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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Wookiee


    Another nice song to easy my cold but bright Sunday, as noted by Nigel you do ache a great voice and the accompaniment worked well.
  2. As noted I hear the pseudo noise/hiss/vinyl scratch as the primary Lo-Fi element, not sure why it is needed but seem some like it. As noted it is a beat, as I understand the beat genre it is very much intended to be used as a basis for others, or even yourself, to develop further. Mix wise it works reasonable you have a good positive but controlled Kick and Bass. Do you intend to develop it?
  3. Wookiee

    Play The Music

    Nice syncopated pattern on the brushed snare, another furry paw tapping tune this Sunday morning.
  4. Any song that makes the furry paws tap involuntarily has to have a groove. A groove that works its way into the furry brain and triggers the paws to tap along even if they do not realise they are. That Snare really digs in with its persistence, no it is fine it does what it should do, it drives the song with the same push. I like, very cool tune Nigel No I did not watch the video, perhaps I will comeback and do so.
  5. Wookiee


    Very nice track for the background as one might drift into meditation, I like @bjornpdx
  6. Wookiee

    A Black Hole

    If you listened to the end then you probably won't read this ?. Sorry but thanks taking the trip.
  7. Nice track, I like the sentiment of his history being somewhat questionable. Nicely done sir.
  8. Wookiee

    A Black Hole

    Approaching a black hole then crossing the Event Horizon. I feel obliged to warn users wearing headphones or ear buds regarding the point in this where the music crosses the Event Horizon.
  9. Thank you sir you are most kind
  10. I enjoyed this, as a frequently do with your stuff @jsg, interesting use of an Arp can I inquire as to the synth it sounds like an as played pattern.
  11. This has been well composed and captured, can not remember if I listened to mark 1, life has been a bit hectic here with Ms W not being to well, no not the lurgy.
  12. Wookiee

    Sunny Day

    This is a very pleasant tune, nicely captured not over played.
  13. Wookiee

    Winter Loneliness

    @Makke A noted by Tom the drums could do with a little life injected into them other than that another cool tune form your good self.
  14. Have to agree with the others @freddy j this needs a little clean up, the drums are overly busy in the verses and the bass needs a little more present. As usual excellent song writing and some very nice appropriate guitar work.
  15. @bdickens true I had the same issue with my JV1080 & JP8080, K-Rack. You can edit the instrument files with notepad. Just start with a default one, which you may well find on the Internet, then import into CbB.
  16. Have you tried searching the Internet? Most of mine I obtained that way.
  17. What did you use to create this? Bandlab the Online App or Cakewalk by Bandlab? Or is it a site error?
  18. @Douglas Kirby worked for me, sounds fine here in the studio on the Events.
  19. Anyone is brave to try and cover The Beatles but you have done a fair job on this mix sounds well balanced a tad more bass than they woudl have archived but that is OK.
  20. Wookiee


    No it was no a disappointment at all, it was a pleasant and very enjoyable surprise.
  21. That was nice tune to tap the furry paw to whilst dealing with other things, like email.
  22. @PhonoBrainer I have to confess Tom I am not a fan of pseudo vinyl noise, it irritates the { insert expletive of your own personal choice here } sorry. The opening piano is cool and does not need a supporting act of scratchy noise, just my own personal furry opinion. As for the rest of the song when the bass kicks in nice groove you have going on that bass, sounds like it might have a bit of dirty Wurli supporting it? Are the horns to in the face not for me the sound OK here on the Adam's
  23. Wookiee


    Oh chorused bass sweet, again this is definitely cool grooving in the coolest sense of grooving. Sweet mix too @Hidden Symmetry
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