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Nick Blanc

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Everything posted by Nick Blanc

  1. Bit of the same here. I already have Tape Echoes and I'm not in the market for another channel strip. So the Model 84 will do just fine 😎
  2. I think this is the lowest I've seen Model 84 go for.
  3. Textural soundscapes, the achilles heel to my wallet. On the list it goes towards the BF extravaganza.
  4. I watched a demo of this a while back and it seemed interesting. But I don't know if it will be 'just another' granular plugin, we will see when there are more breakdowns.
  5. Ableton as well. I can also categorize them in custom subgroups (as a quick filter of the entire list). Mine are Mastering & Favorites, Synths & drummachines, EQ & channel strip, Dynamics (compressors, limiters, etc), Saturation & distortion, Reverb & delay, Creative FX & utility. Makes life so much easier.
  6. I might bite on Needlepoint. Although I have Forever 29, I'm reserving that one for the new SPL EQ.
  7. Ah yes, the good old 'run the installer to install an update for the installer in order to install future updates to this installer'.
  8. Not necessarily. A while back I personally didn't really consider Izotope as a primarily mixing/mastering tool. Yes they had Ozone, but to ME they were the guys behind Trash 2, Vocal Synth, Vinyl, etc. But in time, those creative plugins kept getting replaced more and more. While their other stuff stays pretty much on track and I use it more and more. So my customer focus FOR THEM has shifted, coincidentally with their seemingly new approach. So maybe they are 'ditching' some portion of their customers, but i think it is more a shift within the Soundwide ecosystem.
  9. It seems to me they are ditching a majority of their creative plugins and focus more on mixing, mastering and AI stuff. Their partners at Soundwide (Plugin Alliance and Native Instruments) seem to be filling in that gap nicely. PA has creative effects and mixing/mastering tools, NI has creative tools and seem to go more and more to the sampled route. So, create your sound with NI, process it with PA and mix/master it with Izoptope.
  10. I probably know what they mean, but it always strikes me as funny or lazy marketing when a developer wants me to download an "analog synthesizer'.
  11. When I switched to my new PC, I made shure not to install doubles, or when not given the option, just delete the VST2. There are some dumb installers which re-install the VST2 when updating though, looking at you Softube and Native Instruments. Also I made a tiny bit of a conscious of not installing every plugin I had on my old system, partly on the basis of 'do I ever use this?' but also on the 'I paid for it and I damn well will use it!' principle.
  12. Make a complaint video, get that video copyright stricken (?) with material all throughout the video, appeal, get a human to watch that video and hope it's someone with a brain instead of a trained monkey. I've seen things resolved if you make enough ruckus, so a relentless social media bombardment and constant 'harassment'. It is not a nice way to deal with situations, but the rule seems to be that you have to be either big enough or annoying enough to warrant attention.
  13. It seems to be a saturator. I've looked into the hardware, and it gets 'meh' reviews. The HG2 or Elysia Karakter are in higher regard. I think I'll pass.
  14. "Oh yeah, take that dust cover of that synth...now connect your guitar to the external input, yeah plug it in baby!"
  15. Plus I haven't seen it go for less than 79.
  16. The hardware has been on and off my wishlist for some time now. Alternating with the Empress Reverb pedal and Microcosm. The plugin is pretty expensive but if the sound is the same (which it should come close to as it is a code port), it's actually pretty cheap. I will be waiting for a sale, but just think that this is basically multiple Valhalla plugins in 1. I'm personally happy to cross off the hardware unit from my wishlist (together with the Empress) and replace it with this plugin. Same sound, more flexibility for less.
  17. Excellent video, as per usual from Dan.
  18. That would be quite the deal. I am considering this. I'm interested in The Oven and SPL PQ. I guess $30 is about as low as it will get fore those 2 for a while. Adding Kirchoff would be amazing. Weird that they are talking about a beta. I thought it had an official release? But when I check their (threebodytech) website I can only get a demo though. It seems you cannot purchase it? And it says "new version coming soon".
  19. Aberrant DSP SketchCassette II is a must have.
  20. Reminds me of that story where a guy and his father visit their hometown after 20 years of absence. They enter the father's favorite bar and the innkeeper immediately shouts "oh god he is back!"
  21. Actually, I really like Ruina. And it's free! It comes in handy with raw techno leads.
  22. I've let go of my self entitlement in regards to paid-for plugins which are now free. Not to say that I won't ever feel cross, but I can't begrudge someone who got something for free where I have paid for it. And I can't fault a company who canges their marketingplan. I love the Kilohearts ecosystem and the way they now give A LOT of value to producers is commendable. So I paid a bit 'too much' in retrospect. I could have made my lunch at home this morning instead of going out and save a couple of bucks to offset this financial blow, but I didn't, so...
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