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Everything posted by OutrageProductions

  1. I just did a copy & paste directly from the manual. Not my fault for the semantics.😁
  2. I feel ya John. I'm guessing that you don't hang out in the Native Instruments forum. With the amount of redundancies over there, you would have lost at least a bakers dozen cookies by now. 😆
  3. To configure notification settings 1. Go to Edit > Preferences > Customization - Display 2. Under Notifications, select the desired options: Show Notifications. Show or hide all pop-up toast notifications at the bottom of the screen, including VST Scan, Project Load, and program update notifications.
  4. As one who has been involved in staging and recording major operatic events, I can guarantee that those Geffel microphones are for redundancy. You can't just toss a handheld mic to an opera star if one fails... they wouldn't know how to use it. Any ancillary acoustic effects are completely incidental.
  5. Everything you could possibly want to know about the operation of Melodyne is here; https://youtube.com/@celemony
  6. And yet a dbl-clik in the <Key +> widget in the MIDI portion of the channel Inspector commits an RTZ, and the brackets [ & ] will move +/- 12 semi-tones, but there is no way to input text directly (as in +3 steps) into it. I could swear that previous renditions of the program allowed direct text input with a dbl-clik, but that may have been back in X3. Only way now is to fight with a mouse and the little tiny slider. EDIT: Thanks @kperry ... F2 is the answer! (I will have to find an alternate for my current keybinding to F2, but that I can do)
  7. I know. Like I stated, the note naming feature is a relatively recent addition, and while G# and Ab are technically identical, it can be confusing to my students when teaching music theory. The bakers have a lot on their plates currently, maybe this will be resolved in a future update.
  8. The option to use buffers OR DFD has been available in Kontakt since V3 in 2005. In most cases, RAM is faster and less glitchy.
  9. This is an existing anomaly and it can't be changed. Note names were introduced just a couple years ago and there are some issues. I have submitted an extensive proof and bug report to support and they are aware of it. Also see this: Maybe the bakers will find a fix for it soon.
  10. So will the explanation for the hide/unhide of this new widget be on page 1895 or 1896 of the PDF manual (revised)?😁 So much for the "Paperwork Reduction Act of 1986".🤣 No really, I get it. Just more important issues on my list. (Retrospective MIDI Record, Sampler Track, etc.) Until then I'll just use muscle memory every day in my workflow to make a living with this.✌
  11. In an overpopulated FX Bin, select the first instance with LMB, down arrow will scroll to the bottom one at a time.
  12. C'mon kids... it's not that difficult; <Ctrl-A><E>. Boom! Done.
  13. To mute a single clip (or a group of selected clips) the default keybinding is <k>. Works like a charm. Every single time. To play a single clip, bind a key to <Go to From> [I've had F7 bound for 25 years], solo track, play. Easy peasy. IMO the last thing we need on an already deep and complicated GUI is more widgets taking up space.
  14. @Billy86 I have the Arturia Mello-Fi and it only does a tape stop emulation. Variable from 1/4 bar to 8 bars. No startup. And re: your earlier post; if you think of an intro (any kind) as ADSR and you do a tape stop on it, when reversed it will be a speeding up RSDA, which may be musical, but is not the same as a real startup emulation.
  15. @Sheens; I believe all you posted are for MIDI detection. The OP was referring to audio chord detection, which is much more difficult. I've found that Scaler does a reasonable job on single instruments but chokes on a complex sample.
  16. That will reverse all of the transients and sound nothing like a startup.
  17. I've used Vinyl quite a bit over the years, and while the spin down is cool, there is NO spin up, unfortunately. I have made due with an NI Reaktor patch and some manipulation with The Finger (also a Reaktor Ens.) Once upon a time I saw a plugin that emulated both the startup and slowdown/stop of an old tape machine but memory fails me now... I have used (but don't own) the (wait for it...) WAVES SoundShifter to emulate startup/slowdown, but it doesn't sound like a record or tape machine. EDIT: I remembered one that I had bookmarked: https://www.pro-tools-expert.com/home-page/2020/06/01/wavesfactory-cassette-transport-friday-free-plug-in EDIT2: also this I've heard works; https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/02/27/eas-audio-tapestop/#:~:text=TapeStop is a simple audio,stop or vinyl-stop effect.
  18. I made an Articulation Map for the Master Key CC#s and assigned it to that control. Doesn't help IRT, but works.
  19. In all my years of experience there have been two unassailable assets regarding production of a record. And none of it (after the recording phase anyway) has anything to do with the actual gear. All things being relevant and subjective, it doesn't depend on the recording media, or the console, or the room, or the outboard gear, or the DAW, or the plugins, etc. It all depends, ironically, on the mixing engineer and the mastering engineer, and their ears.
  20. Check in the help system. Highlight a clip, RMB, context menu towards the top. CW is much more complex program than most noobs suspect. I've been with it since '92, and just learned something new today that I didn't know was possible.
  21. That's strange. Do you have the clips locked in track view?
  22. @Neil If you clik on the D# piano key in the PRV (for ex) do all of the closed hat notes highlight? And if so when you then hover directly over the velo tail in the bottom pane for one of the highlighted notes, does the cursor change to an up/down arrow? If so you should be able to drag them up or down from there.
  23. Which Tool is assigned to your cursor in the PRV? <Keyboard Shortcut = T> Maybe post a screen shot of a couple of bars so that we can see what might be wrong.
  24. I never knew this either! And I rely on artmaps for nearly everything I print.
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