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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Different, probably just me but it feels like it goes no where.
  2. Sorry @Larry Shelby but this now has enough to help peeps but it is going the way of a four page thread. Locking. Please remember this is a peer to peer group so we should remain friendly at all times thank you.
  3. My first impression is that this has just a tad to much reverb on everything. I am aware there is a genre that calls for this but I am not sure that this falls in genre. As for Twixmas sounds like something a Hobbit woudl suffer from between meals.
  4. Pleasant enough tune to make the furry ears smile.
  5. Wookiee

    demo mix

    Mix sound Ok here.
  6. Mine died three weeks ago @Jesse Screed I feel your hurt. You have at least shared your pain in music.
  7. I can say I enjoyed this.
  8. Solid groove established early on, mix seems to work here, though there is a boom here on the low tom as the drummer runs round the kit.
  9. Wookiee

    A Black Hole

    Well I am now in another galaxy that is apparently even further away than the one I came from originally. Currently hunting for another wormhole to find my way back. Glad you enjoyed the trip and thanks for the ears and comment.
  10. @bjornpdx Very much early Tangerine Dream, which is no bad thing. I do like it you have captured it very well.
  11. Wookiee

    A Black Hole

    My thanks to you for listening and for commenting.
  12. Like Nigel says redo the vocal back off the comp and you have good song here, will keep the furry ears out for the remix.
  13. Wookiee


    Weather Report, Brand-X, touch of Mahavishnu Orchestra nice stuff
  14. Wookiee

    A Black Hole

    Thank you Michael, interesting your EPOS are they original Epos or post Mordent Shorts acquisition? I have a set of Epos ES 14 pre Mordant short absolutely stunning sound and no real crossover just a cap to filter the bass off the tweeter.
  15. Wookiee

    A Black Hole

    Sorry David the thought of a Mariachi band made me laugh. Thank you I always appreciate your response and support.
  16. Did you allow branching?
  17. Wookiee

    A Black Hole

    Thank you, an interesting thought experiment or have you actually appeared on the other side, in another time and another existence?
  18. Wookiee

    A Black Hole

    Thanks t I suspect you crossed and did not notice.
  19. If this is intended as a beat for further development then it is probably OK. As a 3:12 song it is overly repetitive, same drum loop some cymbal loop, it needs some variation even break down for time of 3:12. It also sounds like you have applied a tremolo effect to the whole mix, have you?
  20. Wookiee


    Sounds like old school metal I await the finished version.
  21. In an interview on TV Sherman Kelly revealed the rather sinister story behind this song. It is a good cover.
  22. Wookiee

    A Black Hole

    Thanks glad you enjoyed this Bjorn.
  23. Wookiee

    A Black Hole

    You are most kind thank you.
  24. Wookiee

    Mysteries of Time

    This instrument and this music has scope for further development do not let this one die or fade away, do some more on it. You have the 1:35 intro.
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