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Kevin Walsh

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Everything posted by Kevin Walsh

  1. I thought of doing exactly that, Tom, thank you for the use of your ears, lol.
  2. Update: After all the great feedback I rolled up my sleeves and got busy fixing stuff, but while I was at it, a very powerful storm blew through and we lost power. When it came back all my final mix settings were wiped out and I had to re-mix from scratch. I'm not sure if it's better or not, I just know some stuff is different. I've also brought the kick and the hats in, but because of my service-related hearing loss, I can't really hear the hats at all so if there are any issues with the levels, please help a brother out with the trial and error process of getting it right! Thanks again for all your help! Kevin New mix: Original post: Well, after a very long hiatus I finally got back in the saddle and wrote a new tune. Unfortunately I find that my ears are getting kind of ragged with respect to hearing the full spectrum clearly. Certain frequencies are getting pretty hard for me to hear and mixing is becoming a pretty tough undertaking. So I'm turning to you guys to tell me if this is in the ballpark. Is this a balanced tune? Any problems with the mix? Thanks!
  3. I think this one beats the burnt toast thing. Love it!
  4. I see you marked the issue as fixed. For the benefit of those who see this thread in the future, what was the problem and what did you do to fix it?
  5. Well, you beat me to it. Somehow the setting reset to "snap by", thanks for jumping on that! I always have that set to "to" and it's been that way for so long that I've quite forgotten about it. I have to look up landmarks, not sure what that one is. I appreciate it!
  6. Not sure if anyone else is seeing this. I'm deep into a session and I've just noticed that with smart tool selected and grid snap on and set to whole note, all my clips do not snap to the measure boundaries. I've not seen this before but it's entirely possible that this is expected behavior for some reason after some sequence of steps that I cannot remember taking. This build is on the whole much more stable, even with my Focusrite Solo 2nd Gen interface (not terribly impressed with the USB drivers for this interface.)
  7. Great post, particularly on the use of score as a synonym of the number 20. I doubt, however that the usage has anything to do with the price of drugs. The bible refers to a human's God-given life span as "three score and ten" years. And in 1865, US President Abraham Lincoln famously (to Americans at least) started his Gettysburg address with the words, "Four score and seven years ago...".
  8. Yeah but 16 cores, c'mon man! 😎 Cant wait to hear what you find with the 3950 in your tests. The heat generated by the AMD part looks to be quite a lot less, food for thought there. And I see little in the way of talk about TB3 with these x570 boards. I hate to think I would have to wait (and pay!) for x590. My boxes are used for for work as well as DAW so the additional cores are welcome, especially at that price point! Besides, I'm pretty confident that the 3950 single thread performance can beat what Im getting now with my i7/960 X58 build. At least I hope so!
  9. I honestly don't remember. It was with Sonar 7, I remember that much. 😀
  10. I'm not seeing a lot of downside here. https://www.forbes.com/sites/antonyleather/2019/06/14/will-amds-749-ryzen-9-3950x-really-beat-intels-mighty-2000-core-i9-9980xe/#39c8539043eb
  11. Started playing 12 years ago. I'm 62 now. Wish I'd started earlier but there it is.
  12. Michael, you might consider posting your question in the songs forum. I got a lot of great mix-related feedback on my projects there.
  13. +1 on a cheap mic. Love 'em, that's all I have but man, that fizz. A problem I also battle constantly comes from recording vocal takes in a poorly treated room. This results in a relatively high noise floor which, after a compression stage tends to distort the signal. So even though your gain staging was dead on, if there's noise in the chain it will get smooshed into audible fuzz.
  14. Glad you found the answer! I had lots of stability issues with CbB. I tried everything I could think of, and nothing helped. After a lot of digging around I found Windows 10 system file checker, and that stabilized things nicely. If others are having issues and nothing in this thread has helped, you might wish to check out this link: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4026529/windows-10-using-system-file-checker
  15. Yeah, I suspect lots of things fell through the cracks around the time BandLab acquired Cakewalk IP and launched the new product line. Contributors like @MUDGEL and @Craig Anderton are pretty valuable to a product community and while I don't know for certain, it's seems likely (at least to me) that no messages were intended by the silence from BandLab. It's good to air these kinds of things so that steps can be taken to address any oversights that may have occurred.
  16. Bleh! I'm glad I don't have to deal with that kind of cognitive dissonance.
  17. For the sake of folks who may at some point in the future find themselves in a similar pickle, perhaps you could share how you resolved the issue?
  18. Gosh it's nice to know I'm not the only one seeing this.
  19. I never really stopped using Sonar. I was going to keep using it till it wouldn't go no more and then deal with the problem when that happened. I did poke around with other DAWs though. I have MixBus and Reaper in addition to Cakewalk. In both of those DAW's I keep reaching for stuff that isn't there. Well, I know that the stuff is there, I just kept not finding it. I found MixBus charming and I like it but I don't really use it. I'm just not smart enough to figure out how to make mixes that sound good there. To me Reaper's UI is like watching a 1970's cheap action movie. In particular I dislike how automation lanes are laid out. It's nice to see and have at everything at once but all that information on the screen confuses and angers my amygdala. I must have gone through about a gazillion themes trying to find one that worked for me.
  20. I know the BT plugins get slammed by some, but I've always liked them and the special little sugar they sprinkle everything with. Guess that was a little off topic. My bad.
  21. I really enjoyed this take on that song. Completely different but honoring what the song is. Very imaginative and inspiring.
  22. This is a great song. I really love your voice and the whole vibe of the piece. Really enjoyed it and the lovely guitar work.
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