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Keith Wilby

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Everything posted by Keith Wilby

  1. https://www.bandlab.com/wilbyforce/motherspride-4ed4e4f6?revId=f062c7d7-9d3b-ea11-a601-2818789a1e8a Originally written recorded by me 25 years ago using a Yamaha SQ-16 key/sequencer, spruced up here with new vocals and other bits 'n' bobs using Cakewalk. Exploring three mother/child relationships. Critiques welcome.
  2. Keith Wilby

    High Road

    Love it, very professional. I have a pet hate of chattering hi-hats but you have buried them in the mix very well.
  3. Brilliant, love it. Tongue in cheek-ness at its best.
  4. https://www.bandlab.com/wilbyforce/lady-5dcfdb56?revId=8877fdd5-af3a-ea11-a601-2818789a1e8a As suggested I've added some drum fills here and there and the middle 8 now contains new lyrics and percussion. Thanks for all the feedback people
  5. Not to my taste but brilliantly played and recorded.
  6. Hi Mark and thank you for your feedback. I used Cakewalk for this. Hours of endless fun. Will check out the issue you mentioned.
  7. https://www.bandlab.com/wilbyforce/awomanscorned-e1ee288b?revId=f246bd3d-063a-ea11-a601-2818789a1e8a I think this is complete now. I've added some backing vocals and changed a few lyrics.
  8. This is much the same as the previous iteration except that the part in the middle has completely new words since one of the comments was that there was some repetition. I think it makes a big difference. https://www.bandlab.com/wilbyforce/lady-4d0c17d4?revId=bff1bd5c-bd37-ea11-a601-2818789a1e8a
  9. Hi David, I'm not sure which background noise you mean but it might well be the monotonic piano with a Lennon-esque tape echo on it.
  10. Hi Bjorn and thanks for your comments. In the real life story, the murderer disposed of his wife's body in a lake called Coniston Water in NW England, which is surrounded by hills. In my mind I had the guitarist playing atop one of the hills and the murderer hearing it in the distance as he tipped the body out of his boat, which is why it's relatively quiet there. Good point about the repeated lyrics, I'll have a think about that one. Thanks again.
  11. Thanks Tom, I'll check my project for those crackles. Mightily flattered by the Floyd and Gabriel references, they're giants to me. Will tinker with the snare as suggested, I might be old but one is never too old to learn. Happy to know that the vocal is appreciated as I've never been confident in my voice, although I've tried to make it sound as if the storyteller is getting more and more depraved as the song progresses
  12. Many thanks Mark, I was trying to make it as sinister sounding as I could
  13. Hi all, here's another project (I think) I've nearly finished. Based loosely on a murder that happened close to where I live some time ago, the story unfolds from the murderer's viewpoint as he taunts his victim, his wife. It's definitely an "album track" owing to its duration but I'm hoping it has enough going on to carry it without anyone yawning, but please do shout up if you do yawn and it's my fault. I hope you enjoy it despite my woeful attempts to play lead guitar.
  14. Great input Tom, gives me much to consider. Many thanks. Maybe you could do a solo for me? I'm a lousy lead guitarist Incidentally, how would I go about doing a pick up on the snare on Addictive Drums 2?
  15. Many thanks for the comments. I'm taking on board the vocal fx comments, the brass ensemble plays beneath the vocal in all the choruses as well as the intro, and wouldn't you know it, I used to have a punchy little ending instead of a fade but I thought it was too abrupt. I'll see if I can come up with a compromise. All good feedback and it's much appreciated.
  16. Thanks kloon, you're right, there is a phaser on the vocal but I was trying to add a bit of mystery and a dash of sinister-ness, but if it's missing the mark then I might try something else ... or even nothing
  17. Recently completed, I hope you like it but critiques invited - I might be old but never too old to learn. A woman has hired a private detective to spy on the activities of another woman she suspects is cheating with her partner. Fill in your own back story
  18. Hi all, So, for example, if I create a MIDI track using "SI-Bass Guitar", I get a lane with all the little dashes in it that represent the notes I played. I can then record those notes into a waveform in the lane above it. I've never felt the need to do that and I wondered what, if any, the advantage was. Anyone? Many thanks.
  19. Good question, I have no idea but you've certainly given me something to read about. It's behaviour that I thought had altered without my intervention but I may well have inadvertently pressed something. Thank for your reply.
  20. Hi all, After a recent update I notice that, if I've closed a project with the console view open and un-docked, when I re-open it, the console view appears briefly where I'd left it and then docks itself back into the bottom of the main window. Is this expected behaviour, or more hopefully an option I can turn off? Many thanks.
  21. Thanks Robert. I must be being a bit thick, I don't see an option to assign a cymbal to a "Flexi" 😮
  22. Hi all, On the "mixer" window of AD, the one with all the faders and the names of each drum above, can you assign drums to a fader? For example, can I change "Flexi 1" to be "CYM 1"? Many thanks.
  23. Hi all, clueless newbie drum question follows. If I have an electronic drum kit connected to my PC via USB, can I use it to trigger drum sounds in (for example) Addictive Drums 2? Am considering getting such a kit and this would be a big consideration. Many thanks.
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