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Posts posted by MusicMan

  1. 11 minutes ago, cclarry said:

    I spoke to them, and the upgrade prices are based solely on the most expensive plugin you own of what's contained in the "group",
    and not "how many" you own, which is completely ridiculous.

    I'm not sure I can actually think of any developer that looks at upgrades in that way.

    Even with the United Plugins bundle I bought today, they even gave me a discount for the one they gave us for free! Plus of course a credit for any others if I owned them too, which I didn't..

    Seems lazy on Softubes part and their website developer.

    Not much of a loyalty discount..

    • Like 2
  2. I picked up this bundle as well. Some very nice plugins and great value ?

    I may as well add my code here too, which gets the 20% and credits for your first purchase. They only class the first purchase as something you brought directly through their site, not something that you just redeemed there. So Even if you've gotten freebies in the past, you still qualify for the discount ?


    Thanks for sharing your code @Brian Walton. I tried to use yours, but that didn't work for me unfortunately, whereas I was able to use Fleer's for some reason.

    • Like 1
  3. 17 hours ago, telecode 101 said:

    oh man. its still too steep. waiting for that new Volume collection to see whats in there.

    Yeah I can't see myself buying anything Softube until that's released.. just in case.

    Their upgrade/loyalty prices suck basically.. You might have half of the plugins of the collection, but the upgrade price is only based the most expensive one that you own, so there's no benefit picking them up outside of the volumes.

    • Like 2
  4. 10 minutes ago, Carl Ewing said:

    It's not really a typical subscription model. I gt a $200 voucher every year for spending $150 on Mix / Master subscription.  It's a complete no brainer if you already plan on buying $150 PA plugins in a year, which is quite easy to do. I'm curious how many people will blow $150 on the Forever sub in a year, get 5 plugins, and realize they totally wasted their money.

    Before this loyalty voucher change it wasn't so clear cut. Yes, with the sub you get a voucher which is higher than the sub, but you can only spend it in one go. From cherry picking the weekend warrior sales and a number of the crazy periodic sales that came up, most of mine have been between free and about $25. Plenty around $10 to $15. That simply isn't possible with a single use voucher, so it might take an extra year, or two of subs, which then makes it less attractive.

    Not sure what the new deals will be like though, but I'll wait and see how things pan out. PA have been pretty good to us in the past, so they can have the benefit of the doubt for a little bit from me, but otherwise there are a lot of other companies that I like. I also have pretty much all the PA plugs I really wanted now (and own, not sub), so whatever way it lands it's going to be fine either way ?

    If they push everything subscription only, I'll just stop spending money with them.. not entirely a bad thing for the credit card! ?

    • Like 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, Brian Walton said:

    $125 min for the most loyal $75 tier.

    I almost thought it might be worse!

    I wonder if it's because of some new deep bundle pricing between PA/NI/iZotope..

    I'll be sitting on the sidelines to wait and see how it all pans out I think, before I get rash and make any judgement.

    I can't imagine PA doing a complete 180 without at least some logic behind it that doesn't completely shaft their customers ?

  6. 18 hours ago, Fleer said:

    Yeah, still very much into Slate Digital when I’m not using FabFilter. But the PSP strip looks pretty damn interesting too. 

    The PSP does look good ? I don't use Slate really, so can't comment too much there, but as for Fabfilter, I do think they're a bit overpriced, but I also really enjoy them as well. They're all very good options..

  7. 1 hour ago, Pollux said:

    I bought the ultimate channel strip during a sale, never really used it. I didn't find any actual difference with Slate's VMR or IK's mixbox.

    I found these handy when you don't really know what you're looking for, so you can easily move things around and change stuff or load multi FX presets. But most of the time I end up with my usual go-to plugins

    That's kind of what I do now! I have IK and quite like it, but I tend to cherry pick specific compressors, EQs, effects, etc.

    I just thought it might be a good way of getting a taste for theirs. Although last time I looked at it, I also saw the PSP one and I really like some of their stuff.

    Thanks for sharing those perspectives.

    • Like 1
  8. 17 minutes ago, TheSteven said:

    Never cared for McDSP's business practices and prefer to give my business to other developers. 

    That's somewhat the feeling I've had.. but I did wonder about some of their "Ultimate" strips, or EQ, or Compressors, as you get quite a few options to use different flavours in the same plugin.

    But they seem like one of those companies that was overpriced and stuck back in the ways when there were few quality competitors.

    Luckily these current sale prices for them don't tempt me anyway ?

    • Like 1
  9. 14 hours ago, mister_tea said:

    Yes, this made me hesitant to use them frequently even if I'm mostly on one machine and not my laptop much in practice.

    However they just released v7 which includes 2 ilok activations per license.

    But v7 is a paid upgrade. Some users seem a bit upset at some aspects of this: they held M1 compatibility behind it, it costs $29 per plugin, and there is limited loyalty discount for upgrading multiple plugins, gearspace is suggesting it starts at 10% off if you upgrade at least 5 plugins.

    In my case upgrades for 3 of my 4 purchased mcdsp plugins would cost more than what I paid for the plugins originally.

    note this doesn't affect the deal the original post is talking about; those would probably be v7 licenses from the start

    That's interesting. I didn't know that about the change to 2 licenses in V7. With even some of these old guys and Waves at least providing 2 licenses while WUP is active, hopefully we're almost past the single license days..

    That's pretty crappy about the M1 support. Probably not alone there, but most companies I've seen just provided updates for free.

    Shame about the update prices too.. some companies just really don't know how to reward loyal customers!

  10. 2 hours ago, Bapu said:

    Very cool. I recently went Premium Mebership (all new plugins are free). So, this one at the intro price almost covers my membership fee.

    I thought the membership was quite a bit more. Or did you get a deep membership discount based on products you already owned?

  11. 1 minute ago, Zo said:

    Prices are super high !!!

    Only one license with these guys too which puts me off them a little... I had been considering picking up one or two of their plugins, but I'm not a fan of that..

  12. Thanks ? I'd been waiting for this one to come on sale and had just been demoing it.

    At first I didn't like it not having an output gain post EQ, until I opened up the PA11 part of it and discovered it had that, along with a few other goodies, including Drive! It really is a bit of swiss army knife EQ this one.

    It can do stereo, or mid/side, but I love being able to hit the x2 button and get more EQ bands, just in case the 3 bands don't allow you to shape the sound enough, or you want some boost and cut somewhat close to each other. Very nice and simple monitoring options for M/S/L/R/LR too.

    Surprised this doesn't get more attention.. it can get a really nice warm richness to the sound. Looking forward to using it more ?

    • Like 1
  13. 13 hours ago, Brian Walton said:

    Thanks Brian, I've been meaning to give it a demo at some stage anyway, so it might still be worth having with those limitations. Of course given recovery time is fixed, then it's likely it's not going to work with everything, but I guess I'll see how it goes ?

    • Like 2
  14. 57 minutes ago, Spice3d said:

    I've dramatically slowed my plug-in purchases lately and feel like I have everything I need. However, it doesn't take much for me to be enchanted by a new shiny toy. 

    This is SO me! Haha...

    I'm thinking I've got all I really need, but even now I've got a bit a of a mental note of things I could get swayed by if on a good enough sale.. some others that pop up on here I even go as far as adding them to the cart ?

    But there's worse things to spend money on, so it could be worse ?

  15. 25 minutes ago, Wibbles said:

    Shh ... don't tell anyone else, but I've run out of GAS. I'm powered almost completely wind-powered now. 

    Mods... Remove this infiltrator! ? Haha..

    I do get it though.. I'm slowing down now as I have most of the core tools I needed (and a few extra! ?)

    Still definitely picking up any freebies too though!

    • Like 1
  16. 43 minutes ago, Wibbles said:

    I really need to start keeping a list of all these freebies I sign up for and then instantly forget about.

    The other day when grabbing those Plugin Alliance freebies I was shocked to find I had about 20 other licences lurking in my account. How the hell did that happen?!! ?

    Oh that can definitely happen! ?

    I use a spreadsheet and every time I get a plugin, I add it to that. It includes the developer, type of plugin (i.e. compressor, EQ, Synth, etc), the date of purchase, the store I bought it from, if it includes VST3 and the price (or free). Along with a few others.

    Very easy to then filter and know exactly what I have from each company and sometimes scarily.. how much I've spent with each company.. and even more scarily how much I've spent overall!

    Just looking at the total before buying something else has saved me quite a few new purchases ?

    • Like 1
    • Great Idea 4
  17. 3 hours ago, Spice3d said:

    Since the panning is based on the incoming signal, it's not as robotic as your standard auto-panner.

    That's quite an interesting difference and I do get what you mean by the robotic side. I guess sometimes that's perfect, but for other situations that versatility could be very useful.

    I'll check that out a bit more now. Thanks for tip ?

    • Thanks 1
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