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Kevin Walsh

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Everything posted by Kevin Walsh

  1. Love this, so much space. This is great for writing software to, Wookie. I slapped my phones on and slipped into my work state faster than I usually do. Gas Giants!
  2. Really liked the song, and especially the chorus. Really good song with great changes. I don't know how you keep churning out one good tune after another so quickly, hats off to you!
  3. Maybe all it needs is a remix.
  4. Thanks for the feedback and the kind words! I'm particularly appreciate your comments on the guitars, which is where a lot of my time was spent. I'll give those ideas a whirl and see how they work.
  5. Thanks, David! I saw you have another NPR offering I need to listen to, love those.
  6. I really like the way you approached this arrangement. Lots of cool steely dan-esque flourishes and really nice backgound vocal parts here. You vocals are just great. I listened to the mix on my phone and it sounded great but there are moments where the guitar interferes with the singing in places but on a better device that might not be the case. Really enjoyed this, Lynn!
  7. Steve, thanks for your time, I appreciate having your feedback! The repetitive drums are a concious choice but I have been wondering if a more varied drum track would add to the song or not. Im interested in hearing how your idea would sound. Thank you again!
  8. Thanks so much for listening, Larry, and I appreciate you taking the time to comment!
  9. Interesting panning going on here in the opening section. I cannot hear the vocals very well. The vocals panned to the left are a bit back in the mix, and the bass, drums and guitar seem to occupy the same space toward the right with the other vocal. The overall effect is a bit unclear and chaotic and it's hard for me to follow. That may in fact be what you're after. Assuming it's not, I'd try for a more conventional panning with vocals, drum and bass in the middle with some separation between the vocal parts, and guitars panned right and left. Your recordings are typically nice and clear with good tones coming from the instruments. On this track I can't hear some things very well so I think some playing with levels to get a better balance would help.
  10. I have a fantastic LP knock-off, it's an Agile 3200MCC and I sold a Gibson LP Studio to buy it. Twice the guitar for a third the price. Wish I could play it as well as you play here, really well done.
  11. Ambieny pop indeed! Nice track, Larry. I enjoyed it!
  12. I found a bunch of phase issues in the vocal tracks, a bunch of takes that were still hanging around messing things up. I fixed all that and popped the drums a bit but it change a lot of the vibe of the original, I think. Let me know if you guys thing it's improved or made worse.
  13. Thank you mark, it's nice to hear your feedback! I first did the vocals an octave lower but alas, I do not have the vocal chops to pull it off. So I did another take over the top of the original vocals. You can still hear the original take. Thanks for pointing out the phasing, I missed that.
  14. Thanks gary, I'll give that a try and see how it sounds. I have a bit of trouble with high frequencies so it's s no surprise to me if I've cut too much.
  15. Thank you, jack.c, I appreciate you listening.
  16. Great tune, great playing, great production and a great guitar. I wish I could figure out how to get sounds like this out of my stuff.
  17. I'm often inspired by stories like this. They break my heart. This is a very lovely, ethereal song that captures the tragedy of her story nicely. Great stuff!
  18. Update 2: I've addressed some of the issues raised by folks throughout the thread. I think it's improved in a lot of ways, but I also think that some of the energy has been taken out of the second verse. Or am I imagining things? One last trip through the tune if you can stand it, friends! To make it easier on you I've added a few more guitar flourishes here and there that I like, and one I had recorded but forgot that I had muted. Doh! Greetings, fellow slaves of the muse, I've finally kind of finished a song that I started some three years ago. It was incredibly difficult for me to get this one out. Still, please feel free to criticize as you see fit. One difference in my approach to guitars in this one is the use of a Rock Crusher attenuator line out to capture the flavor of my home-brew Deluxe Reverb clone. I think there's a qualitative difference between sims and this approach. In any case, please let me know what you think about any aspect of this song, and thanks in advance for your comments.
  19. In terms oflow latency I was never satisfied playing into Cakewalk through a vst amp sim. Even with a very powerful computer there was just too much fiddling around required to get the latency to a reasonable level. I found that Guitar Rig 5 run in standalone mode alongside Cakewalk got me very good realtime sounds and allowed me to record in Cakewalk at the same time. I use an Audient ID22 which I love.
  20. I've had this happen quite a few times too. It happened so frequently for a while that I started recording in Reaper and importing the wav files.
  21. New users are often unaware of the things we expect them to have done or what questions we want answered before they post a question.
  22. The mix was really good, thought maybe the bass was a very small bit forward, it kept stealing my attention from the lyrics particularly around the bridge (which is pretty damned nice.) Piano is divine. Damn I liked this one. Really enjoyed the journey the chords took me on.
  23. Kevin Walsh

    Warp 8

    Thanks wookie, this is a nice one, I enjoyed the changes in the middle quite a bit and the end was quite good.
  24. I gave this a listen last night on my phone's little dinky speakers. I think that if a mix sounds decent that way, it will sound great on phones or speaker. And this sounded good on the phone. I could hear everything. Yeah, you're right, the bass is too forward but at least it's tone is really good. I just gave it another listen on the ol' Slate VSX phones with the plugin active and set to Archon room, mid fields and it sounds pretty good. Get that bass mixed in right and it will sound a lot better. I'd love to hear more of the guitar. I like it's tone quite a bit. I'm curious, what do you guys intend to do with the product of these jams? Inquiring minds wonder. Are you going to do more development with Blood Bath 535? I liked that one quite a bit.
  25. I'm sure this is a common problem with the aging boomer generation. I have severely compromised high-frequency hearing acquired in the military. Up until now my strategy has been to mix it as best as I can taking into account my hearing loss and then letting a lot of different people including people on this forum hear what I've done. If I recall correctly sonarworks plugin has an algorithm that applies correction based on the average frequency degradation for a given age range, but I don't know if that will help you given the nature of your hearing loss. I think what makes the most sense is knowing what frequencies are compromised and setting up a special EQ that compensates for them. However you choose to deal with it, sitting on the porch hasn't been an option for me.
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