to see if the "good amps" are the ones you are interested in.  And don't be afraid to try some brands you might have zero interest in the real world...use your ears and do a lot of tweaking and you might find something rather usable.  

    No way I'd pay retail on this one, but at $16 for all the options it does have and low CPU usage - I'm going to suggest it was worth it.

    Great to hear Brian and I was meaning to jump in and comment on your earlier post about that.

    You can get some really nice tones out of ReAmp and I'm glad to have it as an option. I'd say almost entirely avoid the presets and things are better, so it does take a bit more experimenting and exploring the options. I wouldn't rate all of the amps and options in there, but there are definitely some nice ones that to me made it worth it.

    I would also agree that they do tend to suit heavier styles more in general. You can get really nice cleans and things in between, but you can tell that's the area they focus more on.

    The effects aren't terrible either. It's pretty great for the sale price and just as another option. Sometimes just using another guitar sim, synth, or whatever leads to something else coming out musically, so for the creativity boost alone it's worth it ?


    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, cclarry said:

    A few months ago, when Audio Modern lowered their retail price of "Atom"
    I wrote to Audio Plugin Deals and informed them that their discounted BASE price was 
    now HIGHER than the retail price at Audio Modern.

    They NEVER replied to that email.

    I just looked again, and it's STILL priced more than the retail price at Audio Modern,
    So I've written them again....and most likely will NOT get a reply this time either,
    which is quite telling about Customer Service at "Audio Plugin Deals"!

    That's definitely not great and they should fix that up pronto...

    I do have to say though, they've really been quite helpful whenever I've contacted them and normally quite responsive too, so hopefully it's just something that slipped through the cracks.

    It does pay to check most of the resellers to know if you're actually getting the best deal. The bulk of the emails I see make it sound like it's the best deal in the world and the biggest sale, when time after time, it's either their standard "sale" price or higher than that! ?

    • Like 1
  10. 50 minutes ago, cclarry said:

    That's a heck of a deal!  You can get Reamp Studio and all of the guitar amps 
    for $36 with the code!

    Agreed. I don't believe I've ever seen it that cheap! I did pay a bit more when I picked it up, but still happy with the price I paid and having it to use all this time ?

    I think a lot of people skip over these guys as they do have some very cheap offers so they don't expect quality, but they're actually quite reasonable.

    I just picked up Hellbeast and once Ive run it through some EQ, a pre and a channel strip, it holds up quite well against some of my NeuralDSP Sims.. which is pretty crazy considering the price difference!

    • Like 2
  11. Audio Assault 

    Happy 5 de Mayo!

    Discounts Up To 90% Off for only 24 hours!

    You can Get:

    • ReAmp Studio for only $15.99
    • Sigma for only $5.99
    • AHM 5050 for only $5.99
    • Mix tools from $5.99
    • IR Packs for only $5.00

    And many, many more deals!


    Valid until May 6th 23:59 HRS CTM so not long to go.

    Orders Over $50 gets an extra 30% Off using the code: THIRTY

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Yan Filiatrault said:

    My point was that people were complaining with the new voucher minimum spending without even knowing the offers, while you just acknowledged on another thread that someone can get 17 plugins for 60$ with the voucher.

    The problem is that 16 of them are regularly free...! Slight exaggeration, but I think it conveys the sentiment of many people ?

    • Haha 2
  13. 14 hours ago, Carlos Iglesias said:

    Does anyone understand how this company works? It does some very strange things :)

    I'd say this deal is because everyone told them their new deals were so weak and they're trying to save face. 

    I have MC77 and Opto and I like both of them ? I did pay less, but still at that price they're good. (Edit: Actually I thought that were $14.99.. not so good at their current price..)

    But seeing how I already have them, then their face is not saved yet for me ?

    • Like 2
  14. 4 hours ago, Zolton said:

    For those interested in the differences between lite and not-so-lite (according to the PB product page):


    Thanks ? I actually installed and tested this one out last night. It's in some ways similar to RC-20, which I still prefer, but I still like this.

    Even though it's a lite version. It's convenient having them all in one plugin, same as RC-20. You could still do almost all of this with separate plugins, but it's quick and handy to get the sound you want.

    Not a bad freebie.

  15. 18 minutes ago, satyabrata satapathy said:

    instead of antaras if they put this as PB freebie ,it would have been great, they did giveaway lite version but full is better

    This is the lite version unfortunately. I still need to look at what the differences are though, to know how that affects things.

  16. Predictably very little for most people that have been around for a while.

    Personally I think I'd rather the old vouchers with the original limits than this deal!

    Hopefully they get this out the way as an intro and then get into some useful discounts, or otherwise I'll probably just be buying stuff from other developers.

    • Great Idea 1
  17. 39 minutes ago, satyabrata satapathy said:

    Would include Izotope Elements suite, iris 2, shutter edit maybe, maybe the 3 reverbs by exponential audio.

    From NI there will be mod pack and effect pack, Analog Dreams, Ethereal earth and Hybrid keys 


    Almost word for word what I was thinking ?

    It does mention 15 plugins, so I do wonder about what PA will add. Hopefully not a rerun of the giveaway..

    I'm sure it's going to be great for new players, but I'm not overly anticipating it being amazing for anyone that's been around for a while and picked up a lot of the usual NI / iZotope freebies..

  18. 4 minutes ago, cclarry said:

    Your code worked for me, too Brian, after I created a new account.  What didn't work was that I planned
    on using the referral Credits (12) to purchase Bassment for $8, but it wouldn't deduct the credits from
    my purchase...GRRRRR !  However, because I did go straignt back to buy Bassment, it DID allow me us
    the referral code AGAIN, so I still go $4 off the $20 price!

    Yep, they state you can't use credits on any introductory prices, which would be why.

  19. 3 hours ago, Carl Ewing said:

    The point of the subscription is that I get to use a massive part of their catalog for a year + get $200 to buy whatever I want during a mega sale. Why would I be buying $15 plugins - that I've likely never used much other than a demo - when I already have everything to try out for 12 months? And then buy specifically what I want / use in December sales season.

     I don't understand why anyone debates this deal. It's insane. For $150 my entire mixing and mastering needs are covered for a year - by extremely high quality plugins - and the cost of the sub still goes to permanent buys on heavily discounted super sales. This is the best deal in the industry as far as I'm concerned. Not only that, but 2 years of this subscription has saved me tons of money not having to buy shit I don't need from other companies. I haven't bought a UAD plugin, or a single emulation or mix / mastering related plugin from any other company since I started this subscription  - and I used to spend $100 / EACH on those UAD plugins. My studio's plugin expenses went WAY down these last 2 years.

    Personally unless I own a plugin, I'd rather not have it to use, as then if I want to go back into a track to make a minor change down the track, it's a pain.

    Most sales, even Mega Sales, the average plugin price is still normally $30 per plugin and stacks of them are higher, as they often have pricing tiers. So when you're forced to buy all your plugins in that one sale, your actual voucher just doesn't go as far.

    I don't buy any plugins, just based on price, or hype, I just buy what I personally test and rate. But when I talk about getting plugins for under $25, they're mostly still many of the ones people rave about and PAs most expensive though.  So things like Amek EQ200, 9000J, Opticom XLA-3, Purple Audio MC77, SPLL Iron, Elysia Alpha, etc.

    Just a few examples are picking up Unfiltered Audio BYOME & TRIAD Modular FX Bundle with Opticom XLA-3 for $24.99 total for all of them.

    Plugin Alliance Mastering Bundle 3 which was really only for Vertigo VSM-3, but also included bx_dynEQ, bx_hybrid V2, bx_limiter and bx_meter all for $24.99.

    Even Purple Audio MC77 was only $9.99

    When you do the simple math, it's much cheaper than spending the $200 voucher that often gets you one super deal plugin, then the rest $30+.

    I mean even in those examples, that all costs only $60 and even to pick them all up in a Mega Sale you likely just blew your entire voucher. That's why people debate it.

    Additionally, I really have no need to spend anything with PA and can just keep using everything I have now, so no ongoings. When the subscription stops, many can't say the same.

    Some people the subscriptions suit, but for anyone that looks at the math, they often find they just aren't as good as a total cost. But if subscriptions work for you, then that's the main thing. ?

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