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Everything posted by MusicMan

  1. I'm sure we've all been there and missed out on things like that. I know I definitely have!
  2. That has been unusual from them.. especially as they really do so much right. It's probably one of their few limitations. I have wondered if they're maybe trying to release the VST3 versions all at once, but if they can, they should release them as soon as each one is completed. Maybe it's a common framework for them, or they've had trouble resolving some bugs. Personally I'm waiting until they update as well before buying any more as I almost exclusively use VST3 now, but I do like them and their plugins.
  3. Very worth it. Love this one and has such a nice warm sound ?
  4. It sends a message, that people won't stand for it.. they rely heavily on digital marketing and so a huge drop in subscribers is a very bad metric for them. Especially when the cost to attract a new customer is orders of magnitude higher than the cost of selling to an existing customer. I've unsubscribed ? Later Waves... Sack you CEO... They're an idiot ?
  5. Oh I think they've got a lot of experience in making dumb choices, so if there's an idiotic choice to be made.. these guys have the skills to do it ?
  6. Oh wow.. I did wonder about the price and whether it was definitely right, so I made sure I got in pretty quick, but it seemed like it was intentional in the end and I expected it would've been available to the end date.. That's a shame.
  7. I remember saying that I wouldn't bother starting to use their free sampler, or studio rack in projects because they would move the goalposts and do something shady.. and well here we are.. glad I expected them to suck and they did not disappoint..
  8. From what I was reading it's how it's implemented in DAWs for real-time audio. Quite possibly a carry over from early designs they haven't re-engineered yet, but that's only a guess. But essentially if you have a track with 10 CPU intensive plugins and then another track that had no plugins, or a few light CPU ones, that both feed into the same FX bus, the light track (and therefore it's thread) can't complete until both are ready and due to latency and CPU usage that can have a snowball effect of tying up more and more resources as things wait. And nothing wrong with appreciating some of the geeky stuff like that ?
  9. Waves... "Hold my beer.. you think this is as low as we could go?! You should see the next shady idea we've got planned. Our slogan at Waves is "We hate customers, upsetting Waves of them at a time, wherever we can""
  10. Not cheap to add their reverbs either.. Could be interesting to see an effect type "strip" from these guys too, which then could be used independently and on sends. Ideally PSP could just add it to Infiniti though as then it would be free for me ?
  11. It definitely was, but with today's CPUs, it can actually be the reverse and less efficient from a compute perspective. Because of multi threading, by using sends, it can take longer for the thread to complete the entire signal path apparently, whereas if it's limited to just the track, the thread has no other dependencies to be completed before freeing it up. But I'm still going to stick to using sends predominantly anyway and I like the workflow ?
  12. If you consider the concept of what it's emulating, it's really not too surprising. FX has more often than not, not been a function of the channel strip, but more sends from the channel to it. Slate VMR and most of the others don't have FX in their channel strip. Normally it's about pres, EQs/filters, comps/dynamics and colour and stuff. The main exception is IK's Mixbox. Even without them it's great value though ?
  13. I thought the same thing.. if this also included some of their reverbs in particular, it would definitely be even stronger compared to Mixbox. But overall it's a really great option in comparison anyway and I more often use reverbs and delays on sends, so it would be using multiple instances anyway. These guys almost always make great stuff. Looking forward to using this one more ?
  14. I had even considered it at $79 and less for loyalty discount, but at $49 it was an easier choice. Some nice inserts for sure and the same kind of things as other devs, but still a little different to others around as well. That new EQ they added can be very cool in shaping tone and if they add anything else it could become even better value as time goes on.
  15. And this is why you shouldn't ask AI to write your business plan Waves ? Sometimes I wonder if Waves is a money laundering company and with legitimate customers buying plugins there's too much additional money for them to wash so they need to deter us! Either way, epic (but not surprising for them) fail on Waves part.. I'll never subscribe with them so they will never see any money from me in future...
  16. I ended up pulling the trigger on this one the other day. I really like it. I do own a number of PSP plugins, but this added some of the ones I didn't have all for only $49 and it came in a nice channel strip interface.
  17. Drawing a conclusion that someone may as well just use a cracked version where nobody gets paid at all is quite the excessive exaggeration, regardless of legality, or morality. As mentioned, some taxes are incorrectly charged by poor website coding. The charging of taxes incorrectly is probably more illegal than using a VPN to avoid those incorrect taxes. Either way, none of the points even slightly make it comparable that someone should use cracked software instead.
  18. WUP was pretty subscription like in many ways.. if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck.. it's probably Waves ? That copy of the email looks pretty plausible and likely legitimate. After lots of speculation, if it is then real, then it's about time they openly shared the full situation. Either way, I think they've lost any of their customers that were on the fence and probably will lose some more of their regulars too. I'd imagine they will get even lower percentages of newer producers and engineers starting out as well. I think Waves' superpower is alienating customers.. it's like they just want to deter people from spending money with them!
  19. I would say there's a pretty drastic difference between the developer, or reseller not getting a cent when using a cracked version, as opposed to the government not getting the additional taxes. Keeping in mind there are some sites that incorrectly charge taxes due to them not knowing how to accurately charge each country too.
  20. I laughed a little seeing the new RRP from them ?
  21. I was thinking more "Super Standard" sale given they're normally so predictable they could probably replace a quartz crystal in a watch for keeping time ?
  22. Very good points there and actually, I like all of those! I did go to check out Crystal to see if it had been updated, but it didn't look like it was VST3 so I didn't go any further. Sometimes the look of the plugins can make people feel more creative and inspired too. There's also an expectation people will often get based on how good a plugin looks like it will sound that can trick the mind. Another reason why MCompare, Hofa blind test etc can be really good also so it's always unbiased from a sound perspective.
  23. For me it seems a little misleading as X5 (Non Suite) apparently did include the full Convology XT and Melodyne Essential. It did not include Ozone Elements though. I can see why they would want to leave them out and it is heavily discounted albeit also a number of versions behind. https://web.archive.org/web/20210117134039mp_/https://www.magix.com/au/music/samplitude/pro-x/version-comparison/#c1199485 Out of curiosity, if you buy one of the Humble Bundles, does it then entitle you to upgrade to the latest versions at reduced prices from Magix, etc?
  24. At least it's less than 10+ times smaller in disk space ? A few of the amp models I tried sounded really good. Amazing for free. O.7 release apparently improved CPU usage, so hopefully they keep optimising there.
  25. The design has nothing to do with the actual sound, (although it can change perception), but these things look cool!
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