As noted @Citizen Regen the vocals must have been really deep, this is very much more in line with the genre. Has the Citizen Regen stamp on this for sure. Mix works well here on the Events.
Welcome @jeison VAlerio I have to agree with Mark here the mix needs some work, first it is way t hot. Whist it is quite popular in the genre to use filter sweeps to empathizes certain frequencies but the high are important especially in a vocal.
Will keep the furry ears out for the re mix.
Thanks for the listen and comments.
Differences in composing, yes I suppose they stretch the mind, achieving some form of resolution is tricky, it's also fun.
I suspect @Larry T. This is a nice tune, unfortunately the mix is spoiling it for me. Here at The 4077 it sounds like everything is sitting on top of everything else. Perhaps a revisit to the mix and make some sound staging placement might bring the beauty to the surface.
@noynekker @mark skinner Applause chaps, very loud applause very pleasant, I must apologise I was enjoying it so much if there was anything to criticise i just did not notice.
I do not think that the whole tone scale is intended to be comfortable, just as eastern scales can feel/sound strange with their 1/4 & even 1/8th micro shifts.
Thanks for listening and commenting I hope it was not too discomforting for your ears
@bjornpdx I do hope the Analogue Lab patch included the CS-80 one of the masters favourite synths.
It does have a Vangelis vibe, nicely done sir I do like.
@AndyB01 thanks I have to admit that post the initial capture I did need to do a tad of editing and use some of CbB excellent midi editing tools to finesse my clumsy furry paws ?
Thanks, it's interesting however it is just one mode C, which some will argue is Am. Using a modal progression is more to do with how far each step is within the melody as true modal form has no harmonic support.
Again my thanks for your ongoing support.
One of the early singles I purchased when it was release Mr Manfred and his men.
Not a bad cover, has the same feel and vibe of the original but with bass I think you need to check your title I think there is an R missing.
Well the furry paw is tapping which is a good sign, yeah he does have overtones of Mr Costello, the whole piece has his feel.