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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Wookiee


    As always the music is sweet, yes the vocals are over processed but we all have to learn and we only learn by doing.
  2. If you are happy with it then its good as they say one never finishes a track one only ever surrenders them. Fundamentally the mix sounds fine, timing errors just go to prove you are human.
  3. Only listened to the OP version you have overtones of Tom's vocal in your voice, mix sounded OK.
  4. Always a pleasure to hear you music Jeff, I have only listened to the BBC version I must say they instrumentation sounds very authentic to these furry ears. I know they are samples but I always make time when the BBC proms are on to listen to real orchestra's, I am very fortunate to own some very cool Hi Fi speakers, as you know and I believe the guy how designed the Epos was a big classical fan.
  5. Thank you Bjorn you are most kind.
  6. The bottom end Bass and Drums are quite hypnotic and well presented, mix generally works here.
  7. This would prove very popular with the new age and psychic fairs peeps. I had a friend who used to sell assorted (scented etc) candles at those sorts of fairs spent the day with him at one once I swear every CD they played was this, no offence the guys selling the CD's sold loads. Mix translates here OK
  8. No not you Keith in another thread from another regular contributor. A Little break down. Basically you bring all the instruments back to basic's, simple rhythm from the drums and bass, nothing to flowery from the keys and guitars. You must have been to a live gig where the singer has said break down.
  9. Having been rebuked after my last comment about vocals I will say nothing about your vocal. My only though was I wonder if a little break down about two thirds though might not have given it a little lift.
  10. Very pleasant Jerry, most enjoyable, it flowed beautifully from section to section.
  11. Wookiee

    Major Z

    This is not quite correct, but I tend not to sing as Wookiee singing is lethal to all none Wookiee life forms within a parsec or two of the offending Wookiee. ?? You may however wish to risk life and limb by listening to Watching the Black on my Soundcloud page. Apologies Mark for the minor highjack.
  12. Thank you David, at least it's not Parkisons which my Dad had. Nice to know you found the chord progression and the whole a pleasant listen.
  13. I can say I enjoyed this.
  14. Wookiee

    Major Z

    @mark skinner One has got ones funky groove on here, love the groove, as always exceptional playing, mix is sounding nice here, why spoil it with vocals, just bring that lead a up a little and let your licks shine
  15. As noted by the Bat the snare is right for the genre his observation about being a little to tight is also probably a good point, mix translates here on the Adam's
  16. Classic Bats, slick guitar and mix, nice Bats as ever nice.
  17. @batsbrew thanks, I had considered them as being a little more forward, but settled on the current level. There's no FX other than reverb on the Quadra, it is after all music for lifts. Thanks for the ears and the comments.
  18. Keep it polite please. Personal comments seen as attacks can have consequences
  19. Wookiee

    Tascam US2400 issue

    Shame, I was not aware of that never had occasion to use Mackle mode
  20. Thanks nice to hear you were moved by this. They come and go unpredictably with no real clue. Thank you for your kind words on the mix. As ever your ears and comments are appreciated.
  21. Wookiee

    Tascam US2400 issue

    Have you tried right click MIDI learn?
  22. As some of you know I suffer for something called an essential tremor, i.e. my paws shake uncontrollably, normally only my left paw but sometime both get going and it can be quite frustrating. I had quit a bad attack last week when writing this so I cheated a little and made use of EZKeys for creating some parts, though I did not EZKeys as an instrument. https://www.bandlab.com/the_wookiee/music-for-lifts-one-5389fcfd?revId=a5f13961-77a3-ec11-a507-501ac512b761 Toys used. Cherry Audio's MemoryMood (lead) PS20 (Bass) Quadra (Strings) Toontrack's Superior Drummer 3 Legacy of Rock (err Drums?) All written, recorded, mixed and finalised in CbB using stock Pro Channel plugins + Overloud Breverb and Boz Digitals +10dB compressor in parallel mode on Bass and Drums.
  23. Hardware modular is expensive. BUCHLA just released 7 moduals, each one costs $999.99. You should checkout Cherry Audio's Voltage Modular which is a software modular synthesizer, is considerably cheaper as you can use as many modules as you own, as many times as you need.
  24. Wookiee

    One Four Five

    This is very true, thanks for taking the time to listen and commenting.
  25. Wookiee

    One Four Five

    Back at you t, you are most kind.
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