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Max Arwood

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Everything posted by Max Arwood

  1. Yes I did. The projects dump files are in my Google Drive I sent it in really late last night to the standard cakewalk support.
  2. No way. Those are great plugins. Glad to know how to fix it. Thanks!!
  3. I found mine! Problem Report (#724283). Figured it out kind of. For me it was a combination of GW MixCentric, AR, TG Mastering and IMPusher in the bus area. It took a LONG time to figure this out. Thanks to Bitfilpper for suggesting plugins in the bus area might be the problem. I don't know what happened. After mixing all night as usual, LOL, I opened the file the next day and there was a pop then no sound. All I had to do is to was to delete these three plugins and put them back in. Simple enough, but there were 69 tracks with 96 plugins on them, including the bus effects. It took a bunch of time to figure out which it was. Ok, but what caused this to happen to this song to begin with. It was playing just fine the night before and did not play the next day? If I can do anything to help let me know.
  4. I know I have 2 requests for help in a row. I'm getting a bunch of these lately. Mostly when the songs are almost finished. I know it is probably plugin related, but I can't seem to figure out what combination of plugins is causing this. Any Ideas?
  5. Problem Report (#724283). Figured it out, kind of. Ok, for me, it was a combination of GW MixCentric, AR, TG Mastering and IMPusher in the bus area. It took a LONG time to figure this out. Thanks to Bitfilpper for suggesting plugins in the bus area might be the problem. I don't know what happened. After mixing all night as usual, LOL, I opened the file the next day and there was a pop, then no sound. All I had to do is to was to delete the right plugins and put them back in. Simple enough, but there were 69 tracks with 96 plugins on them, including the bus effects. It took a bunch of time to figure out which it was. Ok, but what caused this to happen to this song to begin with. It was playing just fine the night before?
  6. It’s a great priced library when it is on sale. Sounds pretty good too.
  7. I have had this happen as well. I had a ton of plugins loaded. Turning off master bus effects made the file play sometime. I sent a cwp file to support. Nothing from them about it. Did you have a lot of effects in the project? Was the cakewalk cpu/disc meter high? I would like to get to the bottom of this too. My meters were pegged after the pop. My export was a pop then there was a full volume wave form.I didn’t analyze it to see what frequency it was. To get help. You need to furnish -> what audio card? what is the latency set to? computer cpu memory? What versions - Cakewalk? Windows? You should also report this to support https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  8. I’m glad to say the Plugin Alliance BX Master Desk True Peak is fixed!!
  9. The clips look ok. If you computer plays other music ok. It could be that the track output could be pegged??
  10. I went to NAMN one year and went to a session by a famous mixer guy. He did the same thing you are doing, but he edited the volume of every single “s” . I would use the sissor tool, cut each side of the S’s. Do about 5 -10 at a time. Click on them from left one 1st end on the 1st one. This will put your cursor in the right position. CTRL-click them till you are at the 1st s. Then Ctrl-x. That cuts them from the track. Click the number label on the track where you want to move them. Ctrl-v. They are moved. No reason to group them. Place markers on chapters or save as ch1.cwp, ch2 .cwp etc and splice the chapters together when you are finished. Compression and Eq will work fine. If you decide to look into a deEsser you will probably still have some that need a little more editing. Clip gain is great for that. Both tracks should be outputted to a bus as someone mentioned before. google free deEsser SpitFish and Lisp are both good. You should also get the free Melda bundle if you don’t already have it My favorite lower priced one is waves renaissance deEsser. Don’t pay more than $29 for it. Plugin Alliance also has one called SPL deEsser if you don’t like waves.
  11. Any outboard would be better. You can’t expect to get a great recording without a little outboard equipment. You might see producers using a laptop, but they are not using an inboard mic. There are plenty of outboard usb setups that are descent. Maybe some one here will chime in with some suggestions.
  12. Who was the bass player? Wiki said it was Victor Wooten. But this is a white guy??
  13. I have been using WLM+ for years. I have auto save enabled and I do not have the problem you are talking about. I use it on every project. That is strange to me. I’m pretty sure it is the VST3 version. Which waves version do you have 12? 13?
  14. I would also recommend Jim. He is the best audio computer guy around!!
  15. I’ve been looking for a used daw controller. The VS-700C. Is a descent price now. Would you recommend it at $400 to be a descent controller?
  16. Windows update service has a bad habit of turning itself back on lol.
  17. If the volume goes down and the software does not stop - it is a volume / velocity problem. It could even be the actual midi velocity could have been dropped at that point. Post it on google drive, box or drop box. And we could research this better.
  18. Set tempo of a song to 120. That equals 2 seconds per measure. Please take a track and add a long reverb on a send 2.3 sec. Set the track send to post and send level to 0db. Add something to the track. Vocals would work. Add a volume envelope on the vocals. Ramp the volume up and down with the envelope. Does the reverb go up and down to match the track volume after the 2.3 sec? Or does it kinda stay the same and only the track volume changes? Take the same clip. At the end, roll back 6 measures of that clip. Then do 4 measures of clip fade. 6 measures is 12 seconds - plenty of time for the reverb to stop right? When does your reverb stop?
  19. I just moved to 10 some months back. Personally, I would let other people work out the bugs and jump in later. I barely have time for the music I want to do, much less time to get things working after a big upgrade. What advantage would 11 bring? Do you have better audio drivers or something in 11?
  20. I have a track with a B3 synth on it. A have a ton of reverb on this track post fader. I am fading the track out with clip fade, but is seems the reverb is still going long after the track has been faded to 0. What's up with this? This can't be a normal way this should work. I have noticed this with vocal tracks that have heavy reverb. As I lower the volume envelope of the vocals the reverb stays the same. What do I need to do? I might have 5 effects sends - I hope you are not going to tell me I must fade all of these on at a time??? I thought the sends should be proportional to the clip volume.
  21. Thanks for posting this I really liked it. I’m usually only good for about 3min listening but this thing kept changing and changing. It kept my interest all the way thru!
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