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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Is it sloppy or is it Chicken Shack Sloppy? I like the harp intro and touches through out. I did enjoy this Interesting comment about iZotopes Ozone. I have had elements knocking around for sometime, got it free from somewhere and I thought I would give it a go. Net result was someone suggested the tune I used it on needs more bottom, possible moral is your own ears not the software thinks your music should sound like.
  2. Wookiee

    Secret Mission

    As ever it is a pleasure to listen to your music new or old.
  3. All sounds used based on provided presets but obviously when one has knobs one must play. The toys used in this were; Roland JD-800 & D-50 Korg Prophecy Arturia Prophet 5 V Superior Drummer 3, Rooms of Hansa, Meisteraal Room, Preset "One" Swamp Ash Stratocaster, through NI's GR 5 and Arturia's Flanger BL-20 Composed, record and Mixed in Cakewalk by Bandlab using mainly stock plugins except for Boz Digitals +10dB Compressor on drums and bass voices. Thank you for listening I hope you enjoy, aftertouch is fun.
  4. If you are State side talk to Mr Roseberry he will steer you right.
  5. @Mr. Torture what is your intended final medium? If its streaming services and possibly a CD, then 44.1kHz is more than adequat. Personally I would suggest you use CbB upsampling function.
  6. Nothing less than what what I would expect from this group of miscreants. Mix works on the Adam's
  7. It is a while since I heard a piece swamped in reverb that actually worked as well as this piece did. Mix came over nicely balanced on the Adam's.
  8. Heavy is, as heavy does, sounds OK here.
  9. Fitting stuff @eric chevrier.
  10. Wookiee

    Europa - video

    Another very TD feel, vibe track @bjornpdx I like You know the Monolith is full of stars.
  11. Wookiee


    @David Sprouse Sorry did not watch the video but did very much enjoy the music, nice stuff.
  12. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 4

    @Kevin Walsh nice to know the music helps, thank you for listening and commenting. As always it's really appreciated.
  13. Drummer with the Moody Blues dies aged 80 RIP.
  14. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 4

    Thanks @Leizer no Crystallizer was harmed in this production ?
  15. Which is apparently private. Enjoyed the audio version though, suitably off or up the weird wall, nicely dissident.
  16. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 4

    Thanks Tom, sorry for the delay but as I said above Ms W broke her wrist she went in for surgery this morning @ 7:30 am Local time. The bass line was played using Roland's ProMars Compuphonic processed through Arturia's Flanger BL-20 default Preset tweaked a tad, with the PC N-type channel and PC Boz Digitals +10dB Compressor in parallel mode. with a little PC Quad curve EQ to carve some space for the others instruments. Yes it does have a little fed to the reverb buss but the Reverb bus has a deep cut HP at 150hZ. Thanks again for the listen it is appreciated.
  17. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 4

    @Makke you are most kind thank you. Interesting idea, thanks for listening and commenting.
  18. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 4

    Hi @antler apologies for the slight delay in responding Ms W decided to have a little stumble on Saturday which resulted in 6 1/2 in A&E or ER as the US calls it, two X-Rays a CT scan and her wrist in plaster(cast) with the prospect of surgery as the the surgeon siad he had not seen a break like it. Anyways, the shimmer was achieved using a tweaked patch called FX Sweet ride from Roland's SH-101 VSTi passed through Arturia's Eternity delay plugin with a tweaked patch Rhythm Filter Stutter. N-Type Channel in the PC, no compression no EQ, and a small amount of Reverb from the global Reverb buss which is Breverb. Thanks for listen and commenting it is appreciated.
  19. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 4

    @Walt Collins sorry but you have to remember I did start in this business as a drummer ?. Thanks glad you enjoyed this and for your kind words.
  20. Nice story @freddy j nice musical accompaniment too. I did enjoy.
  21. Obviously something is wrong with the furry lugs today the bass sounds fine on my Adam's, if anything the mix sound a little top biased I agree the cymbal bell needs to be pulled back a tad. Other than that I liked the song it sounds well played and composed.
  22. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 4

    Thanks Freddy glad too you got to hear this, as for the new toys I am working on them. Thank you for the listen and kind words.
  23. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 4

    Perhaps I should now explore the star types? good idea Lynn. Thanks for your kind words and continued support and encouragement.
  24. You may want to reference the recent release notes regarding the use of ASIO 4sll. I suggest you try WASAPI.
  25. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 4

    Thank you sir you are most kind.
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