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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Pleasant easy on the ears piece.
  2. Make sure it's completely uninstalled. Run a registry cleaner like Ccleaner. Then use the Web installer to install a clean full install. Ccleaner is a free download.
  3. Thank you David, this has a couple of subtle modulations to add some harmonic movement. Thanks for your kind words and continued support.
  4. Thank you @markno999 nice to hear this chilled you, your ears and comments are appreciated.
  5. https://www.bandlab.com/the_wookiee/music-for-lifts-2-d97829e0?revId=8ad24b73-3fac-ec11-997e-0050f280f352 Toys used Roland Cloud D50 Cherry Audio Mercury-4 Cherry Audio MemoryMode with some RackMode String Filter Superior Drummer 3 Composed played recorded and finalised in Cakewalk by Bandlab Mixed using stock plugins.
  6. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr trash the source. This has a much better mix, as eclectic as ever very you.
  7. @Kevin Perry been trying to get to listen to these all week something just kept stopping me but this morning. Listened to Last orbit first, left you a comment on Bandlab it was very pleasant worked well on my Event 20/20's Oumuamua Returning is equally engaging, I like the use of dissonance and counterpoint to generate that sense of mystery.
  8. @Jesse Screed The guitar sound buried intentional? Yes the bass is a little dominating. It sounds like everything was recorded in different spaces.
  9. What did you use David? It sounds OK here on the Adam's, quite organic
  10. Thank you nice to know it flowed easy, your ears and time is as always appreciated.
  11. @PavlovsCat as I said the mix works the other thing that is important for me is I enjoy what I do, if you do so to then I think that is a positive.
  12. Do you have a partner or a trusted friend? I do sympathise with you though hearing loss is a trait of playing live. Have you got any hearing aids? You might want to have a chat with Bapu I am aware he wears aids.
  13. Wookiee

    Never Fade Away

    @RexRed I am generally not a country fan but I could listen to your vocal if you where singing in a bar or at a club, you have some real class in those tubes.
  14. Do you have reverb on the Kick? or on some bass element it sounds like booming in the back ground quite distracting. Obviously the Shyriiwook translator can not handle German so I have know idea what you are saying.
  15. The vocal is nice, the piano to me sounds a little boxy like the top and bottom have been cut off or even squished out.
  16. Part of the art of mixing is practice just like learning to play an instrument. Your mix environment is one of the most influential elements of the mix process a poor environment will nearly always lead to a poor mix, and whilst modern headphones are good it is always good to check on a pair of proper monitors. Now for the controversial comment. Disclaimer. This is just my own personal furry opinion and is not intend to influence anyone else's opinion (much). There is a lot of hype talked about Mastering because most people really do not understand the history of why back in the day of vinyl it was a requirement to get it to work on vinyl. Too much bass and you limited the length and risked tracking errors to much treble and you risked grove jumping. Level balancing in collections so the listener is not up and down with his volume control. It is well worth reading about mastering and what a good mastering engineer will actually do. A good mix will need very little mastering. Now days I suspect a lot of it is about getting it to sound the same as all the other tracks out there, or making acceptable for "radio" air time. Wookiee ramble over back to the track in hand. Listening on my Event 20/20's (passive). The Mix sounds OK here, there are always going to be potential refinements but the real question is. "Are you happy with how it sounds?"
  17. Thank you, they come and go, I suspect stress doesn't help unfortunately life has been a little stressful recently. I agree EZKeys have there place. I do appreciate your taking the time to listen and commenting.
  18. They can be extremally annoying, but they can also produce some interesting side effect on synths that are sensitive to aftertouch, which my control has. Unfortunaly for this one they were just silly out of control. You are most kind thank you for listening and commenting.
  19. Not bad having seen them perform this live in 1963 you have captured that 1963 sound.
  20. @Douglas Kirby It had the furry bonce bouncing which is quite a good thing.
  21. Wookiee

    Breaking Away

    Mix works here, it does exhibit some level of early writing naivety but then we all suffered. ( or suffer still from that.)
  22. Wookiee


    @David Sprouse You had some fun with this, not sure it invoked the Yoga position of downward facing Dog, but it made my furry ears smile.
  23. Thanks Freddy this was born from me noodling with some chords and realising that my shaking paws were not going to let me play it all. So I played what I could and then slung the chords at EZKeys. Extracted the output as straight MID I then edited them a bit and we ended up with this. Again thank you for your kind words and encouragement.
  24. It can make for some interesting issues when the aftertouch is overly pensive on some of the synth voices. Thank you Jeff for your kind and encouraging words.
  25. Wookiee


    Appropriate for the time, perhaps if the silly old men who think they should rule the world were required to be front and centre of the fighting line we woudl not have so much death of innocents. Just a few tweaks to the mix should see this shine Freddy.
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