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Lynn Wilson

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Everything posted by Lynn Wilson

  1. You shouldn't have to freeze or make audio tracks at all. Leave them as MIDI tracks and drag and drop them in your EZ Drummer track as MIDI files. That way you can edit them in the Piano Roll View (PRV) as desired. Check for videos on this on the Toontrack site.
  2. I can make them louder. Thanks for the input! It's quite a compliment to be mentioned with PG, and if you ever see him live, you'll get the same chuckle that I do Nigel, thanks a ton! That gives me encouragement. I am happy to entertain! Thank you so much.
  3. Mark, you nailed this one. It sounds like you're right here in the room with me. This is a pleasure to listen to, and you named it just right
  4. Over time, I've noticed that you're constantly trying new techniques in recording all the time. This has led me to try new techniques myself, and I love the freedom that it gives me. That's the effect that you have on people!
  5. This is one of the most original and unique songs that I've heard in quite a while. The sparseness of your arrangement gives the listener room to fill in the spaces. When you finish this, I'd like to hear it again.
  6. Lynn Wilson


    kakku, this is a stellar backing track for a song that begs for a vocal! This is a terrific mix, one of your best, and with a vocal, the drums might fit right in. You are one of the most prolific songwriters around, and I hope you keep it up. It's paying off.
  7. I am on Bandlab, and I'll definitely look you up! Thanks
  8. First of all, I share your concerns about the state of the world. Second, I love the way you shake your tree and come up with something fresh, yet, familiar. Do you listen to Belew? He should listen to you.
  9. Well Nigel, this was a pleasant surprise, getting an instrumental from you. Very good songwriting is a strength of yours, and this shows off your skills very well. The video is very high quality, too, and I am curious if you filmed it yourself or used stock footage. Either way, it's very well done, regardless of the subject matter. I'll be visiting your sight more often. p.s.- as noted above, the drum part is very good for the song, though, this is just me, I thought it stood above the rest of the mix a little much. My only observation.
  10. Very nice, Kenny! Your superb tone and phrasing are always good to hear. I'm not very familiar with BIAB, but I'm impressed with the pedal steel in this tune. You've given me some ideas to try in the future, so thanks for the inspiration, my friend. May you stay prolific!
  11. Kakku, as always, I welcome your input and kind words! Jimmy, welcome to the forum and thanks for the compliment! Paul, it's good to hear from you, and thanks for your time and comments! I love your new song and steady growth. Tom, I'm very happy you like this! As for the sibilance, I'm using KRK Rokit 8's which may not be as responsive as your monitors, plus I have a slight case of tinnitus which may prevent me from hearing the essiness. This is why I come to this forum; to borrow your ears. I'll listen carefully for this on the next pass.
  12. Terrific song! I think Freddy nailed it, it does remind me of McCartney and Abbey Road, yet it is unique at the same time. The only thing I noticed is that it's a little light on lows and mids on my speakers (KRK Rokit 8's), but every element in the mix does stand out quite well, so it may be a matter of taste. Anyway, I love it and I'll be back to listen again.
  13. Kevin, I love this song and style of singing. This is a song that I will listen to over and over because it has what many songs are missing, and that's heart. I'll be back for more!
  14. Preliminary? This is fabulous in every respect! Your voice is all star, in fact, I thought I was listening to George Michael for a moment. The production sounds very professional to my ears, and I agree with you, long live Cakewalk! I look forward to your next song.
  15. Lynn Wilson

    This Love

    Rex, I like this a lot, too. I think you are wise to make your voice the centerpiece of this song by arranging it sparsely. At first, I thought that if you turned your vocal up just a bit it would change people's perception of the drum tracks, but on second listen, I'm not so sure. You seem to want a highly compressed sound, but I wonder if going the other way might be what you're looking for. I think that increasing the dynamic range rather than narrowing it might work with those cool guitar tracks. Crazy me, I can even hear Latin percussion in this, BUT, don't try this at home. However it goes, this is a great crossover tune that many can relate to. Congrats!
  16. Wow, this has a very modern pop sound combined with a vintage vibe that draws you in. On headphones the mix is well panned, and the vocal sounds quite big, and on speakers, it fills the room. I like this very much, and I think it stands on its own, as is. Merry Christmas to you, too.
  17. Daryl, thanks a ton, mate! I've learned a lot from listening to you. Steve, it's very gratifying to hear this from you. I'm just trying to keep up. David, that's a very nice thing to say. I always look forward to hearing from you and your music, as well! Douglas, thanks for your kind words! I'll take your advice. Gary, thank you for your comments. Your work has raised the bar here for all of us. Tom, thanks for taking the time to hear this in depth. Your idea is a good one because the line, "sinking like a stone", begs to go down there. Therefor, I'm putting this on the backburner to look at later. Wow Kevin, good to hear from you. Thanks for your comments, and don't worry, your song is terrific and very well produced. Wookie, thank you, mate, and I hope you're getting better. Bob! I guess I kinda like Steve Miller, and it's quite a nice compliment to be compared to him. Have a rockin' good weekend, yourself, my friend! Freddy, it's hard to keep up with you, but I'm trying. Thanks for all your kind words and inspiration over the years! Bjorn, your words always mean a lot to me. If I've gotten better, it's because of all the help from each of you over time.
  18. Sorry, Bjorn. Try this new link above.
  19. Lynn Wilson

    Cool Water

    Hi everyone, here's a new song that has been giving me fits. I finally made peace with this mix, but I could sure use an extra opinion or two. It's called "Cool Water" and is at the top of the list. As always, thanks in advance for your thoughts and comments. It can be found here: https://www.soundclick.com/artist/default.cfm?bandid=1065571 Here's the link in Bandlab: https://www.bandlab.com/lynn_wilson/cool-water-2a3574ee
  20. Paul, this made my day. Your mix is very professional; it's crystal clear, well panned, and fills up my room. What a pleasure listening to you improving all the time, as we all seem to be doing around here. Your songwriting just gets better, and your voice is getting better at conveying your feelings. Keep up the good work!
  21. Gary, you produce some of the most professional recordings around, and this is no exception. Not surprisingly, any of those 3 versions would stand and its own. If you hear a de-essing problem, you have better ears than me, however, reverb might tend to exaggerate a de-essing problem (if you can hear it). The good news is that talent apparently runs in your family, congratulations!
  22. Douglas, this is another strong song from you. It really has that 60's vibe in both the style and production of this song. I wonder how this would sound if you uploaded a 16/44.1 track rather than an MP3. SoundClick will take a CD quality mix now, but even a higher sampling rate for the MP3 might let us know how you hear it better. Personally, I don't think it needs much attention because you've already done the hard part, keep up the good work!
  23. I love this, it's a quirky, swirling blend of textures and riffs with a touch of dissonance. The lyrics are terrific and so true. Thanks for sharing.
  24. Before you work on the track, copy it first to have a backup in case you don't like the result or want to start over. I still prefer my method of right clicking on the clip(s) and choosing convert to mono from the menu. It saves time, and to my ear, doesn't change the sound. Mainly, make a backup copy before editing.
  25. That would indicate that the vocal was recorded on a stereo track. Just right-click on the clip and convert to mono if that's what you want. This makes for easier panning.
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