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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Wookiee

    Dangerous Eyes

    Nice vibe about this @noynekker,playign sounds accomplished and the mix works well here on my Events
  2. @steve@baselines.com Nice take on this cover Steve sounds well mixed and pretty faithful to the original here on the Events.
  3. Wookiee

    So Good

    Whatever you intended you ended with something quite acceptable Kevin, the whole piece worked for me and the mix worked well here on my Events.
  4. Wookiee

    Dream Layers

    Sleep is a bit of an enigma personally, physically anatomical issues cause pain that disturb my sleep pattern, I am lucky to get more than 1 to 2 hours at an attempt. Dreams do come frequently weird strange things. Thanks for the ears and comments.
  5. Wookiee

    Dream Layers

    This was created using four instances of Cherry Audio's new Synth the Dreamsynth DS-1, which is not a copy of any specific synth but an original instrument. It starts with the initial state of dreaming sleep and then progresses through the different layers, yes it does jump but then dreams often do. Thanks for listening
  6. Wookiee

    Missing Plugin?

    Good to hear you resolved it your self nothing quite like that satisfaction.
  7. Wookiee

    Missing Plugin?

    Is it a new version? Do the old Projects have the VST 2 version?
  8. Wookiee

    Missing Plugin?

    What is the plugin?
  9. @noynekker Your memory is working well, the patch I used it is based on the Roland D50 Fantasia Patch but the synth has knobs and well you know.
  10. Thank you Tom, I think the D50 is as much an FM synthesizer though Roland call something else. FM synths always make good metallic/bell sound. As ever I appreciate your input.
  11. @Hidden Symmetry Nice passage for 21:00who played the sax? Nice bit of conga follows, very jazzy feel. 39:18 Like the Asian style percussion, but of bendy guitar, unison guitar and horns mmmmmmmmmmm. Nice I enjoyed the listen good stuff.
  12. Thank you Freddy you have been so supportive it's appreciated.
  13. Nice to hear you enjoyed this, thank you for your ears and comments.
  14. @Hidden Symmetry Well I am 10 minuets in and so far there is nothing about the music I do not like. Yes the mix could use a tweak or three but nothing dramatic, listening on my Event 20/20's. 13:20 shredding sweet. Having a little pause at 21:00 will return for more tomorrow with any luck though the aborealists are coming to sort a few of a trees out in the jungle as well tomorrow.
  15. Basically it sound OK but as Tom notes it has very little bottom.
  16. @PhonoBrainer To me the vox sounds in a slightly different space to the backing. That semi break down at 3:41, perhaps if the vocal changed rhythm to, more spoken? As noted the backing does become very repetitive, that change at the end could be a middle 8? Mix is not to bad here on the Events other than what has already been observed.
  17. Wookiee

    Inside Outside

    Some interesting dissonance in those first few second @bjornpdx not sure that woudl help me relax. That does not mean I do not like this, I do like a little dissonance here and there.
  18. As noted a busy mix, extracted from a big pile of beach detritus. Mix is coherent on my Event 20/20's. Ed has made this polished I think.
  19. Er yeah could be a plan ? nice to hear you enjoyed this and found it relaxing, as ever your ears, time and comments are appreciated.
  20. @noynekker the Roland cloud D50 was the instrument I used, not sure the patch though, dare say I probably tweaked something here or there on it, if one has a knob one has to have a play. Thanks for the ears and the comment appreciated.
  21. @whoisp thank you, I never really know what is going to fall out of the furry paws. Thank you for the ears and comments.
  22. Will give this a spin tomorrow now, I have to do a little preparation for a delivery tomorrow. Would you believe they are giving us a brand new cooker because they can not get the clock repaired?
  23. Another with that Aja vibe, sounds OK here.
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