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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Wookiee

    Modal Mini's

    Softubes Model 72 (Mini Moog) Arturia's Mini V (Mini Moog) Cherry Audio's MiniMode and MemoryMode (Mini Moog and Memory Moog) Being kind of Modal. https://www.bandlab.com/the_wookiee/modal-minis-a7d68ad4?revId=4b457ebb-f6d1-ec11-997e-28187831e8a1 Thanks for listening it is short and ends abruptly.
  2. As ever Freddy a pleasure to hear you music, I like the use of brushes on this, might I suggest a little variation in them now and then, your choice obviously but very cool song.
  3. See I told you what do I know ?
  4. Wookiee

    Rain - video

    We had a lovely black Labrador who just loved to come for a walk in the rain with me, she was such a good soul, I could let here off the lead and she would just stroll along beside me, it was a pleasure to share the rain with her. This would have made some nice rain walking music.
  5. Almost the perfect sound for Mr Cohen's inspirational lyrics (sorry I must not be a a sarcastic Wookiee) Personally I think your cover add a dimension that was missing from Mr Cohen's original. Mix soudn good here on the Adam's
  6. Nice piece, the plucked strings sound a little constrained, perhaps a tad more reverb on them to let them breath a little, but what do i know.
  7. Nice groove, has that Aja sound to the EP, nice stuff sounds well recorded here on my Events.
  8. Wookiee


    Thanks good to know that the mix translated well on your system.
  9. As Tom notes the kick sounds a little off, but apart form that mix works for me.
  10. Wookiee

    a kiss

    I agree this is one of the better tracks the ARP pattern in opening minutes seems a bit out of time.
  11. Wookiee

    Dream of You

    Nice easy on the ears tune, well performed and well captured
  12. Wookiee


    Thanks nice to hear you found this pleasant and relaxing.
  13. Wookiee


    Thank you Bjorn, it might have lyrics only the ether knows if it will reveal them to me ?.
  14. @Helios.G Sorry I do not do Spotify.
  15. Wookiee


    Thanks, twice eh, that's most kind.
  16. Wookiee


    With this I hand entered the Drums & Bass as explained above to Andy. Though I do frequently make use of SD 3's MIDI which I tweak. Thanks for the ears and time Tom as ever it's appreciated.
  17. As noted by the others the mix sounds fine, also here on the Adam's
  18. Wookiee

    That Thing

    @Kevin Walsh No comment on the vox as it is better than my deadly ones. Mix sounds reasonable here, interesting retro sounding song.
  19. Wookiee


    Thank you Nigel.
  20. Wookiee


    Only if you are having trouble sleeping Actually I progressed to the fourth which in this case as it is in C major is the subdominat F major. As the piece moves on it moves to Bmb5 , Em, Am etc. Finishing nice and dirty on the G major, oops no resolution naughty Wookiee.
  21. Klaus Schulze RIP thanks for your innovations and experimentations.
  22. Wookiee


    Thank you Andy,. No the fourths reference is more to do with which chord to progress to from the current. I have recently spent some time reading some highly respected music theory books which resulted in this experiment. The drums and the Bass are all hand entered but with snap off in both thus giving a much more authentic feel enhanced by my essential tremor making some placement interesting. My hands were not up to physically playing those parts after playing the pad fill and lead parts.
  23. Wookiee


    That's probably the nature of the chord progressions. Thanks,who knows there might be?
  24. @Zo my comment was for the person quoted and had no reference to you.
  25. Wookiee


    https://www.bandlab.com/the_wookiee/fourths-36c2fdfe?revId=66442b3b-f3c6-ec11-997e-28187831e8a1 Nothing staggering just something a little simple Toys used Cherry Audio DreamSynth DS-1 MemoryMode Roland Cloud D-50 JV-1080 Toontrack SD3 Avatar Natural tweaked EZBass Modern EZBass Acoustic FX Arturia BL-20 Flanger Boz Digital +10dB compressor on drums and Basses Overloud Cakewalk Breverb on Global Reverb buss All other FX stock Cakewalk Pro Channel Quad curve EQ, Channel or Buss compressors and Tape emulation of the Busses.
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