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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Wookiee

    It's a D thing

    @bjornpdx thanks glad you enjoyed this.
  2. Sounds OK here and I can nothing specific in the video that should cause offence. Perhaps it has something to do with the title and the opening scene. It could be misconstrued he is on he knees praying????
  3. I seem t be hearing I don't Know? Like wise I don't know either.
  4. Mix sounds little boxy here on my Event 20/20's sounds like the top has been cropped off perhaps a few more tweaks would help. You definitely have a Captain Beefheart quality to your vocal.
  5. Wookiee


    @mark skinner Sounds good here, on the Melodyne move from cello to violin did you play with the formants as I wonder if that what might be need to get that extra shift in tonality. This has a nice groove to it. (lead guitar players are over rated ??) Your playing sound fine.
  6. @DeeringAmps I will now there's one to watch. Tom I am the onboard barista on the Falcon, I have to say she made a real meal of texturing that milk. As for her wand hygiene well. We have a proper Barista style coffee machine on board, Solo was a nightmare with out his coffee in the morning. Well I am not much better
  7. I will now there's one to watch.
  8. Wookiee

    It's a D thing

    @Dave Oliffethanks nice to know it growled for you.
  9. @Dave Oliffe As a suggestion try automating the reverb sends by reducing on the voice you want to be most forward.
  10. Wookiee

    Still Holding On

    Nicely done Ms. W approves. I like the finger picking arpeggios.
  11. The staccato lead voice could come up a bit, the panning could do your head on cans. Shame it is so short, you have lots of scope to develop this with more voices and some expansions on the theme.
  12. Now did you mix the song to the video or mix the video to the song? Definitely an eclectic track as noted some fine bass playing in there.
  13. Wookiee


    Tad too Hot did you let a computer finalise this? The mix is quite dense I am struggling to get separation of the voices of the instruments.
  14. Pleasant enough, perhaps a little more excitement from the drummer , interesting guitar tone, what did you use?
  15. Would you describe this as Allegro or Presto, whatever it is cool. This was close to Friday nights Proms for enjoyment. The Aroura orchestra played Stravinsky's Firebird suite from Memory, not a sheet of music in sight, with only those who really needed to sit, i.e. cello were sitting all the rest a stood. It is on BBC iPlayer for those who want a real experience in Dolby Digital too. This has all the excitement, musical dynamics and texture a round of applause @jsg
  16. What makes you think that? It seems a very dense mix in places, that is soaked in reverb which does not help clarity. I would suggest a remix with less reverb as I am sure there is a reasonable song in there trying to find its way through the reverb fog. Look forward to hearing the remix.
  17. Wookiee

    It's a D thing

    Interesting idea! Thank you David you are most kind it's appreciated.
  18. Wookiee

    It's a D thing

    Thank you sir, that Cherry Audio Eight Voice and the Arturia MINI's can growl. You are far to kind to this furry alien, but I do appreciate your kind words.
  19. Michael I have had a little play with this in Soundforge 15 using Cakewalks LP EQ to me it benefits from a little lift in the 2k to 3K. As SPAN reveal quite a dip in that region. I did enjoy the composition and overall vibe of the track.
  20. In answer to this part of your question. Why are the things we like often illegal? Normally because the local government have not worked out how to make a profit. Could not understand a word but the mix sounds reasonable her ,first track.
  21. Wookiee

    It's a D thing

    Saws, Ramps, PWM Square waves probably some FM to. All assisted by MOOG ladder filters and Oberhiem glory . The OP lists all the Synths used.
  22. Wookiee

    It's a D thing

    Thanks Tom appreciate.
  23. Wookiee

    It's a D thing

    Who knows perhaps, thanks for your kind words. Thank you Bert you are most kind.
  24. Wookiee

    Agua Fria

    That is very pleasant listening.
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