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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. @Zimonio regards "Potty Mouth or questionable language of any kind" it is always wise to add a warning in the title so that people that might be affended can choose not to listen. As for your song the language seems to be part of the genre of which I am not a fan, mix sound typical of the genre here in the studio.
  2. Wookiee


    @SupaReels Mix works for me here, nice song well performed. I must confess I saw the T2 in the title and wondered if it was going to be like the Rock Band T2 is saw back in my collage days.
  3. Wookiee

    Curare Blues

    Pleasant enough time @Lynn Wilson mix seems to sound OK here.
  4. Nice take on a classic, you have add your own mark on this @mark skinner
  5. I quite enjoyed that, sounded fine here on the Adam's.
  6. It did take more than a take or three, thanks for listening and your kind words.
  7. Some will find a problem with the content/message of your lyric's as some find difficulty with the content/message of other genre's. Mix wise it sounds fine here.
  8. Try counting the first bar! You need to appreciate that not all beats are played. Dots = 1 beat, Dashes = 2 beats. You are most kind sir.
  9. As someone said to me re Pulsar it is Prog writing next. Not sure what prog writing is I think it is when you use more than three chords. Nice as ever @Tim Smith
  10. Wookiee


    Nice pleasant easy on the ear instrumental
  11. Wookiee


    Oh swinging Hi Hat groove way cool, that got the furry paws tapping from the start. Then some very fusion-esq guitar and key grooving. This again has all the elements of extremely cool grooving, nice B3?, trumpet, nice solid bass line and oh those swing drums. Nice
  12. Always brave to cover the Beatles stuff, sound OK here.
  13. Pleasant piece but I am sorry this is way too way too short.
  14. Thank you sir nice to know you enjoyed the almost hypnotic vibe, you are most kind.
  15. Thank you Douglas, strange things happen to melodies at 25/8. Yes I do like SD3 it is the most expressive of the real sound libraries in my audio arsenal. I do have a number of the expansion SDX's and have not really examined all the kits. This uses the new Fields of Rock, Stone Room kit. As a rule I do not bother with split the tracks out to feed CbB, just a stereo pair mains from SD3 into CbB with Boz Digitals David Bendeth +10dB compressor in parallel mode effectively the channel in CbB is the Drum Buss. I really like the Orchestral SDX has some very useful additional instruments it is probably the one I use the most.
  16. Always a pleasure to listen to your composition's @jwnicholson78 you have a nice touch on the piano, I like the little synth buzz, nice touch.
  17. Wookiee


    This is nice Steve, I do wonder if the vocal is a little to dry, could just be my furry ears.
  18. I have to confess not my field of expertise sorry I can not help.
  19. Good for the Morse study, the percussion plays a kind of morse pattern through out, either closed HH for DOT or open HH of DASH, or on the ride, Tip for DOT and Bell for DASH. Apart for the moment when the drummer has a moment and runs round the 7 toms in the kit. Thanks for the listen and kind words, glad to of been assistance to get you though the vacuum cleaning.
  20. @Douglas Kirby What can I say other than I did enjoy that very nice sir
  21. @Lord Tim they were after my dalliance with Metal I am more an early Sabbath, Purple, Led Zeppelin kind of Wookiee. But as usual you have a cracking performance here.
  22. As noted by T the Kick is a bit pronounced, it also sounds a little lifeless to be more like a box than a drum, it has no ring. The rest of the mix sounds reasonable here on he Adam's, though it does sound a like nothing is really panned even stereo instrument's can be panned to give a better soundstage.
  23. @PavlovsCat Just a note on the side it is best to keep a single song to a thread you will get more attention that way. I can only agree regards vocals and I rarely comment on vocals because Wookiee singing kills none Wookiee life forms within in a Parsec of the Wookiee that is singing.
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