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Everything posted by MusicMan

  1. That is hilarious!!! Nobody is ever going to fall for an excuse like that from them... I bought Atlas as I didn't want to be dependent on Loopcloud in case they did something like this. I've got enough samples really now. Vocals are still handy, but I have been wanting to work with a vocalist instead anyway, as it allows a lot more freedom in the lyrics and story, etc. Sononym does look good as well. The free ADSR sounds one is another free option for people as an alternative. I did find the earlier versions a little prone to crashing, but I was throwing a lot of samples at it, so maybe it's normally OK ?
  2. Dear United Plugins User, We would like to introduce a time-limited bundle, which is available only until the end of the year. United Reverbs Bundle 22 5 plugins at the total cost of €545 for €169 Are you not sure which of our reverbs is the best? Then grab all of them at once. United Reverbs Bundle 22 contains: Hyperspace by JMG Sound Verbum Entropic Hall MorphVerb which gives you a chance to blend two reverb types. Our classic style reverbs are accompanied by the recently released Cryostasis which can be used as a very creative reverb, And the reverse snare wonder - Mirror. Got any already? It doesn't matter. Any plugins in the bundle that you already own will generate additional discount on United Reverbs Bundle 22 you when you log into your account. You can use coupon UP9198165 for an extra 20% off AND it will add €10+ to your account to use towards your next purchase with them if you haven't brought from them before (Note: link isn't referral link) https://unitedplugins.com/UnitedReverbsBundle22/
  3. Thanks for sharing and that's a crap move on their part. I could be wrong, but I could've sworn I read somewhere in the past they said the app would always be free.. I didn't trust that though and so I never used their instruments in Loopcloud, or made anything through it. I just use it as a glorified loop browser and the bulk of my stuff is only vocals and one shots. Either way, if that's their stance, I won't renew again and probably look elsewhere for samples and they have lost a customer. I will drop them a message on their support page and provide some feedback on it... hopefully they get enough people doing the same and they see sense before too many people given up on them.
  4. The beauty of it all is that even if nobody heard my music, or I didn't share any of my music ever, I'd still be doing it just for the love and the fun, so everything else is always a bonus. It was definitely a really nice surprise and bonus on top though. As for the community, it's things like this that make me really appreciate it even more. You're all a great bunch of people and have such interesting stories and experiences to share. Easily my favourite forum! ?
  5. Thanks Pseudo and albeit not your style, I'm glad you could appreciate it in a way too ?
  6. It turned out there were quite a few to make a note of! For the production side it was: Drums: A whole heap of oneshot samples! SoundToys Decapitator V-Clip Acustica Audio Viridian2 EQ RC-20 by XLN Audio Hornet Tape Softube Tape Kilohearts Pitch Shifter Softube FET Compressor AMEK EQ200 SPL Transient Designer Plus K-Clip 3 Lindell Audio 80 Series Channel Strip by Plugin Alliance Bass: Vital and Subdivine synths Fabfilter Saturn 2 Fabfilter Pro MB AMEK EQ200 Lead: Vital Synth BX Opto compressor Acustica Audio Viridian2 EQ Softube Tape Vocals: BRA VPRE73 Maag EQ4 Acme Opticom XLA3 compressor Acustica Audio Viridian2 EQ kazrog Synth Warmer FX / rev: Valhalla Room Valhalla Delay Audio Damage Dubstation 2 SoundToys Decapitator Fabfilter ProQ3 was everywhere, so I didn't list that separately. Also funny to think that with lots of expensive synths I went with a free one for the bulk of it! Although technically I did pay for it and get the plus version to lend some support to his project ? Mixdown Mixdown was done in Harrison Consoles Mixbus32C with some of the same plugins mentioned and then: SPL Iron Amethyst4 by Acustica Audio SPL Vitalizer Cream2 by Acustica Audio BX 9000J SSL console IK T-Racks Master EQ 432 XT-CC Console Compressor I somewhat found it interesting reflecting back on what options I chose for the various parts as I hadn't done that since finishing it ?
  7. Thanks heaps Erik, I really appreciate the nice comments about the track! Also for the gentle nudge towards sharing a link ? That's funny about the plugins and instruments and it seems you're not alone there which makes perfect sense for this forum, so I'll definitely open up the project and make a note of them and share here too! Haha...
  8. I seriously laughed loudly reading this one ? Well played Kevin, well played! Haha... and thanks, I really do appreciate it ?
  9. Thanks Marc and it was a really nice surprise! I read somewhere that 40,000 to 50,000 songs are released on Spotify every day, so it makes me wonder how that can leave space for any of use newbies... so to hear the track played anywhere is already way more than I expected ?
  10. Thanks Erik! You have touched on an interesting point for me too.. I think part of the reluctance to share on here, is partially because of all the experience and knowledge everyone else has and that there are a lot of accomplished musicians here as well. I do understand a lot of the techniques and can easily hear what I like when it comes to all of the tools, instruments and everything, but I'm still very much green and just starting out with production, so I just tend to feel it's not good enough to share if I'm being fully open. But maybe this is one of those growth moments where I just need to push myself out of my comfort zone and rip the bandaid off! Here's my Linktree if anyone did want to give it a listen on whichever streaming platform they prefer. It has socials too if anyone wanted to follow along as well ? https://linktr.ee/disorderlyconductor I love your story too Erik and I really hope that happens for you too!
  11. You're completely on the money Peter and I'd almost have to check that I was logged in to the right forum if there wasn't at least a tangent, or two!! ? And sometimes those random tangents from everyone have so awesome pearls of wisdom, or get us all thinking, so I love them too ?
  12. Love that Lars and glad you shared it and how much it still means all these years later. I didn't take it as a hijack, or mind at all and it was completely related, so it's 100% all good by me ?
  13. This is totally me too! Haha.. that's why I just picked the one I was working on at the time and went with it. Otherwise another year would've passed and I still wouldn't have released one. I seem to learn more in that final push as well and having to complete it, so I'm just trying to do that now. But a lot of songs just grow out of jamming with a new synth, or testing out a plugin and then I end up making half a track and thinking I better save it for later, so I'm certain I'm not going to completely solve it! ?
  14. Thanks Spice! And I do think the algos kill the creativity a little these days, in that they seem to favour people staying in a very narrow lane, which is definitely not what I want to do! I just love music.. all sorts and so I'll probably end up with a mix of genres anyway ? I don't have many followers on Spotify yet and this was only my first song, so at this stage it doesn't matter too much! Haha.. Love that about yours going for $2K, that's epic! Well done ?
  15. I am aware of some technical flaws in the mix, but you know what, I do take some comfort hearing that ?
  16. I can, although I had to mix the entire thing in headphones, so I'm not happy with the mix and it's probably not a popular genre, but I'll PM you with a link anyway ?
  17. It was!it's not much for most people and I get that, but it's the first track that I released so it was pretty novel hearing it on the radio ?
  18. There really needs to be a ❤️ emoji available for this post, a like doesn't quite cut it ? That would've been so cool!
  19. Not a deal: Just had one of my tracks played on the radio tonight for the first time, so buzzing a little ? Edit: Adding links (still semi reluctantly!) to the track on the various platforms after a few people requested to hear it ? https://linktr.ee/disorderlyconductor
  20. Thenatan Bells & Brass (Free with purchase @ ADSR Sounds) https://www.adsrsounds.com/product/software/thenatan-bells-brass-trap-vst-bundle/ Thenatan Bells & Brass Trap Bells & Multi-Layered brass VSTs Thenatan are proud to introduce you to Bells & Brass - Easy-to-use but extremely powerful instruments that can be programmed and tweaked quickly, for instant jaw dropping results. Gloriously thicc, tight, and authentic sounds. Whether you need deep and sinister horn stabs for your hip hop beat or a bells lead line for your trap beat - this bundle has you covered.
  21. United Plugins: 50% Off for Cyber Monday You can use referral coupon UP9198165 for an extra 20% off AND it will add €10+ to your account to use towards your next purchase with them if you haven't brought from them before (Note: link isn't referral link) The offers on our site are extended for one more week. You can get all plugins and all bundles with a 50% discount until the 4th of December. https://unitedplugins.com/ Also lots of bundles on sale as well: https://unitedplugins.com/bundles
  22. Ended up going for: VCL-864U VCL-373 VCL-4 Flywheel I quite like them all, especially the first 3. I have lots of tapes and Flywheel is just another flavour / option to have. 373 surprised me and does something really cool with hats and cymbals. and 864 can get pretty punchy with snappy transients and VCL-4 works great on vocals and adds some nice warmth. Easily worth the price of admission. The sale is still on too ?
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