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Andres Medina

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Everything posted by Andres Medina

  1. I got the crash dump. Too big to send (3.5 Gb...!) Here is the link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1IbpCE2P7_-vbMoMSDg_isDqebCzRq9BP&usp=drive_fs
  2. Randomly before and after the cursor Both with and without Snap (with Snap it would be to Measure) Random, but usually within normal range (+/- 10 bmp) I thought so: I already tried it without any VST, just pure midi data on one midi track. Still hangs. No, CW just keeps playing (I hear the metronome), but is unresposive and has to be ended in task manager. I will - Note: noticed that when drawing with the line tool, CW jumps to the end of the drawn line. In freehand the now time goes randomly toward the center of the drawn lines.
  3. Update: it hangs with several tools (free hand - line - sine). Sometimes CW hangs immediately, others it takes a while.
  4. Hello, I didn't come across this possible bug on latest version before, so I post this one now, that is reproducible: CW hangs when drawing tempo in this scenario: Record midi data Open Tempo View Hit PLAY Draw tempo using the LINE Tool while CW is playing CW hangs - there is not a crash dump, even if I set ExceptionHandlingSeverity at 7 Thanks!
  5. I would add: If you opt to use an external editor, one way to go is: just add 5 secs of blank video before frame 1 - export the video (MP4- H264 codec works great inside CW even at high resolution) Import the video in CW Now you know that your video starts at precisely SMPTE. You need to set up a tempo for your music. Doing this will change the measure-beat relation to the video, and probably won't match your compositional needs. If so: Insert your desired initial music tempo 1 or 2 measures before your video starts, and draw tempo changes in the tempo view before this initial tempo. This will change the position of your measures vs the video. (this takes time, but once you understand how it works, it's not that difficult) All of the above is really a tedious/long workflow for something that should be as easy as "drag your video to the point you want it in the timeline" Studio One already has this ability, so I guess it's something that can definitely be done. I would LOVE to see this basic feature in the new Sonar!!
  6. Regarding bugs: in my experience, if a software is well designed, the difference is made by the support team: when things go wrong, it's up to them to give help. Regarding CW, at least in my experience, the support is outstanding.
  7. Melodyne Studio, 10 min joggling blops, everything fine in my system.
  8. I do use Itunes, and works just fine for me. Once you are familiar with it, it helps keep multiple files or multiple projects organized. Import the file into Itunes in your PC, label it in a meaningful way and your are ready to go on your Iphone.
  9. Great! So far, everything is working just fine. Thanks to the bakers -
  10. I see... if you can see and hear the tempo changes, but they are not reflected in the timeline or the left pane, that's weird (may be a bug?) I have never experienced something like that before. Interesting ... Perhaps other users can help. Or even the support team. Seems like a technical issue within CW, not user related.
  11. According to your image, it seems that there are no tempo nodes until measure 33, and it seems to be the same original 130 bpm tempo. Same for measure 34. That's why the left pane does not reflect your changes, as there are none? Measure 69 shows a tempo change to 125.02, but it's out of the range in your pic.
  12. I have had the same issue. Mind that your BT headphones travels on a BT connection, that is carried from your Laptop tiny audio card. And CW is not at its best running in such configuration, as the above notes explain. However, your main audio card should be a proper audio card with proper drivers in order to take full advantage of CW - But such audio card is not a bluetooth device...! Provided that you got a proper audio card, one solution is to buy a Analog to BT converter, which allows you to transmit your analog audio via BT to your BT headphones. In this scenario, you can hear all the audio coming from the audio card, but as stated above, with a noticeable delay. In some stages of music production this is a major inconvenience, like when you are playing your keyboard or autidioting audio in real time. But for other stages I find it irrelevant: mixing i.e. , if you are not adjusting things in real time. I already work this way, and enjoy a very good pair of Noise Cancelling BT headphones, which completely isolate me from the external noise - with the above limitations.
  13. I use google drive for all tasks that are CW related, and haven't encounter any uses, BUT the audio data is pointed to a drive that is outside Google Drive, meaning that the project file is cloud based, but the audio is not. I had the problem you mentioned, and at the time it was suggested that writing audio files in the cloud was a slow process, as the service has to synchronize them, and it takes time, so, eventually it leads to errors. I adjusted my workflow so that after each session I make a backup of the session - audio included - , in the cloud. So far, it works fine for me, but I guess everybody has its own preferred workflow.
  14. Happy to help...! I had sort of a nightmare in my first attempts to run video in CW - not a CW fault by the way: video+audio is tricky at first. I troed Cubase for a while and was even worse. Never got the video to run at all. Look, I tried a number of codecs. Mp4 is a wrapper. The actual codec is very important. AVi is super heavy, but at least it made your video run...! After many many trials, I found H264 is a very good choice: it produces a small file and very good video resolution, with little load in your system. Just re-export your video file using any free video converter, and make sure you select H264 codec, keeping all other video settings the same. If you need more info, feel free to ask.
  15. Sorry to hear that. I don't have more answers, but one more question: What type of video are you trying to run? I have no trouble at all working with video, but only if I use H264 video codec. Other formats were problematic inside CW. I usually re encode the video to H264 if I'm not able to ask to the video producers to export so beforehand.
  16. I agree: in addition, try inserting the video in a blank project (no VST's), and see if starts immediately.
  17. Although a little tricky, OMF files were designed to solve this problem. It's old but if handled properly it works just fine. Reaper must have the ability to export it's file as OMF anyway. Not sure if it does. Once exported, just open the OMF file in CW and you'll get all the tracks and its clips in their corresponding positions in your timeline. But basically you have to build up your session from this basic scratch . Here is the info in the documentation, if it helps: https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Exporting.11.html
  18. I have used OMF's before, and it's tricky, but once you get it right is very convenient if you want to preserve different takes and clips and their corresponding places in your timeline. If your Protools session is comprised of only final takes, I guess the method OutrageProductions outline may be best. Tip: be sure to ask for the original tempo of the protools session, as you need to use the same in CW.
  19. I guess it will be common practice in a few years, thanks to AI, but at the moment I have no notice of this kind of automated intelligent workflow. There are a few smart tools out there, but what you expect is way more complicated.
  20. It means that your project had those 5 plugins loaded, but CW is unable to find them now. Why? you could have moved them to another location, or they were uninstalled, or your plugin manager menu is not including the path that contains those plugins... or other issues. You could rescan your VST's and make sure that you include the folders where those 5 plugins are installed. It usually solves the problem.
  21. I know how frustrating is to get sucked into all this technical tangle... but, really, is very important that you get a proper audio card and it's native driver. This issue comes again and again in this and other forums.
  22. No difference that I'm aware. Just different signal path. Regarding "sends": they are extremely useful if you understand the way they work. Worth checking the documentation!
  23. I did have this same issue, but with Steinberg products. They install the generic ASIO driver mentioned, and is not that easy to find. CW finds this driver and assumes it's the right one to use. See this thread to erase any unwanted ASIO driver: https://helpcenter.steinberg.de/hc/en-us/articles/206633450-How-to-delete-old-ASIO-device-entries
  24. As I understand, the PRV Snap only provides the option to configure a different snap resolution from the track view. Say in track view you set snap to measure, and in PRV sanap to quarter note. But the main Snap button must be engaged.
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